Excited For Mondays - Career Counselling And Coaching

About Excited For Mondays - Career Counselling And Coaching

Excited for Mondays offers career counseling for teens, young adults, & career changers. Skilled in resumes and job applications. Focus on tertiary study.

Excited For Mondays - Career Counselling And Coaching Description

Excited for Mondays offers career counseling for teens, young adults, & career changers. Skilled in resumes and job applications. Focus on tertiary study.



Year 10 parents I hear you! One minute they're holding your hand to cross the road and the next they're getting ready to drive down it. What happened? One of the big decisions that 15 and 16 year olds face is choosing subjects for the final years of school. It's a maze. Here's some practical ways to work through the maze and links to valuable resources.


Are you heading to the Western Sydney Careers Careers Expo this week? Here's my top tips to make the most of the experience. Career expos are a great opportunity to gather a stack of career and study information at one event. They differ from university and college open days in that there can be hundreds of exhibitors. It sounds good but parents and young people often come away more confused than before they started. Get the most out of your career expo experience by following these 8 practical tips. https://excitedformondays.com.au/career-e xpos/


I know we were all young once, and went through this for ourselves, but if we as educators and those who guide young people can understand more deeply, we will make a difference to those we work with. “If kids grow up in opportune settings, they can take advantage of the scaffolding and freedom to go on to take adult roles. But the risks are probably more amplified than opportunities for kids in disadvantaged settings.” Ronald Dahl


From this beautiful promo for Foreign Correspondent "... we're only as rich as the people we meet " Learning about the world, culture, people, the lives they lead, the work they do - this is the vital step in helping young people to explore and engage with future possibilities.


Link to Charles Sturt Paramedine http://ow.ly/bnds30kvyaU


Currently listening to a Paramedic Course Info Session at Charles Sturt University. Increased job opportunities is obviously a boost for current and future students.


One of the key skills identified in this report as being lacking by young adults is interview and job application skills. I see this with the young adults I work with too. Of course, these career management skills are essential for life and can be taught.


When I grow up I wanna be a games designer - here's 17 different job roles for the would be game designer. http://ow.ly/umdN30kqryY


All the good you can do, in all the ways that you can ... this is a significant shift from Australian National University in relation to entry to university. "In a new scheme designed to diversify the university's ranks, school leavers will be asked to meet a minimum threshold of community service and extra-curricular activity such as working part-time, playing sport or volunteering, on top of achieving the right score for their degree." http://www.anu.edu.au/…/co-curricular-o r-service-requirement


Universities Admissions Centre has a new look. The focus is on engaging you, supporting and assisting you to follow your dreams in study.


True confession - I loved watching "Peter Rabbit". The animation was captivating. I stayed to watch the credits, as I usually do, and was amazed by the diversity of talent, and roles. Here's some of the insight into the production process from Animal Logic. For those aspiring to use their creative talents, this will inspire. https://www.screenaustralia.gov.au/…/04 -10-making-peter-rab…


And this link to explain more https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_contin ue=3&v=4ThFNAYqYgI


It's a big question for young people and parents - should I go to TAFE (VET) or to uni? The answer is, work out what is the right thing for you. Trade and skilled pathways offer good future outcomes - https://www.myskills.gov.au/rightnow


Getting ready to work with some students tomorrow on my "Why comes before everything" workshop. This is where we start - knowing what matters.


When I grow up ... I want to be a Games Designer, or be a professional Gamer. Many parents wrestle with this career aspiration from their children (I know I did!) So how can you make a career out of gaming? Here's the story of Howard Phillips. For him, it was being in the right place to take up a unique opportunity. PS I'll follow this up with some stats on the Gaming industry. Meanwhile, enjoy the story. It's a classic.


"Should I study a Bachelor of Arts?" It's a question I often get asked. Professor Michael Ondaatje, National Head of School at Australian Catholic University, asserts: "The goal is to make a life and to make a living"
B Arts grads have the opportunity to develop transferable skills such as research, analytics, and employability skills - social engagement, well developed worldview, experience in wrestling with complex modern world issues.
... So the answer is, yes. If you want to engage with life, work, global issues, think, then the B Arts could be good you. The ACU B Arts, and associated opportunities, looks like a great place to start.
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More about Excited For Mondays - Career Counselling And Coaching

0411 271 728