Every Step Of The Weigh

About Every Step Of The Weigh

Let's achieve your goals together …. Every Step of the Weigh.

Every Step Of The Weigh Description

My name is Yvette Collins, and as the founder of Every Step of the Weigh I am pleased to introduce my personally designed, practical weight loss program aimed at helping you achieve weight reduction leading to enhanced participation and enjoyment of life.

I am uniquely qualified having personally lost 60 kilos over 18 months. I have since maintained my weight and through my studies I am now a qualified weight loss consultant. I am ready to share my knowledge with you in a calm, comfortable and supportive manner - teaching you how to manage your weight and improve your health and well-being. With my program you will not be alone in your journey to lose weight.

Let's be honest, losing weight is not rocket science - in fact most of us already have a rudimentary understanding of what a healthy eating plan should be. Most of us are acutely aware when we are ‘off the rails’ or ‘out of control’ or simply unfocused on our health. Whether the decision to focus on your weight and health is your own or given under medical advice, a helping hand to guide you through a personal plan will be a key factor in your success.

My one-on-one affordable consultations provide nutritional information, a food plan, exercise guidelines and emotional support, all designed to bring about behavioural change. The initial step includes a 1 hour food and lifestyle assessment followed by weekly 1 /2 hour meetings consisting of lessons, goal setting and a progress review.

I will mentor, support, inspire and motivate you on your journey to lose weight.

Let's achieve your goals together …. Every Step of the Weigh.

To take the first step to becoming slimmer, fitter and healthier, contact me on 0403 601 461 or everystepoftheweigh@bigpond.com