Flora 4 Fauna - Australia

About Flora 4 Fauna - Australia

This page is dedicated to the revegetation of the environment by educating the community about Native Australian Bushfoods & Fauna Attracting Host Plants!

Flora 4 Fauna - Australia Description

This page is dedicated to the revegetation of the environment by supplying the community with Native Australian Bushfoods & Fauna Attracting Host Plants!

We have seen a dramatic increase in the clearing of natural flora over past few years not only in SE Queensland, but all over the country.

In QLD alone, over 1 million + hectares of wildlife habitat has been destroyed in recent years for and by property developers, mining companies, industrialized agriculture, commerce and industry.

While the human populations appear to benefit, in the short-term, from this dramatic change in the environment, the flora and fauna species take a direct hit to their longevity, due to loss of native food sources, natural habitat, breeding grounds, protection from the elements and predation, etc.

In the longer term, dramatic environmental destruction has been scientifically proven to be extremely detrimental to the well-being of the human population, as we (humans) are actively destroying that which we are dependent on for a 'free' wild food source, fresh clean air, protection from the extremes of the elements, physical longevity and peace of mind.

It has been proven that humans experience an increase in positivity when in contact with the natural world and that every living tree produces enough oxygen for at least 4 people!

For those reasons alone, we should endeavour to not only protect the existing environment, where practicable, but we should also replenish it with native Australian regeneration plant species and food sources for both humans and native fauna alike.

Flora 4 Fauna - Australia is actively working towards providing the community with:

- Native Australian Plants through regular plant sales;

- The facilitation of small. medium and large-scale regeneration projects;

- Educational 'Walks and Talks';

- Bushfood & Biodiversity Eco Tours; &

- The provision of (easy-to-follow) advice to help individuals and local community groups regenerate the depleted parts of Australia by planting Native Australian Bushfoods & Fauna Attracting Host Plants, etc.

Australia has one of the most diverse environments in the world and SE Queensland is one of the most (internationally recognized) biodiverse areas on the continent.

With that in mind, we invite you to get involved in this community based project by liking our Facebook pages and joining our Flora 4 Fauna - Australia support group that are designed to increase public awareness about our native Australian Bushfoods & Pollinator Attracting plants, the plight of our natural world and what can be done to help rectify the current situation!

Feel free to invite your family and friends to become part of this (community based) educationally inspired (native Australian) green revolution!

* To see our native Australian Flora and Fauna in their natural environment, feel free to visit our Interpretive Eco Tour Page at:

https://www. facebook.com/Flora4FaunaEcoTours /

To share your Flora 4 Fauna experiences in your own garden and / or local environment, join our Flora 4 Fauna - Australia 'Support Group' here:

https://www. facebook.com/groups /flora4faunaqld /

If you have enjoyed our educational programs and conservation tours and events and are happy for others read about your positive experiences, you may like to write a review here:

https://www. facebook.com/pg /Flora4FaunaAustralia /reviews /