Gestalt Therapy Sydney

About Gestalt Therapy Sydney

Gestalt Therapy Sydney training program embraces a relational perspective in understanding the human condition, development, growth and change.

Gestalt Therapy Sydney Description

The Gestalt Therapy Sydney Core Training offers an experiential, theoretically comprehensive and creative approach to the development of Gestalt Therapists, graduates of which gain eligibility to become members of Gestalt Australia New Zealand (GANZ) and to be listed on the Australian Register of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (ARCAP- PACFA). Gestalt Therapy Sydney is committed to quality assurance through ongoing curriculum development in order to be at the leading edge of contemporary theoretical developments in Psychotherapy and Teaching approaches. Gestalt Therapy Sydney promotes a scholarly, academically rigorous and experiential approach to contemporary Gestalt Therapy.

More about Gestalt Therapy Sydney

Gestalt Therapy Sydney is located at 117 Union Street McMahon's Point, Sydney, Australia 2060
02- 9954 4848