Brisbane Persian Yoga

About Brisbane Persian Yoga

Brisbane Persian Yoga conducts beginner and intermediate classes and workshops in Queensland.

Persian Yoga™ integrates, with a simple, minimalist, and systematic approach, specific routines and exercises.

Brisbane Persian Yoga Description

Brisbane Persian Yoga conducts classes and workshops in Queensland.

Persian Yoga™ is holistic yet uncomplicated in its approach. It is simple but not easy!

Persian Yoga™ integrates, with a simple, minimalist, and systematic approach, specific routines and exercises that focus on all of the Physical Skills required by any martial artist and those who pursue total fitness.

It is a simple, natural and functional method, evolved over thousands of years, that will help you to:

• Realize your unlimited potential for natural alignment and movement
• Become pain and injury free and to realize your true potential as a mover
• Develops and cultivates great strength in your entire range of real multi-planar motion
• Experience a long lasting, sustainable, strength practice that will evolve with you throughout all of your life's seasons

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