Grevillea Genealogy

About Grevillea Genealogy

Family trees and reports
Ancestor background research
Advice and help with online resources
Mentoring DIY projects
Advice and assistance with autosomal DNA tests

Grevillea Genealogy Description

Grevillea Genealogy was established as a small business in Sydney in 2014.

Its proprietor, Margaret Tucker Moxon has over 10 years experience researching family history for herself and others. Margaret has recently attained a Certificate at Distinction level from Pharos Teaching and Tutoring (UK) and the Society of Genealogists (London), focusing on English genealogy from 17th century to WW1. Margaret is currently studying the Diploma of Family History at the University of Tasmania.

Margaret is a former librarian, senior policy officer for government, community development worker and webmaster for a large seniors computer club and a one-name society, The Moxon Society. Margaret has a high degree of computer software expertise and is a skilled and effective web searcher.

Talk to Margaret about:

Building a family tree and reporting on findings.
Providing vital records (certificates)for your ancestors.
Seeking the truth behind family folklore.
Advising on how to DIY, if you have some computer skills, and mentoring you through your discovery journey.
Preparing a photo book on line.

And more. Just ask. Competitive rates. Timely service.

More about Grevillea Genealogy

Grevillea Genealogy is located at Northmead, New South Wales 2152