Dingo Witch

About Dingo Witch

Dingo Witch is the online home of witch and reader Matt Grey - a place of divination and charms, witchery and wonder - if you let yourself seize it…

Dingo Witch Description

Hi, I’m Matt Grey - the ‘Dingo Witch’. My readings are primarily based in cards, tarot mainly - but while the cards are a great jumping-off point, I also incorporate my connections with my spirits, my guides, ancestors and the land around me to give you the most complete picture of the situation and best answer that I can in a way that is succinct and makes sense to you. I’m here to help.

As such, I offer a variety of options for consultations with me - got a specific question? Need insight into a situation? A look at your week or month to come? Need advice on a spell or working you’re doing? I can cover all of this. In addition, I make charms and powders that can help you get done what you need to get done.

I chose the name Dingo Witch to give honor to the land I live on - Australia - through the Aboriginal significance of the dingo as physical companion, spiritual creature and guide (whether as helper or trickster…) and Ancestor. While I myself am not Aboriginal - the land I walk and live on and do my work on is hugely important to me; this land and the spirits that live in every tree and stone and memory here.