Earthing Downunder Nz & Oz

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00

About Earthing Downunder Nz & Oz

Affordable Earthing Sheets to Earth yourself while you sleep. Sleep so well it's like you are camping but in the comfort of your own bed

Earthing Downunder Nz & Oz Description

What is Earthing?

Earthing involves connecting your body to the Earth’s eternal and gentle surface energy. Quite simply Earthing is walking barefoot outside and /or sitting, working or sleeping inside while connected to a conductive device that delivers the natural healing electrons of the Earth into your body.

Until recently, humans spent a great deal of time in contact with the ground. This contact may have served an important purpose. Although it sounds like something from a sci-fi novel, Earthing—the act of physically connecting our bodies to the Earth—allows us to reset body’s natural electric charge. Research is finally beginning to back up the benefits of Earthing on our bodies health and emotional well-being.

We all instinctively feel how wonderful it is to wiggle our toes in grass, sink our fingers into the rich, crumbly soil of our garden, or walk barefoot on the sand. Research has shown that it takes 45 minutes to have a complete electron flush through the body. With our busy lives these simple pleasures are not always available to us each day (or even at all for some) and we are missing out on vital, natural, health enhancing Earthing.

Our modern urban lifestyles have taken us away from the natural force of the Earth’s healing Energy. Thanks to modern science and technology there is now a simple way to Earth ourselves each time we sleep.

Earthing Sheets and Pillowcases

The Global Gypsy is importing high quality and cost effective Earthing Sheets and Pillowcases from China. They are an affordable home accessory that you plug into the grounded port in your bedroom’s electrical outlet. These sheets allow you to gain the benefits of Earthing while you sleep.

They are designed so that your skin has direct contact to the conductive silver fibres in the sheets and pillowcases. Just make your bed as normal and enjoy the benefits of getting yourself Earthed as you sleep.

Research shows that Earthing:

Dramatically reduces inflammation
Reduces or eliminates chronic pain
Improves sleep

Increases energy

Improves blood flow

Relieves muscle tension and headaches

Dramatically speeds healing and prevents sores

Reduces or eliminates jet lag

Speeds recovery from athletic activity

Protects the body from harmful electromagnetic fields (EMF)

Lowers stress and promotes calmness

Do you notice you feel better when you walk barefoot on the Earth?

Twenty years of research has explained why this happens.

Your immune system functions optimally when your body has an adequate supply of electrons, which are easily and naturally obtained by barefoot contact with the Earth.

Electrons from the Earth have antioxidant effects that can protect your body from inflammation and its many well-documented health consequences. For most of our evolutionary history, humans have had continuous contact with the Earth.

Electrons meet your red blood cells and makes them negatively charged and so they repel each other circulating your blood properly the way humans have evolved on this planet. Fifty years ago we switched from leather soled shoes through which electrons can move to insulated shoes which they cannot.

It takes 45 minutes to have a complete electron flush through the body, which is why you should take your shoes off and get grounded when you fly to a different time zone and then you reset and avoid jet lag.

When you lie on the grass or beach you feel really earthed after only about 15 minutes because the electrons are entering your body at each point of contact. Which is what the sheets do through every point of contact with the skin .

When you have inflammation or arthritis you have white blood cell release to location and you are left with Free Radicals which are positively charged, electrons are negative and so they are neutralised and relief is felt in 30 minutes

It is only recently that substances such as asphalt, wood, rugs, houses, cars and plastics have separated us from this contact.

It is known that the Earth maintains a negative electrical potential on its surface. When you are in direct contact with the ground (walking barefoot, sitting, or laying down on the earth’s surface) the earth’s electrons are conducted to your body, bringing it to the same electrical potential as the earth. Living in direct contact with the earth grounds your body, inducing favorable physiological and electrophysiological changes that promote optimum health.

There is an emerging science documenting how conductive contact with the Earth, which has is also known as Earthing or grounding, is highly beneficial to your health and completely safe. Earthing appears to minimize the consequences of exposure to potentially disruptive fields like “electromagnetic pollution” or “dirty electricity. ” As so many of us live and work in urban areas with technology all around us Earthing is more important than ever to counteract the negative energy fields that modern technology transmits and gets absorbed in our bodies.

This information can be found on

More detailed information about the benefits of Earthing can be found on The Earthing Institute website (http://www.

Both David Suzuki and Dr Deepak Chopra have endorsed earthing.

More about Earthing Downunder Nz & Oz

Earthing Downunder Nz & Oz is located at Old Butter Factory 1 Doepel St, Bellingen, New South Wales 2454
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00