Food Goals

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About Food Goals

Your Weekly Meal Prep Made Easy
Servicing The Hills District



\\\ C A R B O H Y D R A T E S /// by @coachcoldog
◾️ WHAT ARE THEY? 💥 Key macronutrient that provide us with energy - the body converts carbohydrates contained in our food and fluid intake into blood sugar which the body uses for energy. ... 💥 Foods high in carbohydrates include potatoes, rice, soft drinks, sugary desserts, some fruits, starchy/root veggies
◾️ WHY CONSUME THEM? 💥 A super low carb diet can negatively effect your mood, stall fat loss, inflammation, elevated cortisol (stress hormone), increased disease risk 💥 Regulate blood sugar levels 💥 I will often suggest to my clients to reduce carb intake fairly substantially when they first start working with me - only getting their carbohydrates from dark leafy veggies and veggies - these are generally high in fibre, which is key to keeping us regular!! 💥 As we get closer to the target body composition, we can reintroduce other carbohydrate sources (still focusing on whole nutrient dense foods) - this can often result in more consistent energy levels.
◾️ TIPS ON CARB INTAKE 💥 Earn your carbs!! If you’re body composition is not where you want it to be, consider reducing your total carb intake for a while. Two weeks getting carbs from high fibre veggies has worked wonders for a number of my clients in resetting their bodies 💥 Think about the timing of your non fibrous carb intake - personally I like to take carbs in after I train in my protein shake - this replaces lost glycogen from training. I will also have carbs in my first meal post training and in my last meal of the day, they can increase serotonin levels which help you sleep. Carbs can assist in recovery from training. 💥 Be aware of how your body feels - I generally don’t like having a heavy carb meal first thing in the morning as I feel sluggish
💥💥Hope that helps you understand carbohydrates a bit better!!!💥💥
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\\\ N U T R I T I O N /// by @coachcoldog
Living your best life is dependent on a number of factors - fuelling your body to perform at your best is a HUGE component. What steps can you take to overhaul/tune up your nutrition? Read on for some tips!!
... 💥💥Most people cannot get over how much food I eat each day, keys to getting myself to this point have been: 🎓 Understanding my start point and baseline 🎓 Seeking out good advice 🎓 Educating myself on good food choices 🎓 Listening to my body and not losing sight of the big picture. My food intake every single day is not optimal, my food choices every single day are not optimal, over the course of a week, month and a year a combination of accountability and organisation ensures that my intake and choices are optimal. 💥💥
💥 C A L O R I E S / K I L O J O U L E S - widely understood that an excess of these (against our daily energy requirements) will lead to weight gain. 2 questions to ask yourself here: How many calories do I currently consume? How many do I actually need? Track your food and drink intake for a couple of days through an app like MyFitnessPal - super easy to do and the results may surprise you - track every snack and drink too, it all adds up!! How many calories you need is determined by a few factors, based not only on your weight and body composition goals, but your activity levels and body weight as well. 💥 Q U A L I T Y of food matters. Aiming for a calorie target in isolation is not optimal, we need to consider the micro and macro nutrients in the foods you eat to help optimise how you feel and how you perform. 💥A B S O R P T I O N - how’s your gut health? An unhealthy gut will be ineffective at absorbing nutrients your body needs to function at its best! Consider how you feel during the day, do you get uncomfortable after you eat? Go to the toilet a lot or not enough?
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\\\ I N F L A M M A T I O N - Tips to Manage & Reduce/// by @coachcoldog
Last week we spoke about inflammation and a few tips on how to manage and reduce chronic inflammation.
