Dreamer Thinkerman

About Dreamer Thinkerman

I guess my name give a good suggestion about me. I am a dreamer and also a thinker. . .

Dreamer Thinkerman Description

You may say I am a dreamer…Yes, I am Dreamer…Dreamer Thinkerman.

I am a teacher, coach philosopher.

I am pleased to announce that my book, Getting out of Depression is now available as a Kindle edition on Amazon.

As the numbers of sufferers from this condition are continuously increasing worldwide, something in the way we are helped is missing. As an ordinary person, I believe that my book can help. Why I'm so confident is this. . . . . . simply because I suffered for so long with it. Despite trying every source possible to gain the real help I needed, I continued to struggle with the devastating effects and it destroyed my life. In desperation I was driven into figuring out myself how to get rid of the misery. It was not a fast process, but I did it.
As a result I feel it's my mission to share my experience and hopefully help as many people as possible out of the dark hopeless hell they feel and return to the sunny side of a healthy and happy life.

If you support this mission feel free to check out my page about this subject: https://www. facebook.com/gettingoutofdepression /

Thank you!

P. S. English is my second language so please forgive for my imperfections.