Dianna Martino - Holistic Health Facilitator

About Dianna Martino - Holistic Health Facilitator

Naturopath, Holistic Health Facilitator

Dianna Martino - Holistic Health Facilitator Description

Dianna Martino is a naturopath and Coach who has practiced in Melbourne, Newcastle and Adelaide.

Dianna has a special interest in mind-body health, stress management, adrenal fatigue prevention and recovery and self awareness.

If you would like to know more about certain modalities, please read on. For specific enquiries or to make an appointment, please email:

info@naturalhelp.com. au


Wholistic natural therapies based on nature and here for you whole being.

Herbal Medicine

Nature's medicine prescribed by a professionally trained herbalist. Herbal medicine can support your body to regain a state of balance, and may help with hormonal imbalance (PMS, menopause, PCOS, infertility), fatigue, bowel problems, mental health and so much more.

Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET)

Have you ever felt yourself overreact to a situation? Or feel extremely stressed over something that doesn't seem to warrant such a reaction? When your physiology seems to go crazy and you can't control it, felling as though something deep within has been triggered. That your emotions “hijacked” you and when you think back to the event you don’t quite understand why you felt that way? Or perhaps there’s something that you want in life but it’s just not happening for you. For example: career goals, weight loss, study goals or to be ok with a personal challenge that may be causing you distress.

Emotions are completely normal and healthy, but sometimes your body has trouble processing them, and this may be the reason why you don’t feel quite right. NET helps to identify and let go of these stuck emotions. NET works with emotional reality, which means the stuck emotions that your body holds may or may not be true, but either way, your body thinks it is.

Examples of what NET can treat include; headaches, body pains of all types, phobias, general anxiety, self-sabotaging behaviours, organ dysfunctions, stress and much more. It is important to note that NET does not cure or heal a person. Rather, NET removes blocks to the natural vitality of the body, allowing the body to repair itself.

Cellular Health Analysis - Bio-electrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)

This involves use of specialised equipment that measures parameters within your body and provides you with a report that indicates the health of your body cells. A BIA report shows you how your body is coping with your lifestyle. You can then work towards improving your cellular health and this will enable your body to better heal in other areas that you may not be functioning as well as they could be. Improve your energy, remove toxins, decrease inflammation and excess fat for a healthier you.

Areas of specialty;

Stress- Adrenal fatigue, exhaustion, overwork, anxiety, depression, tension.

Detox- Easy to follow programs to refresh and rejuvenate your insides so that you feel better on the outside!

Women’s health- Pre-menstrual syndrome, peri-menopause, reproductive health, maximising your fertility, hormonal imbalance.

Digestive function - Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), bloating, cramps, constipation, diarrhoea, crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, ulcers, reflux.

Health Fund Rebates available. Check with your health fund to confirm your rebate.

Qualification Details:

Bachelor of Natural Therapies
Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy
Advanced Diploma of Western Herbal Medicine
Certified N. E. T. Practitioner
Leadership Coach
Vitality, Longevity & Healthy Ageing (VLA) Practitioner
Bio-Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA) member

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Service Categories
Flower Essences, Herbalists, Homotoxicology, Iridologists, Leadership coaching, Mineral Therapy, Natural Fertility Management, Naturopaths, NLP, Nutrition, Womens Health, Meditation.