
Monday: 08:00 - 23:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 23:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 23:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 23:00
Friday: 08:00 - 23:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 23:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 23:00

About Danditarot

Live and private tarot readings.

I'm a professional, hollistic reader. Working with spirit messages from the divine and sharing them with you.

Empowering tarot readings.
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โœจTarot of the day โœจ
I asked for the people who see this. What words do our spirit guides want us to hear today?
... We have already put in the hard work and loyalty of the penticals, all of that earthly material energy we've been sending out is being returned! Setbacks and frustration become wins. There might be a little way to go until it's fully established. Give yourself a pat on the back! There will be a time to rest once you reach the end. You've come so far, just a little bit further. Well done!
All the love
Dan divines
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I'm sharing videos and readings on my instagram page too. @dtunsworth Take a look if you like=)
All the love,
... Dan divines
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Live video giving tarot readings on 9/10. Happy new moon everyone! Please share and I'm also available for free readings.
Much love,
Dan divines


Going live in one hour =)Going live in one hour =)


Dan divine tarot of the day
What do I really need today?
The six of swords is a time of shadow work, stepping out in nature and allowing your mind to rest from a testing and mentally exhausting period. This is a card of recovery and reassurance that your path is growing and heading towards happier days. I got this card on the first day of my camping trip! The view was the same once the sun set!
... Seems it's time to make decisions for myself and my life.
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Melodies, I thought I'd share this with you special lot. It's been a while since I've shared my progress with this magical cleansing instrument. It's inspiring when beautiful people encourage you to be courageous and put yourself out there. Thank you, I've so much gratitude for the people who have helped me grow into the man I am. The mic isn't great but it'll have to do =)


Tarot of the day ๐Ÿ”ฎ
What do we need to know today?
The fool
... New beginnings! Take the leap of faith. Don't let others judgement of us become our own judgment and dictate our actions. Act with innocence, let our hair down and have fun. Make the decision we need to make using wisdom and experience but don't let the past stop us from acting. Us have a brand new start and the universe is giving us a little nudge. Believe in ourselves, we are being guided onto our path.
Eight of cups
Things didn't work out and now it's time to walk away from the past. There has been some loss and dissapoitment, the material and attachments are not what our soul yearns for. We have learnt what we seek and those misaligned step from the past can be utilised to take us forward.
Seven of penticals.
Treat our lives as a work of art or a creative project then expand upon it. We took the path meant for us, it may not seem like this right now. It is a time to rest and recollect, let this time push us forward. Again we're being nudged forward. Take our time as we've put in alot of hard work to get to this point. Use where we have come from to propel you into the bright future. The cycles of the moon are always transitional, as in life.
Seven of cups
Those daydreams and hopes in our hearts and mind, bring them into the present. The world and our community are ready for our visions and gifts. These dreams can be made a reality if we accept the challenge and face it head on. Clear our hearts and minds then walk into the wind, for life is abundant and provides with belief. To achieve your dreams baby steps are required. We are powerful creative beings and our dreams are being realised. It's Upto us to do the work in the material world.
All the love,
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Tarot card of the day
โ˜€ The sun โ˜€
The sun card comes to show us our radiating light. The time has come to shine. Give your light to others, shine brightly upon them ๐Ÿ”†.
... After tough times this card can show that vitality is on its way too you. Don't hold yourself back, once we align with ourselves it is returned energetically.
Enjoy life, laugh, love, live and let live! Go outside, feel the elements around you. Let your inner child shine โœจ ๐Ÿ‘ถโœจ.
The adventure you've chosen is sure to lead to the success and fulfilment you've yearned for.
With all the loves,
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Dan divines card of the day
Third eye Chakra. โœจ ๐ŸŒ€๐Ÿ”ฎ๐ŸŒ™
The third eye Chakra is located between the brows and is a beautiful deep blue hue. It's associated with cosmic insight, intuition, clarity, psychic abilities, perception and perspective ๐Ÿ‘€
... This Chakra can feel out of balance if we're feeling moody, getting headaches, distrustful or disconnected with our intuition. If you're feeling overly sensitive to the opinions of others it may be time to balance this area.
Who are you? Self realisation and releasing repressed emotions can heal this energy centre. Creative expression, manifesting emotions into the physical realm helps alot.
Try speaking aloud affirmations such as
โ€œI am tuned into the divine universal wisdom and always understand the true meaning of life situationsโ€
With divine love โœจ
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Card reveal! โœจ ๐ŸŒ™ โ˜€
Card 1 Eight of swords
Are choices and actions restricting you? Are life's pressures making you feel trapped and cornered? Sometimes this restriction is caused by ourselves. Only you can break this cycle. Where are you at right now. Stop and think about it to allow freshness and new opportunities to flow into your life. The changes you desire are possible, how do others do life? What can you learn? Empower yourself and chose carefully who you chose to... spend your time around. You're not a mouse, you're a lion! Use your intellect to break the cycle.
Card 2 Ace of pentacles
This card is the card of potential, water that idea or project. Tend to it daily, use action and practicality to help it grow. This could take a bit of effort but will certainly reflect your souls desires and will be representative of your own potential. The ace of penticals is a card of new beginnings. Trust and visualise the success of the project, this is the card of business, projects, money, homes...all the earthy things! It's the Big Bang and the big beginning, buckle down and crack on with it. You got this!
Card 3 Judgement
Rise from lower to high vibrations, listen to your higher self as you're awakening to your power! Let go of pain, rejection, mistakes and regrets. Things you've done to others and things you've received. It's time to let it go. If you're at a crossroads make those decisions from a higher perspective. You may feel as if you're being born again, but now you can look back on your decisions with fondness and love. Take time to understand the changes you're experiencing. You're starting to understand light. Move into those changes and share down with others from a place of love and positivity.
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Take a deep breath into your stomach, hold it and breath out. Do this three times then choose a card, comment with your number. I will like your comment when I've done the reveal. Stay tuned as I will do the reveal later today! โœจ ๐ŸŒ™ โ˜€