... This week we speak in more detail around the 'HOW' to manage and reduce chronic inflammation: 🚀 G E T R I D of trans fats from your diet!! These are one of the absolute worst things you can put in your body - cause of cardiovascular inflammation and cholesterol - ain’t nobody got time for that!! Highly processed foods are the main culprit here, check the label of your food before you buy it, or better yet, limit the amount of food that needs a label, fresh whole foods are best! 🚀 G E T M O R E good fats!! Balancing omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids is important to minimising chronic inflammation. Personally I find a quality supplement works well for this, increasing seafood consumption helps too 🚀 M A G N E S I U M & Z I N C - consider supplementation here, zinc minimises the bodies inflammatory processes and adequate levels of magnesium are linked to cardiovascular health and lower levels of oxidative stress (contributes to heart disease and aging). I take both half an hour before bed, magnesium can often help with your sleep too. 🚀 B E R R I E S - red, blue and purple berries are high in antioxidants, which abolish free radicals and inhibit the production of enzymes that cause irritation and pain in conditions such as arthritis and gout. Plus they are delicious!! 🤤🤤 🚀 R E S I S T A N C E T R A I N I N G - improve your cardiovascular health, can decrease risk of diabetes and can lower oxidative inflammation markers.
💥💥💥Questions? Comments? Feel free to share your thoughts below!!💥💥💥
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\\\ I N F L A M M A T I O N /// by @coachcoldog
This week I wanted to cover off some top level stuff on inflammation: 💪 WHAT is it?... 💪 WHY do we want to manage it? 💪 HOW to manage it?
💥 W H A T - according to the Colin’s dictionary (see what I did there haha) - it is a physical condition where the body becomes either reddened, swollen, hot and often painful. So not a good thing right? Well, not always, weight training, injuries and infection will cause an inflammatory response in the body, which is part of the recovery process. Think about how your skin looks around any cuts, or what happens when you bump your leg and bruise it - that’s short term inflammation.
💥 W H Y do we want to manage it? Chronic inflammation (as opposed to “short term” described above) is not a good thing, it is linked to obesity, fat gain, accelerated aging, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, cancer, and stomach problems, not to mention the consistent pain. All sound like good enough reasons to manage it to me!!
💥H O W - some tips to manage and reduce chronic inflammation: 🚀 G E T R I D of trans fats from your diet!! 🚀 G E T M O R E good fats!! 🚀 M A G N E S I U M & Z I N C 🚀 B E R R I E S 🚀 R E S I S T A N C E T R A I N I N G
💥💥💥Questions? Comments? Feel free to share your thoughts below!!💥💥💥
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We are very lucky to have @coachcoldog on our team. We will be sharing some of his tips on ensuring we perform at our best
\\\ Fix your gut health /// by @coachcoldog
... At different points in our year, we all eat and drink plenty, I always use these period/s and special occasions to relax my attitude towards food a little and tend to consume more alcohol than I do ordinarily. As a result I will sometimes feel a bit bloated and flat every now and then where I do overdo it!!
What do I do to get everything singing again? My top tips below:
💥 start your day with some apple cider vinegar, lime juice and warm water 💥 cook up some bone broth - drink it instead of coffee for a few weeks 💥 eat lots of slow cooked or minced proteins 💥 consume a table spoon of fermented veg with each meal
Getting your gut right makes a huge difference to how you feel day to day, that horrible bloated feeling goes away, your body will use the nutrients in the food you consume more effectively and your stomach will flatten amongst a whole range of other things!!
Apple cider vinegar first thing in the morning will help regulate your blood sugar levels, lowers your blood pressure and provides a whole range of other benefits, I enjoy the taste when I add a bit of lime juice as well, which helps stimulate your gastrointestinal tract.
Bone broth is packed with nutrients, and I find it really helpful if I’m pulling my calories right back from other foods as I know the bone broth will ensure I still get a good kick of micronutrients. Has a great soothing effect on inflammation in the gut and can help heal gut lining.
Proteins that are already broken down are not only delicious (think pulled beef and pork 🤤🤤) they are great for your gut as the body needs to do less to break them down, again less stress on the gut.
Fermented veg is great as it contains good bacteria which we need to help our gut functioning well.
Questions? Comments? Please comment below or DM - happy to chat!!
