Discreetly Fit - Pelvic Floor Reform

About Discreetly Fit - Pelvic Floor Reform

We are specialising in first-line evidence based pelvic floor muscle training and practical pelvic floor proactive strategies. We believe that these aspects should have a permanent and central place in women's self-care practices.

Discreetly Fit - Pelvic Floor Reform Description

We are specialising in teaching pelvic floor muscle training and everyday pelvic floor consciousness.

We can teach you pelvic floor exercises the right way to achieve optimal benefits.

Training your pelvic floor muscles is the best first-line, proactive strategy available to you, and it is the only form of exercise supported by research on incontinence and prolapse. It is indispensable in strengthening your pelvic floor.

For pelvic floor exercises to work, however, they must be correct, focused, structured, and of just the right intensity.

Adding pelvic floor consciousness to your daily tasks and workouts can also further enhance pelvic floor function, enabling you to protect yourself from reoccurring issues and maintain your activity levels.

To aid you in successfully implementing these two primary aspects of pelvic floor strengthening, we have created an easy-to-follow, comprehensive, evidence-based short course. The course is suitable for all ages and fitness levels.

The Difference

Many women are unsure about pelvic floor exercises and often perform them incorrectly. We understand that simple verbal or written instructions are not enough to prepare most women to engage in proper pelvic floor muscle training.

We have developed a cutting-edge method that teaches you the right way to exercise your pelvic floor: slowly, progressively, and with ample, precise supporting guidelines.

Our training is structured into five carefully tested and selected exercises, targeting virtually every key area of muscle development. These exercises need only be performed once daily for approximately 10 minutes.

Once you have learned our training, you can easily stay on track joining our practice program and using our convenient app, which guides you through the exercises with voice recordings.

Who can we help?

Our program is greatly beneficial to those women who are experiencing
or wish to avoid: incontinence or prolapse.

These exercises are especially important if you want to:

- counteract the pelvic floor impact of menopause or pregnancy
- prepare for surgery or safeguard
the benefits already gained from surgery
- restore your pelvic floor following childbirth
- increase your leak-free activity levels

Enjoy the extra bonus of enhanced sexual sensation and a toned core.

There are no gadgets, trends, feds, examinations or embarrassing questions asked. Only evidence based information and the true potential of the pelvic floor.



I have a friend just like her. Except mine also makes me clean up the whole house and binge watch sitcoms :-D


Do you listen to Podcasts? Women in ISIS. Send a prayer and bring your tissues.


A #happy #breastfeeding #mum from the 1920s. Her #smile speaks a thousand words. 😊


When women find this out they are usually as surprised as Luke Skywalker was when he discovered his father’s identity. This means if you experience bladder control issues AND you want to get rid of them pelvic floor exercises are your best friend. There is no evidence to back up any other form of exercise to do the same. No. Not even that one!
You tried them and got no results? I can teach you >>> www.discreetlyfit.com
#pelvicfloor #pelvicfloorexercises #kegels #kegelexercises #womenshealth #pelvichealth #pregnancy #mother #childbirth #menopause #pelvicfloordysfunction #core #bladdercontrol #prolapse


