Gordon Uniting Church In Australia



I am so shocked how you can invite the mufti to come and speak in your church. So saddening with your compromise.
Their Allah is the devil, our God is almighty, He reached down to man to restore a relationship. All we have to just accept it, it is all paid for. God is love and who dwell in love dwells in God, Love does not kill and murder, love is perfect as God is perfect. Their Allah is the complete opposite of Love. Their Allah is a pedophile and murderer, everything is taken by the sword, not by love. Satan knows his time is near, he is doing as much destruction as possible, our God is allowing this to happen in order for His perfect will and plan to be accomplished. Remember, the heart of the king is in the hands of the Lord, He hardens the heart of Pharaoh in order to declare Himself to the Israelite and get them out of Egypt. Dig into His scriptures and find out for yourselves, we are experiencing the beginning of the end time. I pray that all those who fear Him will keep their lamps with oil ready to meet the groom. We need to be faithful to His calling and not to compromise with the devil.


These irresponsible people invited the Grand Mufti of Australia to speak at Ravenswood School today 25 September 2016. The Grand Mufti has publicly described Australian girls as "uncovered pieces of meat". Islam condones the subjugation of women and oppresses them in ways that are inconsistent with Australian culture.

To have invited this man to address people in this venue and manner is hypocritical in the extreme. How many Christians are invited into Muslim schools in Muslim countries to preach love and peace? None. Why? Because Islam is an ideology that espouses death to unbelievers.

None so blind as those who will not see.


The man has been in this country for a life time he refuses to learn English.
What sort are you setting of example are you setting for these girls.
If my daughter was going to that school I would pull her out quick smart, I would not want her to be groomed for some Muslim Barbarian


I am disgusted to hear you are inviting the Grand Mufti to your church!! He who thinks western women and uncovered pieces of meat. It's very scary that you invite him knowing this, I sincerely hope you don't share the same views. But why put women in possible danger by inviting him?

More about Gordon Uniting Church In Australia

Gordon Uniting Church In Australia is located at 18 Cecil St, Gordon NSW 2072, Australia
+61 2 9498 6729