Gender And Modernity Research Group

About Gender And Modernity Research Group

The Gender and Modernity Group is an inter-disciplinary research cluster at the University of Sydney. GMG promotes humanities and social science research on gender across the key social, political and cultural co-ordinates of modernity.



Celebrate Showgirls' twentieth birthday!


Raewyn Connell leadership award nominations open soon:…/gender-sexu alitiies-culture.html


New themed issue on Germaine Greer for Australian Feminist Studies - abstracts due 15 June fs-greer


New Law Annexe Seminar Room 446 Level 4 New Law School Annexe F10 Eastern Avenue... The University of Sydney
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Hi all,
Happy new year, I hope you're all settling well back into non-holiday-mode!
The FASS Gender and Modernity Group is organising a symposium on Masculinity and Modernity, to be held on 7-8th February at the New Law Annexe. Papers are by invitation, but the symposium is open to all interested attendees and the organising committee (Natalya Lusty, Anna Hickey-Moody and Jane Park) would love to see you there.
... It's a free event, but for catering purposes please RSVP to Nancy Lee at and advise of any dietary requirements.
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We have three exciting events this August!


Quite an opportunity for postgraduate and early career researchers to meet and speak with Professor Kuan-Hsing Chen.


Registration for this exciting event is free, and all are welcome.


In collaboration with the Institute for Culture and Society, UWS and co-funded by SOPHI and the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of the University of Sydney.
Confirmed participants: Ruth Barcan (Sydney) Tony Bennett (UWS)... Catherine Driscoll (Sydney) Anna Gibbs (UWS) James Hay (Illinois) Andrew Hickey (USQ) Anna Hickey-Moody (Sydney) Ben Highmore (Sussex) Tess Lea (Sydney) David McInnes (UWS) Meaghan Morris (Sydney) Greg Noble (UWS) Elspeth Probyn (Sydney) Penny Rossiter (UWS) Julian Sefton-Green (LSE) Zoe Sofoulis (UWS) Megan Watkins (UWS) Sonja van Wichelen (UWS) Andrea Whitcombe (Deakin)
This workshop is a closed event, but for more information contact Dr Megan Watkins.
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Open to a general audience.
Event venues: Thursday August 23rd 10 – 12, New Law seminar rm020... 12 – 4:30, New Law School Annex rm346
Friday August 24h 9.15 – 6:00, New Law School Annex rm446
Confirmed Speakers: Keynote 1: Tejaswini Niranjana (Centre for the Study of Culture and Society, Bangalore, India) Keynote 2: Hiromi Dollase (Japanese and Chinese Studies, Vassar, USA)
And papers by Tomoko Aoyama (UQ) Roslyn Appleby (UTS) Ruth Barraclough (ANU) Catherine Driscoll (Sydney) Barbara Hartley (Tasmania) Laleen Jayamanne (Sydney) Vera Mackie (UoW) Fran Martin (Melbourne) Meaghan Morris (Sydney) Peter Jackson (ANU) Jane Park (Sydney) Rebecca Suter (Sydney) Yi Zheng (UNSW) Qiu Zitong (UNSW)
All welcome. Registration for this event is free. For catering purposes register by emailing name and affiliation to by August 20.
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Professor Chen is an expert on modernity in Asia and a leading figure in Inter-Asian Cultural Studies. He will present a talk on his research for postgraduate researchers. A group of postgraduate students will also offer short presentations on their work in this area: Nikki Savvides, Qiu Zitong, Norman Yusoff, and Mary Miao. Afternoon tea will be served. It will be held in the New Law Annex seminar room 444.
All postgraduate researchers welcome. Registration for this event is free. For catering purposes register by emailing your name and affiliation to by August 9.

More about Gender And Modernity Research Group

Gender And Modernity Research Group is located at University Drive, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia 2006