Central Bank Of Claymore

About Central Bank Of Claymore

The forerunner in Sovereign Money

Central Bank Of Claymore Description

1 Claymore Tala = 0. 52 Australian Dollars

Intro: Who are we?
An organization designed to uncover the truth about the worlds money system and develop an alternative debt free system.

What is Money?
We all use money, we need it to buy things, we work hard to earn it, we save it for retirement, we all rely on money, most of us spend most of our lives worrying about not having enough money, but very few people understand what money really is.
Well money is essentially anything that is easily exchangeable for goods and services.

Brief Money History:
Historically, before the use of money a system known as barter was used, barter is the exchange of goods or services for other goods or services, this all would depend on the availability and need of the local economy, this barter process was difficult and time consuming, which is why it was decided to introduce a new money system using commodities such as gold and silver.
These were used as the new method of exchange for goods or services, gold and silver were valued as money because they were very effective and were corruption proof as they had the 6 characteristics of money.

6 Characteristics of Money:
Durable – not easily worn down, able to stand the test of time
Portable – easy to transport from one place to another making trading easier and less effort
Divisible – easily dividable into portions for making trades at different purchase prices
Uniform – standard characteristics not varying in appearance or value
Limited supply – Gold and silver being quite rare to find and unable to replicate
Acceptable – easily accepted by people as a thing of value

“I OWE YOU” Money System:
Unfortunately gold and silver is quite heavy and dangerous to transport due to thieves or robbers which would hold up carriages and steal the gold and silver, this meant that people started storing their gold in safety deposit boxes or commercial banks.
So instead of bringing their stored gold or silver from the banks to the shopkeeper, they would instead simply get the bank to give them a paper note with a message similar to “I OWE YOU 1 OUNCE OF GOLD” then take this banknote to the shop-keeper and purchase the goods or service, this was essentially known as the “I OWE YOU” (I. O. U) system.
The shopkeeper 9 times out of 10 would spend this banknote somewhere else and purchase other goods or services. This meant that most of the gold and silver stayed in commercial banks.

Commercial Bankers Corruption:
Corrupt bankers everywhere started to discover that people no longer wanted to claim their gold and silver deposits and so banks everywhere started issuing these “I OWE YOU” banknotes to people in the form of loans not only for the gold and silver they had in deposit but also for gold and silver they never had. This was the birth of what is now called “fractional reserve banking”.

Today’s Money System:
So we can now see that the fractional reserve system, which is today's money system, was started by corrupt bankers to make themselves rich and in today’s banking system there is no longer a 1: 10 ratio of a fractional reserve of gold and silver held at central banks.
What we know as money today is called “fiat currency” fiat meaning “by decree of the government” meaning that the government declares that this piece of paper or plastic is to be recognized as a thing of value, and currency meaning “generally accepted or in use”.
Which means what we use as money today is no longer backed by Gold or Silver instead it is created by governments and commercial banks and is backed by debt.

Today’s Money Creation:
We’ll say John wants a loan so he goes into the bank the bank approves the loan and just types a number on a screen into his account this has now created new money as John has just created a debt to the bank, the bank now recognizes John’s debt as an asset which now means the bank’s capital has just grown and from this new asset they can now loan out more money.

The Rat Race:
This is why today's society is often known as a rat race, people are drowning in debt. Frantically trying to pay of their own debt by forcing others to get into debt and in turn making everyone poorer and the elite bankers richer.
Some people think that they are safe and that saving money will secure their future this is also a false idea, as this system is in effect right now this means your savings and any money you have is losing value as we speak, and will continue on this downward spiral until collapse.

Sovereign Money:
Unlike commercial bank issued money, the we seek to create a sovereign money fund to:

> Create a stable economy
> Increase jobs
> Build the local economy

In the Future our goal is to back this sovereign money fund by silver or gold and bring back a secure, corruption free, effective and stable way economy.

Introducing the Claymore Tala in cooperation with the Central Bank of Claymore

Currently accepted in Claymore, NSW 2559

This is a newly introduced currency into the market. To spread the use of this currency we are looking for "Ancillary Advocates", "Recruiting Volunteers" and Claymore Bank "Branch Operators" these will be paid wages in Tala's once stage 3 comes into effect.

All volunteers workers will be given a free account and a position on the new payroll.

To secure your place now click the "like" button and send us a message of your position interest.

accounts at all branches will be opened to the
*every new recruit accredited to someones account will be given a x1 multiplier to their monthly wage each new account recruited is worth 10 Tala's bonus*

*minimum withdrawal or exchange is 1 Tala*

Where can i spend these Tala's ?
Anywhere where the Tala is accepted - Help us to expand to an regional currency

*CEO, Founder & Treasurer of the Central Bank of Claymore advises that all wages and bonus will only come into effect once stage 3 is in effect and also reserves the right to refuse any exchange or withdrawal, of Claymore Tala's CEO, Founder & Treasurer of the Central Bank of Claymore reserves all rights in regards to the use of this currency whether that be printing, spending, collecting, recalling or destroying and is not obliged to inform the general public or any besides of these doings, CEO, Founder & Treasurer of the Central Bank of Claymore and others affiliated with the afore mentioned are not to be held responsible for the loss or misplacement of the currency once it has left the premises, the aforementioned are also not to be held to account for the misinformation of facts regarding this currency. Once customers have accepted and /or used this currency or received payments for goods and /or services Claymore Bank and all affiliates will not be held responsible for the goings on after this eg. loss of customers or collateral, Central Bank of Claymore and any affiliates will not be held responsible for any legal costs occurring by the usage or the acceptance of this currency *


*We are looking to digitize this currency - if you'd like to volunteer and /or know a lot about computers and C # coding give us a message (all computer volunteers /helpers will be accredited with Tala currency wages TBA)*