Dr Alyson Murray - Baby And Childrens' Chiropractor/ Midwife, Melbourne

About Dr Alyson Murray - Baby And Childrens' Chiropractor/ Midwife, Melbourne

Dr Alyson Murray - Baby and Childrens' Chiropractor

This is a child friendly space that focuses on the health and wellbeing of babies and children.

Dr Alyson Murray - Baby And Childrens' Chiropractor/ Midwife, Melbourne Description

Dr Alyson Murray is a baby and children's chiropractor & midwife based in Melbourne The goals of treatment are to assist each individual child to reach its full potential in life. They centre on promoting happy healthy babies and children. Alyson employs only the most gentle chiropractic techniques that involve applying light pressure to specific areas of the body.

Dr Alyson is highly trained in paediatric neurological and orthopaedic examination. She works in collaboration with maternal and child health nurses, lactation consultants, paediatric optometrists, audiologists, speech pathologists and Gymbaroo, in both metropolitan and regional Victoria.

Complementary to her chiropractic practice are 20 years experience working as a paediatric nurse and midwife. She is currently on staff at The Mercy Hospital for Women, Heidelberg and The Royal Children's, Melbourne.

Her qualifications include:
• Bachelor of Applied Science (Complimentary Medicine) with Distinction
• Masters of Clinical Chiropractic with Distinction (Awards for Academic Excellence and Research)
• Graduate Diploma of Paediatrics
• Bachelor of Health Science
• Certificate in Chiropractic Paediatrics
• Midwifery
• General Registered Nurse

Common infant /paediatric issues that Dr Alyson treats include plagiocephaly (flattened area at the back of the head), irritable babies, infantile vomiting, breast feeding issues, growing pains, constipation, disordered sleeping, headaches, bedwetting and general aches and pains.

A referral is not necessary for an appointment.



These are the upper house members who were unable to contemplate staying up past midnight to pass the safe ratio bill. These are the people who think we should organise our time better because let's face it, nurses are smart and can plan and predict a major trauma is going to arrive in Emergency at a certain time. Can you imagine what would happen if we chose to go home while someone was having a heart attack, because it was a bit late and we were tired? Can we predict a newborn baby is not going to breath at birth and schedule that into our shift? Please share and share and share this post. These fat cat politicians need to go.


This is a call out to anyone who may ever need a bed in a hospital in their lifetime. Ratios are about creating a situation where hospital administrators are forced to keep nursing workloads at safe levels. I personally have been allocated 8 patients in a maternity unit. That means I am expected to watch 8 mum's and 8 babies for any complications, a total of 16 which is a balancing act. This is when we are so run off our feet that things get missed. It takes just one patient to become quite unwell and the balance is broken. Nurses are human too. This campaign affects everyone. Please sign to let the government know you value safe care.


One teaspoon of sugar = 4 grams. Take the time to stop and read what is hiding in pre prepared baby food.


Intolerance and allergy in babies is significantly on the rise. Our new mum's are becoming experts on this issue the hard way, through trial and error. If you have a baby who is not tolerating cows milk protein then butter will be something you used to enjoy. A Melbourne company is doing a brilliant job making substitutions using nuts. Botanical Cuisine have created a butter and it is well worth a try, full of healthy fats that will transfer across through the breastmilk.


It will be interesting to see the final result of this study looking at Vitamin D and food allergy. We know that our children are bearing the burden of this issue and a lot more research needs to be conducted. Unfortunately these children don't vote so are often overlooked when the funding for research is handed out.
Would love to see a study around the genetic modification of food and it's impact on the human body. Scientists have added viruses during the modification process plus made many plants pesticide resistant. Could this have contributed to the chaos of our baby and childrens immune systems?


Wow just spent 2 information loaded days with Diane Bahr, Speech and Language Pathologist, learning about tongue tie and oral/speech development through the eyes of a different profession. It never ceases to amaze me how we are all working towards the same goal but the different professions view things very differently. Very insightful and I came away with some new knowledge and skills which I am excited to start using.


A shout out to all the parents with adventurous toddlers and young children. Ensure your heavy freestanding furniture/TV's are well secured to the wall. These accidents happen in a second and the consequences can last a lifetime. So innocent yet so real!


It's great to see the Paediatric Clinical Network in Victoria is running a project striving to reduce the incidence of unnecessary prescribing of reflux medication in infants. Is it possible your baby has been incorrectly prescribed reflux medication?


Spent the last 2 days hanging out with functional medicine doctors and adding to my nutrition knowledge. Brilliant course #biochemistrynerd


If you have a child diagnosed with anaphylaxis then this is a great phone app to ensure your allergy action plan is with you at all times. Developed in collaboration with ASCIA, Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia and Murdoch Children's Research Institute. Available from the App Store and Google Play


Spending time at the RCH hearing all the latest information on food allergy in babies and small children. Key point - introduce the common allergens early when solids commence sometime between 4 and 6 months.


A big shout out to all the nurses in the world. I may be biased but we are a pretty special breed!


This is the reason stretches for baby torticollis rarely work, because often the issue is caused by restrictions within tissues throughout the body. An experienced practitioner will look beyond the immediate site of pain and/or restriction to obtain better results


Some may not use or agree with natural medicine but that does not mean they have the right to deny others the choice. There are some seriously powerful people in Australia spending a lot of time trying to shut down entire natural health professions. This is not a rumour or exaggeration, it is a fact. I question what they have to gain from this?What are they scared of? They hide behind the guise of protecting the public, but their true agenda I believe, lies closer to power, i...nfluence and greed. How can key political figures make these decisions when they have been linked with companies such as Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline. Where do their loyalties lie? Please sign the petition to allow Australians to have choice. We are supposedly a democratic community but slowly that democracy is being eroded away as the government put measures in place "to protect the public", like we are all some kind of lesser beings incapable of making our own decisions.
I reiterate that signing this is not purely about natural health but about CHOICE.
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More about Dr Alyson Murray - Baby And Childrens' Chiropractor/ Midwife, Melbourne
