Changing The Odds

About Changing The Odds

Changing the Odds ,
Here to help and support you achieve your goals and dreams, Want to be a better you ?
Need help making those first steps ?



The photo on the right was 2015 i weighed 63kgs was mentally sick and physically ,suicidal drug and alcohol dependent and so lost and fragile it makes me so sad looking at this as i know exactly how i was feeling no spark no energy no spirit , so much pain but also tried to look my best so people would think im ok.
The photo on the left was taken 3 months ago weighing in at 81kgs and the happiest i have ever been in my life, my spirit is strong my body and mind is strong i love who iam today ,the lessons i have learnt along the way , the strength i obtained going through the things i did has made me the man i am today i look with No judgment , i help with no expectations and i honor the relationship i have in my life especially the relationship i have with myself


Tell yourself you're always enough, You deserve true happiness in life. Dont let fear take away the opportunity to live, feel,laugh,love and be seen. Embrace change, embrace the light within and just be, exactly that A force of energy for good that is created and connected to God.
... True desire in the heart for anything good is God's gift to us sent beforehand to indicate thats its ment to be there and is already ours, So have faith in what will be ,will be. Leave your ego at the old doors and walk through new ones with an open heart , mind, soul and good intentions.
Enjoy the endless opportunities that are available to us
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Just jump my dear, No longer will you have to fear, For iam here, And i want to make it clear, TOUGHEN UP , Men don't have tears ,... Just grab another beer, And lets say cheers, Little did i know the end was near, Little did i know the whisper in my ear, Is the same WHISPER, thats taken too many lives over the years. Kpowell
Estimated Over roughly 65,000 Australians make a suicide attempt each year.
Around 35,000 are admitted to hospital for suicide injuries
More than 3,027 die from suicide each year
75% are Males
Speak up ill always be here 👊👊👊
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Are you living life to its fullest ?
If yes what does that look like for you ?(comment)
If no message me i would love to help you 😊


My Spiritual Awakening
backslide from God when I was in active Addiction for a long time and when I was going to take my life on the edge of that cliff face the darkness was dragging me over the edge closer and closer the longer I stayed there the darkness had control over me I was there for 2 hours. Just before I was about to jump I prayed to God for help and as soon as I prayed I herd foot step walk towards me in the grass I looked to my right and felt this presence that m...
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Fear Of Change /Fear of the Unknown
Evidence has shown if im doing good than i will be looked after if i put good intentions out and speak positive thoughts and words then God /universe or what ever that is for you it will return the favour sometimes its not when i want it but when i need it, its easier for me now days to sit in the faith as evidence shows that my path is already made . Each day i ask for guidance and the big fella to narrow my path , Coming from a space of turmoil and suicide and depression to faith and a knowing that i will be looked after amazes me im not perfect i make mistakes and sometimes go backwards but within that it keeps me hungry and humble 😊😊😊😊


I really find it interesting how as humans we operate, I found this clip on youtube as I was doing some study and thought this could be useful ,a bit of food for thought ,I'm always open for the possibility for growth anywhere that I can, to be the best version of myself and share my experiences to help others, within that I also acknowledge where I'm at in this present moment and give thanks.


It's never too late to follow your dreams and reach your goals, And there's no time like the present too start. I guarantee it will be worth it, because your worth it.