This video is not edited out from the movie Alien but it is a great demonstration of how the core muscles work to accommodate diaphragmatic breathing. But I would like you to examine it from another perspective.
Check out the movement of the pelvic organs. They fold on top of each other and being supported by the pubic bone when descending pressure from the abdominal cavity lands on them..
This anti-prolapse mechanism only takes place if your postural alignment allows for it....
Would you like to know more? Join my course >>> www.discreetlyfit.com
#pelvicfloor #pelvicfloorexercises #kegels #kegelexercises #womenshealth #pelvichealth #pregnancy #mother #childbirth #menopause #pelvicfloordysfunction #core #bladdercontrol #prolapse #diaphragm #breathing #breath #breathe
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Did you know that pelvic floor exercises during pregnancy can optimise the ability of the pelvic floor to accommodate childbirth so much so that the risk of a prolonged second stage labour is reduced? Why is that a good thing?
Well not only because you can sit on your tush much quicker but also because the risk of an instrumental delivery, perineal trauma or a c-section becomes reduced with a shorter birthing process.
So we know this is hugely advantageous for the mother. Thi...s article explores why natural childbirth without instrumental intervention is also best for the baby.
Not sure about pelvic floor exercises? You are missing out! Let me teach you! www.discreetlyfit.com
#pelvicfloor #pelvicfloorexercises #kegels #kegelexercises #womenshealth #pelvichealth #pregnancy #mother #childbirth #pelvicfloordysfunction #core #bladdercontrol #prolapse #forceps #vacuum #caesarean #csection #naturalchildbirth #baby #health
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My childbirth was induced. Not by drugs but by a little baby boy sitting on my lap for a couple of hours 10 days before my due date. I was grateful. I was ready, she was ready and just the right size. This new trial tells us that routine early induction could reduce caesarean rates. So, to induce or not to induce. That is the question. What would you do? What is your opinion?
#childbirth #induction #caesarean #csection


You can not pee through your knee. You can also not poop through your knee or have sex with your knee (well…. some may debate this), and your knee does not hold your bladder and bowels.
Yet if the knee is injured, weak or painful most women rightfully take action to get rid of that issue without much delay. It should be the same for the pelvic floor simply, because it serves us more ways than a Swiss army knife and just as we know how to fix a knee issues, we also know how t...o fix most pelvic floor problems (and make bliss balls from Tim Tams).
Fresh mums with an injured pelvic floor should seek help from a pelvic health physio as soon as it is conveniently possible, even before the regular clothes washing routine is re-established. Not so fresh Mums experiencing pelvic floor issues should also do the same.
How to exercise your pelvic floor muscles can be confusing. Let me teach you the right way! www.discreetlyfit.com
#pelvicfloor #pelvicfloorexercises #kegels #kegelexercises #womenshealth #pelvichealth #pregnancy #mother #childbirth #menopause #pelvicfloordysfunction #core #bladdercontrol #prolapse
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Yes it is possible that pelvic floor exercises will have zero positive impact on your pelvic floor BUT ONLY if you are a rare natural phenomenon (you could make a lot of $$$ as an experiment), a space alien (Nanu Nanu) or already dead (RIP).
Everybody else will experience improved pelvic floor muscles strength and thickness as a response to regular and correct pelvic floor exercises of the right intensity. WARNING! This will also result in deliciously intense orgasms (think o...f Nutella delicious) which your neighbours may also learn about. Have no shame!
If you are not sure how to extract results from pelvic floor exercises join my course in Sydney or online!
If your pelvic floor muscles are too tense/tight/bunched/short they are unable to exercise. If this is your case don’t delay sorting them out with a pelvic floor physio just like you wouldn’t delay grabbing a quick selfie with Harrison Ford if he begged you for it.
#pelvicfloor #pelvicfloorexercises #kegels #kegelexercises #womenshealth #pelvichealth #pregnancy #mother #childbirth #menopause #pelvicfloordysfunction #core #bladdercontrol #prolapse #harrisonford #selfie #pelvicfloortension #overactivepelvicfloormuscles.
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Because there should never be a #Monday without a #giggle.


Plastic surgery procedures used to be the privilege of the rich and perhaps the stars of Hollywood and those who could afford Beluga white caviar. Nowadays they are widespread and can be cheaper than a pair of Jimmy Choos.
There is no doubt that we all share the longing for beauty (and chocolate). This is age old, just think of foot binding (ouch!) or neck rings.
Do you think that plastic surgery procedures are presently too parochial and women are boxed in to look a certain ...way instead of enhanced age and personality? Do women too often end up with the same nose, expression, breast shape and labia? Could surgeons/injecting nurses do a better job at boosting women’s natural beauty without creating a generic look and artificial juvenility?
#plasticsurgery #labiaplasty #beautiful #breasts #botox #fillers #facelift #nosejob #reshape #perfection
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One of the topics during a Discreetly Fit Course is the importance of consciousness of movement when you are physically active. We often have a giggle at this point as many participants translate the applied tall and aligned posture just like this 😀. In real life posture is dynamic and not static. Being tall and aligned needs reasonable application that allows for natural freedom of movement.
#posture #pelvicfloorexercises #kegels #kegelexercises #womenshealth #pelvichealth #pregnancy #mother #childbirth #menopause #pelvicfloordysfunction #core #bladdercontrol #prolapse


DRA do you have it? Do you know what to do about it? Are you ignoring it? Are you healing from it? Have you healed from it? What is your best tip to reduce it?
Some never heard of it, information and research results in regards to DRA are sparse and conflicting, physios and trainers have different opinions on how to approach it.
Yet women’s body image is negatively implicated by it and there is a higher chance of prolapse for those living with it.
... For example according to this study https://bit.ly/2nnaHPo what most people think works does not always: “A weekly, postpartum, supervised exercise program, including strength training of the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles, in addition to daily home training of the pelvic floor muscles, did not reduce the prevalence of diastasis.”
Note the prescribed strengthening program in this study included the half plank, side plank, oblique sit-ups and straight sit-ups.
It would be interesting to repeat the same study without these particular exercises.
DRA: Significant number of women during the prenatal and postnatal period experiences abdominal separation, also called diastasis recti abdominis (DRA) or rectus diastasis. It is a longitudinal gap in the midline of the abdominal wall caused by stretched tissues at the midline of the abdominals.
# diastasisrecti #abdominalseparation #pelvicfloor #pelvicfloorexercises #kegels #kegelexercises #womenshealth #pelvichealth #pregnancy #mother #childbirth #menopause #pelvicfloordysfunction #core #bladdercontrol #prolapse
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Here I am doing my best to eat my bodyweight in cake for my big anniversary birthday (yes, my nose is in the cream on a public photo).
What is your ideal birthday celebration? Do you have a special plan for your next big one?
#birthday #celebration #cake


A bit off our usual topic of women's health, but not too far off.
I believe in what she is saying full heartedly. Do you agree with her?
Many women's lives are touched by children who are neurologically different and diagnosed with Autism or ADHD. We came a long way recognising these differences but still a long way to go. This woman is shining light on the way towards #neurodiversity.
... #autism #adhd #children
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One reason anyway. Occasional oops I just wet myself because my bladder was full and I couldn't stop laughing incidents indicate dysfunction in the pelvic floor. Such and similar incidents should be sorted anyway, but with top priority before pregnancy. Here is what this research https://bit.ly/2vqR6SQ has found:
Women with history of urinary leaking prior to the first pregnancy "were 4.14 times more at risk of leaking urine 1 year after giving birth than women without previ...ous urine leakage".
Now this is highly undesirable!
Get your pelvic floor in perfect working order BEFORE pregnancy! But if you haven't, it's never too late to start.
Here is a great platform to begin getting rid of bladder leaks: www.discreetlyfit.com
#pelvicfloor #pelvicfloorexercises #kegels #kegelexercises #womenshealth #pelvichealth #pregnancy #mother #childbirth #pelvicfloordysfunction #core #bladdercontrol #prolapse
Yoga Pilates Kula
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Look what just flown in from cyberspace! It took this young mother just a little over a month to complete my 4.5 hours online course. She was delayed with school holidays - but by now she is exercising her pelvic floor muscles the right way to achieve best possible results, That is a quantum leap more she was doing before she signed up!
#pelvicfloor #pelvicfloorexercises #kegels #kegelexercises #womenshealth #pelvichealth #pregnancy #mother #childbirth #menopause #pelvicfloordysfunction #core #bladdercontrol #prolapse

More about Discreetly Fit - Pelvic Floor Reform
