Byron Counselling

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Byron Counselling

Individuals and couples. Combining 40 years experience with compassion, and humour. Email:
www. au



We People of the Atom
What a marvel This single atom Dancing billions of years.
... Never resting Ever constant What unearthly power.
These marvellous dancers, Attracted light spinning, Disappearing, weaving.
And you my dear, You are composed Of trillions of the things.
What on earth, Kind of marvel Does this make you?
Kieran Patrick Riordan
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You are love Perhaps you'll see, Baby-sitting, An identity.
... May you then Pause, refrain, Sweating the play, Of loss and gain.
Any career, Buys dahl and rice, The rented roof, A quiet life.
What a privilege! This dimension, To embody love, Without pretension.
Ignoring riches You'll discover there, In the ordinary An alchemy rare..
Kieran Patrick Riordan
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Marriage Means.....
The world is full of many wonderful things, Awaiting our maturity for their discovery. Existence is a marvel beyond comprehension,... Gently prodding us to wakeful gnosis.
Marriage can be a disaster, Or uneasy detente for many. For those without conviction For those with poor role models, For the weak willed Ring or no ring.
It's something for the courageous To grow into, And grow out of, Without changing a thing. Still staying put.
Finding our mammal needs met, In companionship and simplicity, Supports a solid base for our creativity. This is where life gets interesting.
This steadiness of local aspects, The non-chaos of daily life, Allows deep diving into Self. It's a familiar shore to let go of, Each and every day.
Marriage is undefending, From what's arising, Being witnessed naked, In both our faltering and our courage. Being held tenderly in our suffering In our vulnerability and despair.
Apprehending random desires, As simply, what they are, Cultivating the grander Desire Sustaining meaning and purpose Weaving a natural life together.
Partnership is an inescapable mirror Getting us real with ourselves. Someone to tell all too. Including the utter shitty truth. That's why marriage is so neat. So sweet a gift to self, For those who are ready.
And of course and always! We each can marry the truth That resides in our hearts, In our 8 billion uniquely innocent ways. We really don't need a church, Nor any public declaration for this.
We can be re-wed each day. To the great spirit of life, A ceremony performed in silence. With this breath as witness, And the Life arising As your beloved.
When two people get on well, Why not do this together? You'll have a soft place to fall. Because, for sure, you'll fall often.
Kieran Patrick Riordan
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The Dream of a Child
Under an unknowable sky, Within a vast canopy, Sometimes named Infinite Life;
... Are woven our briefest forms, With their laboured breath. And simple storied strifes.
Ever so briefly, we touch the Earth And like a child, We explore, we fret and plan;
We do our best With limited means To discover what we can.
In the twinkling of a star, Our threads unravel, Pulled from the cloth of space;
Our little story over. As Life, some call Divine, Harvests this dreamer’s face
Kieran Patrick Riordan
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Within Infinite skies My local eyes, Behold this time-clad space.
An unshuttered heart,... In seamless part, Dances without trace.
Kieran Patrick Riordan
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Living Art refined. (Meditation)
A meta-cognition of your flat earth, Is first perceived in claiming pauses. Sceptical of your cognitive defaults,... Many parts combine alchemically.
Without your constant judgement, (Cherishing commentary above all else) The fact of Being is Fuller still. The virtuous aesthetic of Absence.
Innately aware of this neutrality, You appreciate a fullness, Both un-dimensional and discrete You discover you are borderless.
Yet intimate with the movement surrounding.
In maturity of course, Action, emotion, clear thinking Interrupt none of this, Adding delight to an active life
There you find yourself, Subtler than space. Emptier than atoms, Still fascinatingly Present.
Sitting on the couch with this. Walking and talking with this. Tucked up with this in bed. You can easily take this to work
Kieran Patrick Riordan
My dog Lulu.
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创世故事 在开始的时候 欲望的神, 渴望一个完美的爱人, 她出现了,... 从巨大的,静止的,深的。 他的无限的思想。 她从他身边飞走了。 立即, 和他做爱。 一个狂喜的爆炸跳舞。 了诸多空心寂静之后, 她看得出神集纺纱 两个微小的原子 银河旋转。 盘绕在极度兴奋的自由。 她在宇宙之后诞生了宇宙。 众多的世界, 在精神错乱的产卵的节奏。 迷失在黑暗的母性, 她的爱人被遗忘, 而孩子们忽视。 她全神贯注的,发现, 无穷无尽的新形式。 作为她的巨大的身体 拱门,延伸 编织、转 她无限的挑战, 扩大。 让空间 为她的猖獗,向外, 螺旋跳舞。 起伏的旋转, 在无尽的手势 喷发的幸福。 爆炸,唱歌, 在虔诚的运动。 扑,高兴, 到永远。 现在,父神 感觉他的无限的爱 一个人一直在作曲, 歌曲的崇拜, 因为他的配偶是无限的。 他在向他们歌唱, 这多种形式, 深处的歌唱, 每一个产生的复杂性。 叫他们回家, 温柔地回家。 即使你打电话。 因为他想念他的许多孩子。 就像他唱的那样。 为你的母亲 他也在唱你的歌。 他的魅力你的注意力, 远离了催眠的脉搏, 她的世界生育节奏。 你屈服, 是给予, 忽略她的暗光, 把你从梦中唤醒。 如痴如醉, 她的令人愉快的 和危险的情绪。 和她的无尽的狂喜。 为你狂野而梦幻的母亲。 不在乎你的哭声。 现在停止, 谦卑地听着, 你的父亲打电话。 从远处, 作为你脆弱而脆弱的心。 震颤,裂缝的开 温柔逃 温暖和融化 你的皮肤, 一个发光的心, 这时你的感知, 让你裸体, 在浩瀚的空间中。 像一个小偷进入 一个空房子 他掠夺的内容 你的透明的形式。 展现父亲的爱, in - out,无处不在 释放到巨大的 无梦的沉默, 现在,释放 你可以惊奇 看你母亲的粗心之美。 忽略她的不可预知的方式, 原谅你出生的痛苦。 和燃烧的谎言 代了 通过漫长的分离, 你的救援会回响 在创建、 这是唯一的办法。 你会被她注意到的。 现在mother-life颤抖, 她笑着转向你, 愉快地歌唱, 在她孩子的灵知。 从肿胀的乳房, 在她永恒的舞蹈中摇摆, 她喷的幸福, 馅料你张大着嘴。 你着迷喝醉了。 现在看到的只有爱, 在所有的形式 她的神秘的舞蹈。 所以永远结束, 时间的渴望。 和引导 的生活服务。 基兰帕特里克赖尔登
