Eight Figure Attitude

About Eight Figure Attitude

When you change the way you think about money, you change the rest of your life, too. Changing the way you think about money is the shortcut to having your life look exactly how you want it to look.

Eight Figure Attitude Description

I don’t counsel.

I don’t sympathise.

I don’t empathise or understand.

I don’t expect anything from you.


Because that’s who you are.

Underneath all of that stuff you say to yourself, that stuff you believe about yourself, are all of your dreams and desires just waiting to come out and see the light of day.

“If you can dream it, you can do it” – Walt Disney

I totally agree with him. If you dream you can do something, you have the ability to do it.

But most people don’t want to: it’s way too comfortable working within the confines of their fears and anxieties.

Most people will settle for less.

Because it’s easy to do that.

It’s much easier to conform than it is to stand out.

It’s much easier to work within the box than move into the scary world outside the box.

Some of us, though, SOME of us KNOW that this isn’t it. The life we have right now is not the life we’re meant to be living. We don’t want to live inside the box: it’s boring, it’s drab, it’s mundane!

It’s not that we think we’re better than anyone else, we just KNOW there’s more to our lives than what’s going on right now.

We don’t belong here! We don’t belong in ordinariness! We want more! We want to achieve at least SOME of our potential.

We don’t want to feel like there’s something wrong all the time, like we’re not doing the right thing, because that’s how we feel the whole time: this isn’t it, we’re not meant to be doing this, we should be somewhere else.

Yes, we should.

We should be LIVING.

And we’re not. What we’ve got right now is SURVIVAL.


That’s all.

And it’s not enough.

Not for us.

It feels both wrong and right to admit that - at the same time!

This isn’t it. It’s not enough. Not for us. We know that if we don’t do something with our lives, we’re going to die heartbroken that we didn’t have the courage to just be ourselves.

Heartbroken that we didn’t do the things we were meant to do and make the difference we were meant to make.

We keep promising ourselves we’ll do something about it tomorrow…

Only tomorrow always seems to turn into yesterday before it seems to have had time to happen.

But you know.

You know it’s now or never.

You know you’ve got to do something.

You know you’ve got to stand up and actually LIVE for once.


Because you know you’ll be selling out on yourself if you don’t.

And the thought of dying with that on your conscience is scarier than anything.

So let’s start today. Right now. You and me.

Let’s make sure that you get to the end of your life exhilarated, thrilled and completely, utterly and totally exhausted from having fully, all out, LIVED your life, shouting “Man, that was a GOOD time! ”

K xxx

More about Eight Figure Attitude

Eight Figure Attitude is located at Gold Coast, Queensland