It's ok , Not to be ok
I used to sit in Anger for a long period of time ,I didn' know how to deal with it.I would let it consume me to the point where i would shut out the world and let it control me .The only way i would calm myself down was through smoking weed and other substances which would only be a temporary fix. Ive learnt to feel my emotion speak about whats going on for me and accepting it for what it is,And from my experience it passes.
... I'm feeling better already hahaha how diffrent my life is now :)
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I have put a challenge out there too everyone :)
I want people to challenge me, themself, friends, family .
The Challenge is for someone to nominate you to do a video thats is out of your comfort zone. It can be anything from dancing silly to singing in random spots whatever that looks like i want people to challenge themselves on how they want to be seen in public or how society makes you feel you have to look to fit in.... Because for me thats where the gold is where we can allow our true self to shine which allows other to do the same . Who has courage to break throw and not let fear of rejection , judgement hold you back from your full potential to become the best version of youreslf that you can be .?
#Changingtheodds and tagging it to this page the winner will get a suprise reward .15/6/2018 Yeah the specs
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This is so raw and such an important topic , Bullying is not ok
unfortunately i have bullied and been bullied when i was at school to be cool to fit in , this is not OK .How i felt after the realization of my actions and how i made someone else feel broke me every time .
And from the bottom of my heart im sorry , I apologizes to all the people that i have hurt . ... and too all the people that hurt me i forgive you as i forgive myself .
knowing what i know now how it can impact someones life to the point of suicide is not OK. . I'm just being honest, It doesn't sit well with me ,but hopefully a bully sees this and i want you to know you carry this with you for the rest of your life,Its what you do with it that counts it stops now You got a chance to make a difference in someones life and your own. Help someone in need, help someone getting bullied . But you too can make a change for the better and say its not OK, be kind to someone out in the playground,Office, sporting teams, wherever this is happening
Please be kind to one another. We never know what someones going through Society Feelings
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Do you love yourself ?


Positive affirmations for today. If you get a chance i encourage everyone , to stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself how great you are,(because you are) you may not always feel this way but constant repetition carries conviction.
i take a few deep breaths first and connect with myself before i say it.
... 1.I honor myself but speaking my truth 2.I'am Loved , I Love 3.I'am the same as everyone else 4.I having a loving god in my life 5.I'am not perfect, but am perfect in every way 6.I'm worth it 7.i'm amazing
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I grew up thinking I needed to look and act a certain way to fit into what society seen as normal.
So many years I felt there was something wrong with me because what society seen as normal wasn’t who I was.
I ‘am, We are born to be amazing beyond measure the power of love and self-belief and knowing our worth is something I restrained for a long time as I was scared of being seen as different to everyone else, But the funny thing is we all have this in us but most of us are... afraid to be seen different not normal .Feeling rejected not connected and alone.
People come and go in my life and I tried to impress them by trying to be perfect or look a certain way to be liked. I was afraid if you seen the true me then you wouldn’t like me as I didn’t feel like I was normal in society’s eyes, and if you rejected the true me then all of the things I told myself that there was something wrong with me would affirm the stories I told myself. The power of word is if you keep telling yourself that you start to believe it. After a while you start getting sick of fighting those thoughts which for me lead me to not wanting to be on earth. Well that was my story....... What I’ve learnt whose opinion counts most in my life isn’t everyone else’s, How differently I view things now, the way I view myself the love I have for myself and how I honor myself by speaking my truth. And a knowing of who I ‘am and being comfortable sharing my internal world to others, is worlds away from where I came from I share what’s going on for me to people that are on the same path as me, a path of self-discovery. The one person’s opinion who counts the most is mine and my maker, as there with me up until I take my last breath.
What did you do today that allowed you to be seen? What did you do for yourself? What did you do for someone else? How do you see yourself?
Message me if you would like to know some skills that’s helped me around this topic happy to share how I got to the point of where I came from to where I ‘am today ,
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What do you do for self care? There is a dog on my lap lol #changingtheodds #doglife #Selfcare


Here are 5 useful tips that work for me. #Changingtheodds
1.Believe in yourself / Believe in something outside of yourself 2.Be kind, Do something positve for someone else 3.Focus on a goal/Dreams... 4.Surround yourself with positive people/people heading in the same direction as you 5.Doing something that is uncomfitable
For more details Message Me.
The work starts now .......
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Changing the Odds , I created this page as i have got a huge influx of emails in regards to my story that i shared on facebook,i'm truly grateful for everyones support and feedback. Knowing my story has moved or helped someone in some way is a lovely feeling .We can change our circumstances Ive worked in communtiy service sector for the last 11 years where i have alot of experience around diffrent sectors.
... Employment, Youth, Mental health, Aboriginal Health, Drug and alcohol, public speaking also lived experienced.
Im looking to help people support people to achieve there goals/dreams in life bringing out the best in you.identifying your true sense of self also happiness and self belief . Sport Mental Health Employment Business culture
I'm looking to work with people of all ages , Youth and adults. email me if you would like to chat.
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More about Changing The Odds

Changing The Odds is located at Ballina, New South Wales