Kieran Patrick Riordan
I would like to acknowledge the translator. At this point she is a little shy. I am hoping to persuade her to allow my humble acknowledgement of her skill and generosity.
Kieran Patrick Riordan
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Welcome new being! Pride of earth's evolution Pinnacle primate.
... May the characters That influence your maturing Offer such monitoring, Be ethical exemplars, That co-create for you, A mental ballast And emotional compass For your vessel.
May the fathomless Still pool of your heart's Mirror surface Be reflected in your mind At some lucky interval In your life.
May such farsight: Of this earth speck Containing A tiny interval of time And brief spark of life Amidst a timeless void, Guide your action Word and thought.
There is a terrible Accounting You must perform In your life To accommodate Such breadth Of Gnosis In the everyday.
In your little voyage Across this tiny jewel's Rough ocean, You will suffer trials Be tested beyond your limits.
That you remain Tied to your mast With faithful crew Of your many parts Pulling oars as one, Will be a constant Choreography Of courage and capacity.
The strength of your mast Determines the wind you will catch; This mysterious grace that pulls us Towards are trials, Away from disaster.
Later in life You'll guide the young. Will you improve On your elder's example? Can you embody The heart of a brave And seasoned sailor Explorer and protector To be a faithful guide Of a cultured compassion?
Kieran Patrick Riordan
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That Climate Exists at All
I am grateful That climate exists at all! Grateful for this biosphere!... Miracle layer Upon a rocky crust Beneath frigid void.
Improbably, We persist and evolve. The bully species, Peaking and teetering, On this life-spawning orb, Spinning a dark-light day.
Such rare alchemy Of iron, rock and earth, Ice, water and air! Deserves our silent awe.
Life-offering air blanket Gravity held insulation. Has us shielded From the yawning dark's Irradiated icy emptiness.
Formed long ago From the common dust That makes planets dance. In the freezing vacuum,
We catch warmth From a nearby star. Hydrogen bomb ball, Offering fuel, For 5 billion years,
Yet familiarity blinds us! Beauty and wonder lost, Our vision smothered, By the shadows in ourselves We project onto the world. We can cling to ideology With religious fervour Our adaptive brilliance Bound to mere opinions!
Let not your rage, At earth abuse, Distract you from joy, Contract your farsight.
A heartsong of thanks Is more powerful Than any tantrum, Blame or resentment.
Make your bed, Study hard, Help your family In simple ways Be humble in the little You know for sure. In this time honoured way, You can mature A formidable strength.
Combined with your will Empowered by intelligence Ingenuity and persistence You birth a power That can heal the scars Of our over modified world. Fulfilling a life's intent.
Can we wonder everyday At this delicate beauty, Earth's green-blue mass. The gentle biosphere's Outrageous complexity. The exquisitely timed dance, Of fleeing seasons' Many moods and colours.
No collective will, Sufficiently yet formed, Nor science adequate, To care rightly, For this unlikely gift. Our Galactic jewel.
We must care! We must. And care is conceived, Only in gratitude. As the power of change, Is only reliable, When fuelled by love.
Kieran Patrick Riordan
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The Ferryman
I ply my trade, And pole my ferry, For travellers passing along.... All the while I'm listening rapt, To the river's quiet song.
Sitting, lying In the shade, Cast down by my barge, Resting languid in the heat, My plans small, as life is large.
Little clay pot Of boiling water, Some salted fish and rice Simple needs and season's ways, Nature's rhythm does suffice.
I have no need Of constant people, But for their fares each day. It's the living I must make, The river crossed each way.
The stories many, I daily hear, And offer no trite reply. Curious stares are often drawn, Upon my silent sigh.
I've heard them say Often enough, 'He's either mad or daft, He'd not fare well at any task, Except the labour of this raft'.
A fool for many, A balm for some, Crossing loads large and small, No care for their opinions, Collecting fares from all.
My bones now ache, As I weaken more, I've seen a dream foretold, An orphan learns the river's ways, And helps me when I'm old.
It's today one came, So I start these lines, That they may see like I. Gathering here piercing clues, To guide them when I die.
Kieran Patrick Riordan
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More about Byron Counselling

Byron Counselling is located at 2 Eugenia Street, Mullumbimby 2482
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -