Dr Bobby Cheema - Exercise Physiologist

About Dr Bobby Cheema - Exercise Physiologist

Our purpose is to disseminate high quality information about exercise and its role in enhancing holistic health and wellness throughout the lifespan.

Dr Bobby Cheema - Exercise Physiologist Description

“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. ”

-Thomas Edison

This Facebook page has been created Dr. Bobby Cheema to disseminate high quality information about exercise and its role in enhancing holistic health and wellness throughout the lifespan. Regular exercise is the key to aging well and living a happy and healthy (dis-ease free) life. Educating oneself about the benefits of exercise, taking steps to integrate exercise into the daily routine, pursing invigorating, challenging and rewarding physical activities (e. g. sport, recreation, leisure, etc. ), and being open to changing the routine are all important. Therefore, we aim to keep this page fun, motivating and inspiring.

About Dr. Bobby Cheema (PhD):

Dr. Bobby Cheema is a Senior Lecturer and Researcher at the University of Western Sydney, and an Associate Researcher at the National Institute of Complementary Medicine. He is an expert in exercise prescription for chronic conditions. Dr. Cheema is also an Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP) and has a consultancy practice in Campbelltown, NSW, Australia.

Dr. Cheema has researched and published extensively about the effectiveness of exercise in managing and /or treating many chronic illnesses, including type 2 diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, chronic kidney disease, end-stage renal disease, breast cancer, obesity and cardiovascular diseases. He has also investigated the benefits of yoga and meditation as methods to reduce stress and increase physical activity levels in the office workplace. Frustrated by the current state of our healthcare system, which is largely focused on treating preventable, lifestyle-related diseases with expensive procedures, Dr. Cheema believes that exercise should be regarded and used as the leading form of preventive medicine.

A complete list of Dr. Cheema's publications can be accessed at Google Scholar and Research Gate. He provides regular updates about exercise and health topics via Facebook and Twitter.

Dr. Cheema lives on the South Coast of New South Wales with his wife and two sons.

Professional Qualifications:

PhD, Exercise Physiology, University of Sydney, 2006

Accredited Exercise Physiologist, ESSA, 2009-present

MSc, Exercise Physiology, University of Victoria, 2002

BHK, Exercise Science, University of British Columbia, 1999

Selected Publications:

Cheema BS, Kilbreath SL, Fahey PP, Delaney GP, Atlantis E. Safety and efficacy of progressive resistance training in breast cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, in press.

Cheema BS, Vizza L, Swaraj S. Progressive Resistance Training in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Can Pumping Iron Improve Clinical Outcomes? Sports Medicine, in press

Cheema BS, Chan D, Fahey P, Atlantis E. Effect of progressive resistance training on measures of skeletal muscle hypertrophy, muscular strength and health-related quality of life in patients with chronic kidney disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine, 44(8): 1125-1138, 2014

Cheema BS, Robergs RA, Askew CD. Exercise physiologists emerge as allied healthcare professionals in the era of non-communicable disease pandemics: A report from Australia, 2006-2012. Sports Medicine, 44(7): 869-877, 2014.

Cheema BS, Chan D. Resistance training in chronic kidney disease. In: Ciccolo J. & Kraemer W. (eds. ) Resistance Training for the Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Disease. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis, 2014

Research Gate Profile: http://www. researchgate.net/profile /Bobby_Cheema

Google Scholar Profile: http://scholar. google.com. au /citations?hl=en& user=Tq8QdNEAAAAJ& view_op=list_works

More about Dr Bobby Cheema - Exercise Physiologist

Dr Bobby Cheema - Exercise Physiologist is located at Suite G.03, 1 Centennial Drive, Campbelltown, New South Wales 2560
Appointments: 02 4628 1122