Foundational Non-Profit Consulting

About Foundational Non-Profit Consulting

Working with small & micro Not For Profit orgs & clubs providing operational business & governance planning, practical strategy, & grant writing.

Foundational Non-Profit Consulting Description

Foundational Non-Profit Consulting provides practical & strategic support to Micro & Small Not For Profit Orgs, and individuals looking to start or grow a charity, church or club.

Our focus is on helping you do just the right amount of planning at the right time, to get the right result for your organisation and help you to organise your ideas into a cohesive vision and business plan.

Our passion & core skills are in helping you turn your great ideas into reality by helping you navigate how to “do it once and do it well”.

Foundational Non Profit Consulting, planning and grant writing is our specialty.

What is it and when do you need it?

Foundational Non-Profit Consulting focuses on supporting a small organisation and its committee with practical processes and through decisions to assist them in creating a foundation in their organisation that can support them as they grow through the missions life stages.

Doing adequate business planning at the right times in a organisation's life cycle allows a Not-For Profit and its managers to develop new and better operational processes that allow growth including:
• moving from an idea to reality,
• better organisation and strategic decision making
• becoming attractive to granting bodies and sponsors
• maintaining existing services and expanding into new services and projects.

When you need it:

Most small Non Profit groups have an idea for a project or service they believe is a sustainable idea that can make a genuine difference, they are often specialists in their field /trade.
Most organisation managers face multiple points of significant stress when they realise at various times in their missions life cycle that they don’t have everything they need (in themselves) to be able to run the organisation the way they want to, or achieve the results they expected or desire.

They are so busy working in the organisation they don’t have time or ability to perform the regular and adequate planning, or ask themselves the tough questions leading to important decisions, that will allow them to be the organisation they envisioned.

Milestones /Clues that you need help:
• At the beginning of your mission, the idea stage (preplanning for success – begin with the end in mind)

• As you start doing business (first 6-12mths) – scoping out what you are

• When you start to feel overwhelmed with opportunities and ideas or challenges (What do you say yes and no to)

• When you can sense things are changing (in your organisation, in the market where you are doing your work)

• When you want to grow, but you’re worried about damaging the organisation you’ve built by going to the next stage or expanding.

More about Foundational Non-Profit Consulting

Foundational Non-Profit Consulting is located at Level 2, Vinegar Hill Library Building, Corner of White Hart Drive and Windsor Road, Rouse Hill 2155