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| Family Favourite | Pumpkin Soup | . We like to think of FOOD GOALS as a family, from everyone that helps us produce these amazing meals @georgesfinemeats, to the amazing people that enjoy the meals during their day, they are part of the family !!! . Our chiefs are home cooks that learnt their passion for cooking from their families. The below recipe has been passed on through the generations, with a little food goals twist. Thank you to Food Goals MUM @sydparkers for the in...spiration to this recipe, the food goals family love you xx . . | Ingredients | 1 Large Pumpkin, skin removed and diced into large cubes 2 Onions diced 1 tbsp Paprika 1.5 tbsp Curry Powder 1/2 tsp Nutmeg 1 Bay Leaves 1 Stock Cube Chicken Broth, enough to sit just below the diced pumpkin Pepper to taste . Instructions In a large soup pot, add Pumpkin, Onion, Paprika, Curry Powder, Nutmeg, Bay Leaves, Stock Cube, Pepper and Chicken Broth (we will put a recipe up shortly for an amazing chicken broth). As the pumpkin cooks, stir occasionally to ensure it moves below the broth level line. Cook until pumpkin is soft, (a fork should move through it easily) Remove the bay leaves. Blend with a stick blender until smooth. . Serve hot with a sprinkling of paprika and enjoy 😉
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| Almond Milk |
Almond milk is a great alternative to cow’s milk if you are trying to limit your dairy intake and is naturally rich in Vitamin E. The below recipe is a simple way to make your own almond milk at home.
Ingredients;... 1. 1 Cup of Almonds, soaked in water overnight (at least 8 hours) 2. 4 Cups of Filtered Water
Instructions 1. Drain and rinse the almonds 2. Add the rinsed almonds and 4 cups of filtered water to a blender 3. Blend on high speed for 2 to 3 minutes or until a creamy consistency 4. Place a piece of muslin in a bowel with the edges hanging over the sides 5. Pour the almond mixture into the muslin 6. Bring the edges of the muslin together and squeeze out the liquid into a bowel 7. Pour the almond milk into a sterile bottle 8. Cover and leave in the fridge for up to 4 days. Shake the bottle well before use
Note: Keep the leftover solids to use in place of almond meal in your baking
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| Beef Bone Broth|
Beef Broth is an amazing tool to assist in good gut health. If you are feeling bloated and lethargic it will assist in improving your body’s natural ability to absorb nutrients to ensure we can perform at our best throughout the day. In reducing inflammation, it will assist in flattening your stomach which is always a bonus :p
Ingredients;... 1. 1 kg Marrow Bones 2. 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar 3. 750g Meaty Beef Bones (Soup Bones) 4. 1 Large Onion, roughly chopped (leave the skin on) 5. 2-3 Carrots, roughly chopped 6. 2 Leak (white part only), roughly chopped 7. 2 Celery Stalks, Roughly Chopped 8. 1 Garlic Bulb, Cut in half lengthways 9. Herbs | We use 1 large handful of parsley, leaves and stalks, 4 Thyme sprigs & 2 Bay Leaves 10. 1 tsp black peppercorns. Lightly Crushed in a mortar and pestle
Instructions 1. Place Marrow Bones in a pressure cookers with the apple cider vinegar and enough washer to cover the bones 2. Place beef bones and veg (onion, carrot, 1 half garlic bulb, leek and celery) in a roasting tin and roast for 30 min at 200 degrees 3. Transfer beef bones and veg to the pressure cooker 4. Pour some water into roasting tin to help extract roasting juices. Add to the pressure cooker 5. Add remaining ingredients to the pressure cooker (herbs, peppercorns and half garlic bulb) 6. Cover bones and veg with water, no more then 2/3 full 7. Place lid, bring to high pressure and cook for 3 hours 8. Let the pressure naturally release and pass through a fine sieve
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Specials this week - Clean Shepherds Pie - spiced sweet potato mash on beef ragu on a bed of winter vegies or Beef Ragu on a bed of winter vegies, available for pick up in Castle Hill - $12 each 🤤🤤🤤 Comment or message if you want one (or two!!)


This week we will have pulled beef and beef ragu meals for sale at Cleanshred - message us now or comment on this post if you want one - last 2 weeks sold out, so get in quick!! Both meals have no added carbs beyond the veggies and are made with hormone free and grass fed beef 🤤🤤🤤


Meat and veg Food Goals style!! Grass fed and hormone free beef brisket with winter veg - get in my belly!! 🤤🤤🤤


Clean butter chicken, meals don’t come much better than this on a cold night in Sydney!! 🤤🤤


Definite crowd favourite is our pulled pork!! Starting with hormone free pork neck from our good mates @georgesfinemeats_syd - we cook it down so it melts in your mouth - super easy on the stomach for digestion. Pictured here with spiced sweet potato mash (carbohydrates) and our standard serve of seasoned veggies!! Ain’t nobody got time for boring bland food!!


Meal prep has never been so tasty ��!

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