Equine Veterinary Acupuncture Chiropractic

About Equine Veterinary Acupuncture Chiropractic

The service involves assessing posture and conformation of the horse, addressing asymmetries and performing osteopathic releases and chiropractic adjustments. Acupuncture and medications are used where required. Saddle-fit, diet, and work are examined.

Equine Veterinary Acupuncture Chiropractic Description

Dr Mark Curtis graduated from Sydney University in 1993 with first class honours and the university medal. He worked after graduation for 3 years in an equine practice in Melbourne.

In 1996 he opened up his own equine practice, completing a membership in Equine medicine in 1999.

In 2002 whilst on a trip to study in Germany he was exposed to Veterinary Acupuncture and decided to incorporate this into his practice particularily for cases where he was not satisfied with the status quo of treatment eg sore backs.

After being highly impressed with this as a means of treatment and having a huge response in clients needing the service after completing the International Veterinary Acupuncture course(IVAS) in 2004 and spending some time in Norway studying with a world expert on Vet acupuncture he decided to concentrate on Acupuncture full time in his practice and thus discontinued standard equine vet work.

In 2006 the business name changed to Equine Veterinary Acupuncture Chiropractic

In 2007 he graduated from RMIT with a Graduate Diploma in Animal Chiropractic.

He has also taught acupuncture in Australia and overseas. He is in the process of setting up a course to teach Vet acupuncture with another vet Dr Rob Willis (see Veterinary Acupuncture 101)'

Mark believes that both acupuncture and chiropractic are highly effective and synergistic treatment modalities for numerous complaints that can affect horses. This comes from treating over 25000 cases now with a high rate of successful response to treatment.

It is also important to note that as a veterinarian who also works in with other vets cases that need further referral eg radiographs can be looked after accordingly and that traditional chinese medicine (TCM) and western medicine can co exist quite harmoniously when it comes to arriving at the best possible treatment plan and the correct diagnosis for the horse.

Horses respond very favourably to treatment generally as it involves minimal discomfort( usually none) and causes an endorphin release that calms the horse.

Saddlefit is also examined usually as integral part of the examination along with trigger points for joints and sometimes chinese pulse diagnosis.

The chiropractic component involves some adjustments and osteopathic techniques this is then followed usually by acupuncture with a non prohibited herbal mixture being injected into the required acupuncture points.

The beauty of the treatment is that it doesn't mask problems or just treats symptoms rather it activates the body's own self healing mechanism.

If you would like to book Mark to see your horse please call 0418 349 840 during business hours Mon -Fri 8am -5pm. Travel is both to South Coast Nsw and also Victoria.

More about Equine Veterinary Acupuncture Chiropractic

Equine Veterinary Acupuncture Chiropractic is located at www.evac-vet.com.au, Bodalla, NSW, Australia 2545