Gallows Manor

About Gallows Manor

The most awesome home EVAR! ! ! !

Gallows Manor Description

Gallows Manor is the home of I Lyle Hubert Todd Ingram Cumberdale Oakley. All are welcome if they can obey the 8 rules!

1. Asymmetrical banter will not be tolerated
2. If you don't follow the way of the vegan, You should at least respect the people who do.
3. Don't hide who you really are if you take a while to warm up to crowds. No one is going anywhere for a while just relax.
4. Be creative and artistic! !
5. Don't touch what isn't yours unless you ask first. . . I prefer things to be in there place all the time.
6. Everyone should have fun!
7. Do not show up at Gallows Manor unless you give me a little warning. I do some crazy things when I am cleaning or chilling at home. Which sometimes includes no clothing.
8. I love you all and I welcome anyone in need to my home if they can obey the rules! Symmetry is something taken very seriously by me so do not invoke my wrath.

Gallows Manor also has nicknames such as Vegan Academy, Funhouse, The Lair, Lil' Wayne's 'Joint', The Colosseum.
Just to avoid confusion in future events. ^_^