Fooboo Australian Cross Cultural Training

About Fooboo Australian Cross Cultural Training

FACCT has been designed for BPO service providers, who provide Asian based contact centre and back office agent support services, into Australia.

Fooboo Australian Cross Cultural Training Description has developed such a course. We have taken a different approach and produced an outcomes-based programme that is developed by a teacher as opposed to a trainer whose approach is fundamentally different. The course is called FACCT (FooBoo

FACCT has been designed for BPO service providers, who provide Asian based contact centre and back office agent support services, into Australia. At the back of our minds was the notion that agents have to be productive when their initial training is completed. It addresses agents’ soft skills as a function of increasing a BPO service provider Net Promoter Score (NPS)

FACCT Programme Director Ms. Lockley said, “The teacher has the skills and techniques that not only can impart information to the learner but that more importantly the learner will be able to retain the information. A trainer will deliver a course but has not been trained themselves in the art of teaching and to know and understand all of the factors that contribute to a learner retaining information. ”

Furthermore, “A trainer is someone who provides instruction on a skill or behaviour. For example: a trainer will provide instruction to people about how to use new software or a product range. Another trainer may train people on the correct procedure for handling a complaint. In other words, training is about modifying behaviour. ”

“Moreover, ‘teaching’ goes beyond training. Teaching involves understanding the concepts behind the instruction. Teaching asks “Why?” The learner in a teaching environment should be able to make new connections with the material, make assumptions about new situations, and synthesise solutions to problems related to the course material. Someone needs to be ’taught’ how to interact with Australians — not just trained in Australian idiomatic expressions. It is about getting learners to think. That’s the way that adults like to learn. ”

In contrast, ‘rote’ learning is a memorisation technique based on repetition. The idea is that one will be able to quickly recall the meaning of the material the more one repeats it. Rote learning has its place, however it is a technique that is largely unsuitable for adult learners as adults learn and retain information through a different process to children, for example.

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The FACCT programme is completely Australian. It is not bits of American or British CCT courses. After all, Australians are different and unique. The course is a blended combination of face-to-face (Observational) and practical (Experiential) learning and online delivery via a student individualised platform. The course has 6 modules and a culture component. The great advantage of an online delivery system is that the agent has access to the course material outside of the workplace, as they will have their own individual login.

The course is completely flexible, in that it can be delivered all at once or broken up and integrated with on-boarding and induction customer service and product training.

For existing agents, it may be best delivered all at once in a short burst – after all, it’s not good to have them off the phones for too long! For new hires, it may be best delivered as a part of their induction or on-boarding programme and augmented by elements of existing CCT programmes – that may stretch out to two weeks of elapsed time over the course of their 7-week induction programme. For ‘near’ hires that were close to employment, except that they do not have business grade English, a different strategy might have to be applied i. e. their course could be supplemented with a programme like www.

Thus, through this relationship, we believe that you will increase your Australian client satisfaction and decrease your agent turnover.

More about Fooboo Australian Cross Cultural Training

Fooboo Australian Cross Cultural Training is located at Level 1 489 Willoughby Road, Willoughby, New South Wales 2068
61 2 8404 5988