Grafton Uniting Church

About Grafton Uniting Church

Services every Sunday at 9. 45am (including Kids Church). In addition we have various bible study groups that meet throughout the week. For more information contact minister - Rev. James Annesley.

Grafton Uniting Church Description

Grafton Uniting Church- Prince St Congregation

Jesus is the head of this church: We will Glorify Jesus in every aspect of our life together, seeking and pursuing excellence in all that we do. Not just for our sake, but for the kingdom.

We also realise that we are a less than perfect church for less than perfect people. . . who need a perfect Saviour, Jesus.

We Value the following:

• Obedience and commitment to living out God’s word:

We believe that God’s word is the ultimate authority for all matters of life and faith. It is able to transform lives.

• Bold faith:

We will act out of the conviction that faith is an unfolding adventure that God calls us into. We will encourage risk and utter dependency upon God through prayer and audacious action to mark our journey. (Hebrews 11, 12)

• Passionate outreach:

Jesus came into this world to seek and save the lost. We will proclaim the gospel enthusiastically in word and deed. (Matthew 28)

• Serving with our gifts:

We will enable and encourage people to serve with their spiritual gifts

• Empowering leadership.

Founded on servant hearted and godly leadership, we will make raising, training and equipping leaders a priority.

• Transforming Lives:

We long to see lives transformed as a result of our relationship with Jesus.

• Creating authentic Christian community:

Building a biblical community of all ages (Acts 2), with love, grace filled relationships

More about Grafton Uniting Church

Grafton Uniting Church is located at 126 Prince Street, Grafton, New South Wales, Australia 2460