The Heirophant ๐Ÿ“– โœจ ๐Ÿ”ฎ
We're working, playing, tasking and adulting. The heirophant appears to ask us to step out of a normality and traditions. Respect the foundations of organised religions but step through the veil.
... Look towards the people around you for mentorship, what do they offer, what are you offering? Look to your own ability for inner counselling.
School, work, media and social media can sometimes socially condition is, the heirophant asks us to step outside and embrace the the teachers around us and within ourselves.
Be your truth, listen mindfully and share with integrity.
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Tarot of the day ๐ŸŒ“๐ŸŒ€๐ŸŒธ
Two of cups
Unison, sychronisity, sharing, partnership, alignment, balance, harmony.
... The two of cups is associated with a twin flame, a passion and a unification of ideologies. This is from yourself to another. It's associated with relationships, business, financial but all with a harmonious edge. A true love card it shows us that differences and mistakes can be healed when we look past the surface level and delve into our deep emotions. This is the kind of love that fills up the soul. Look out for those situations or people that you're falling in love with, treat it with your higher intuitive self.
A connection that is true and pure cannot be broken by lower vibrations, take the vibration upwards. Pay attention to those budding relationships.
This comes as a reminder that if we're ready for more love the universe has heard our desires
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Dan divines tarot of the day
Ambition is enthusiasm with a purpose.
Today's reading suggests a situation or mindset in the past leaving you feeling surrounded and cornered. Subconsciously we had the ability to leave this situation and chose not too, maybe to learn those valuable soul lessons that now we hold so dear. These lessons developed into dreamy ambitions and carry us into the future. We have a desire to manifest our dreams into the material world and no longer choo...se to be constricted. Gather scattered energies and pour them into that new project, idea or even educational pursuit. This carries us across the water onto fertile ground. This is the beginning of providing all we need. Work on that grounding, pragmatic and sensible approaches lead us to a solution that actually works. That journey you want to take overseas is heading right for you, invest in the present to allow space for relocation.
If any of this resonated with you let me know in the comments =)
I offer paid and free live readings.
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Dan divines card of the day Prosperity begins
The Chinese bamboo seed takes five years of watering and fertilising before it grows, in the first year it grows 100 metres. Did it take five years to grow or one?
... This card is the first of the earth elements. This is the initial. It comes forward in time of new beginnings, business ventures, prosperity and wealth. This card shows us that we may hold it in the palms of our hands. This could source from hard work, diligence and planning, or could be an unexpected welcomed surprise.
If you've got money making ideas, goals and targets in regards to business it could well happen by taking careful steps.
This card suggests now is a time to focus on the best results. MANIFEST! Plan it, see it, live it, believe it, trust it. Trusting and believing it will happen will allow the energy of success to travel more freely.
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Going live in twenty minutes for free readings join me =)


Today card is the solar plexus Chakra, pulled at Uluru, Uluru and Kata Tjuta are still considered sacred to the native Aboriginals today. The Female Great Dragon Ley Line connects both Lake Titicaca and Uluru.
This card talks about confidence, autonomy and drive in our lives. The solar plexus chakra, or manipura, is our willpower, self-esteem, transformation abilities. It's about six inches above your belly button, it is associated with the color yellow and the element of ...fire. This chakra is responsible for regulating the energy associated with action, intention, identity, and vitality
A strict upbringing, bullying, authoritarian parents or figures in your life, mental, emotional, sexual or physical abuse or were conditioned as a child with disempowering ideologies (such as religious, traditional or social beliefs), you likely have an impaired solar plexus chakra.
Ways to heal this Chakra are to breath in yellow light. Imagine that golden light swirling around your naval area. Cutting ties with negative people. Taking risks in life Setting healthy boundaries. Getting out in the sun. Releasing anger Healing food Yellow food such as bananas Lemons Oats Rice Grains #solarplexus #solarplexuschakra #tarotreader #tarotreadersofinstagram #healing #tarotdeck #tarot
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Dan did a read for me a was right on spot. Beautiful energy

More about Danditarot

Monday: 08:00 - 23:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 23:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 23:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 23:00
Friday: 08:00 - 23:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 23:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 23:00