Deaf Chef Ross

About Deaf Chef Ross

Deaf Chef Ross shares his food knowledge in a visual way, some presented in Auslan with English captions (some videos), visuals and texts.

Deaf Chef Ross Description

Deaf Chef Ross' aim is to share about the beneficial, nutritious whole foods available to us, how to prepare them, and to introduce mindful eating.

Everyone is welcome to Like this page. People who are deaf, hard of hearing, who can sign Auslan, and the general public.

Deaf Chef Ross share his food knowledge in a visual way, some presented in Auslan with English captions (some videos).

Products /services:

• Information & Research
• Visual Recipes
• Livestream Cooking Classes
• Q& A live videos with the Chef
• Personal Chef service

Disclaimer: Ross is not a health practitioner therefore all information and research posted on this site are voluntary.

Ross will study Nutrition in 2018 to gain professional knowledge in foods and good health.