Billyview Bee Healing

About Billyview Bee Healing

Light Healing - Soul / Land Healer
Billyview Retreat Hut Airbnb
(accommodation in the bush).
Soul Purpose Healing Readings
Light Language Activators
Adult & Children Aura Blessings
House and Land Blessings
Aura Wand Tool Creator.

Billyview Bee Healing Description

Hello my name is Belinda, I am a psychic, empathy, healer, new age nanny service, caretaker at Billyview retreat hut accommodation here at Billyview, starseed / ET experiencer and healing tool gift creator who specialize in creating selenite aura wands to help with lifting your vibration and to cut cords and much more . I have enjoyed studying with and helping many people all around the world. I have spent most of my life providing childcare as a foster carer, preschool assistant and Nanning for some well-known professionals and left the hustle and bustle to pursue my life's purpose. To guide and helps others. I love to work with my property's natural resources to create unique products and gifts. I also offer freestyle and oracle card psychic readings in person or by distance where I receive information and guidance from our friends in Spirit which I pass on to clients via email or inbox - so no need to be in the room with me.
I now hosting Retreat Healing Days so you can come here in person, experience the beautiful energy here, meet like-minded and gifted individuals to help you through whatever it may be you are looking to correct or achieve for your life's purpose. I have a dream to one day build a few little retreat huts here at Billyview to turn them from day retreats to also offering accommodation and special night experiences.
Billyview does have its first retreat hut up and runny now for anyone who would like to stay here.

I thank you for your support in advance and please keep an eye on this page for more creations, specials and events to come. Love and Blessings. Wishing you a wonderful day : -)

More about Billyview Bee Healing