Bitcoin Connect Sydney

About Bitcoin Connect Sydney

Bitcoin Connect Sydney was created to assist individuals when it comes to getting involved with Bitcoin and other Crypto-currencies.

Bitcoin Connect Sydney Description

Bitcoin Connect Sydney was created to help members of the community who wish to become involved in Bitcoin, but may find it to difficult or just don’t know where to begin.

A lot of individuals we communicate with on a daily basis mainly fall into the following 3 categories:
- Invested in Bitcoin and crypto-currency at some level.
- Heard of Bitcoin and are looking to invest. But for whatever reason they don’t know where to start.
- Heard of Bitcoin but haven't much idea what exactly it is.

Through our feedback process we have arrived at many conclusions as to why many people are not yet involved with Bitcoin and crypto-currency. A few of the most common reasons are:

- They feel that getting set-up with Bitcoin is not easy and user friendly. This often causes many to postpone their efforts.

- Miss informed as to what Bitcoin is and what it’s trying to achieve. The fear of not understanding something new scares people, especially when they see it as a risk to their personal finances.

Bitcoin Connect Sydney provides a local service to make this process easy, informative and extremely user friendly.
We are here to assist you in numerous ways including:
- Setting up your own personal Bitcoin wallet.
- Navigating you through exchange websites where you can purchase Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies.
- Advising you on the most secure ways to store your Bitcoin.
- Answer questions and provide information on what Bitcoin is.

We at Bitcoin Connect Sydney understand that this technology is completely new to a lot of people out there. Our service will help you make this transition into the Bitcoin world as easy as possible.

Our number one goal is to spread awareness of Bitcoin and give people back the power over their own money.

Please contact us via by telephone, private mail or email to discuss how we can help you get involved in the next financial revolution.

At Bitcoin Connect Sydney we are not financial advisors. We will not tell you where, how much and what to invest in.

More about Bitcoin Connect Sydney

Bitcoin Connect Sydney is located at Zetland, Sydney, Australia 2017