Bug-Ah Environmental Pest Solutions Central Coast Phone 0452413332

About Bug-Ah Environmental Pest Solutions Central Coast Phone 0452413332

Bugah Pest Control ŌĆō Commercial & Residential Termite, Flea & Pest Control Services Central Coast



Daily Bug Fact, A ratŌĆÖs teeth and jaws can gnaw through substances as hard as lead sheeting and cinder block.


Daily Bug Fact , Their teeth never stop growing! One of the defining characteristics of a rodent is a set of teeth that continuously grow over their lifetime. Rodents always need something to gnaw on to keep their incisors trimmed, so thatŌĆÖs why they can cause so much damage.


Daily Bug Fact, Mice and rats can seem cute and cuddly in a cage or a Disney movie, but they can also be a menace to your property!


Daily Bug Fact. Termite, This is a Coptotermes queen. she has become an egg-laying ŌĆśfactoryŌĆÖ. The soldier on her back is about 7mm long, which makes her about 56 mm long, and youŌĆÖll notice her head is similar size to the soldierŌĆÖs.


Daily Bug Fact. Economic significance: This is the most destructive termite species in Australia. It attacks all timber structures and damages forest and ornamental trees as well as fruit trees.


Daily Bug Fact, There are 300 different species of termites in Australia, but only a handful cause problems to properties.


Daily Pest Fact: German cockroach egg capsules are not susceptible to insecticides. Most insecticides do not have the ability to penetrate the egg case, even if directly applied to the case. The unaffected egg cases will hatch days after treatment. This is another reason to schedule follow-up treatments in heavy infestations.


German cockroaches aggregate (crowd together). On the other hand, the fact that German cockroaches aggregate can help in their control. The brownish ŌĆ£spottingŌĆØ left behind by cockroaches marks sites of aggregation, which are also excellent sites for application of residual insecticides or baits. Use spotting as a roadmap to direct your treatment.


Daily Bug Fact: German cockroaches spend most of their lives hidden and protected. For every cockroach in view in daytime, hundreds can be hidden inside wall and ceiling voids, behind cabinets, inside appliances, and the like. A German cockroachŌĆÖs favorite location is inside a narrow crevice with its antennae extended out. Typical ŌĆ£primeŌĆØ locations are the cracks between cabinets and walls, the flange under the kitchen sink, and the space between door corners and jambs.


Daily Bug Fact: German cockroaches love heat and humidity. Cockroaches prefer a temperature of 85┬░ to 95┬░ F with a humidity at 90 to 95% (although they do quite well at normal room temperatures and humidities, too). Within a given room, cockroaches will be concentrated where the temperature or humidity is highest, such as above refrigerators and other heat-generating equipment, under the sink, and around water pipes (hot water pipes provide warmth, cold water pipes provide water from condensation).


Daily Bug Fact: German cockroaches have a phenomenal rate of reproduction. One female cockroach and her offspring can theoretically produce hundreds of thousands of cockroaches in just one year! To prevent a population increase, either the service has to be frequent enough to stay ahead of the growth curve, or the controls (baits or sprays, chemical or nonchemical) have to remain effective from one service visit to the next.


Fun Bug Fact: Bulldog ants can leap seven times the length of their bodies!


Fun Bug Fact: One dung beetle can drag 1,141 times its weight ŌĆō thatŌĆÖs like a human pulling six double-decker buses!


Fun Bug Fact: A single honeybee colony can produce around 100kg of honey each year ŌĆō thatŌĆÖs 220 jars!


https://www.facebook.com/nicci1974/posts/ 10155007218307113


https://www.facebook.com/nathan.wright.ŌĆ ”/ŌĆ”/10213895701048348


Give the new fella a go :)


Give the new fella a go :)

More about Bug-Ah Environmental Pest Solutions Central Coast Phone 0452413332

Bug-Ah Environmental Pest Solutions Central Coast Phone 0452413332 is located at 12 Kitty Place, Watanobbi 2259