Happy Healthy You

About Happy Healthy You

The nasal vacuum is designed to remove the mucus from the child's nose, in order to ease breathing and prevent the development of complications.

Happy Healthy You Description

ABOUT US. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

We are the parents of two young children. We understand how hard it is for parents and for children when they get sick. All children suffer from runny noses couple times a year. As you will know babies can’t blow their noses properly for some time and when their noses are blocked they don’t breastfeed, eat, sleep or play. We have tried medi. . . cations to dry the mucus; we tried to remove it with the balloon type aspirators and other manual aspirators but nothing would work for us until we discovered product Benny Nasal Vacuum. With our own experience we believe we have found a product that really works. This product is highly recommended by pediatricians around the world. It is a product which is the closest alternative to the hospital aspirators. It can reduce the risk of ear infection and the duration of the illness. It is gentle and effective and provides instant relief for baby and family.
Benny nasal vacuum has already been used in many countries around the world. We are now introducing this revolutionary product in Australia. Benny nasal vacuum is one of the best aids you can buy for your children to overcome nasal discomfort in the early years. This product is praised by many parents and doctors today. And now we want to share with you this device which already helped our children.
Other products which we believe help our kids to grow up happy and healthy are fruit and herbal teas. It is excellent alternative to most sweetened drinks for our kids. All teas are caffeine free, no preservatives and no added sugar. Start your child on the path to health early.
We want all the children to be growing up the happy and healthy way.
All our products comply with the Australian standards and are registered with appropriate departments. You are welcomed to send us comments, questions, feedback or an advice you may have.
Thank you for visiting our website, reading about us and viewing our products.
On behalf of the Happy Healthy Team we are wishing you happy parenthood.



Have you been told that taking bioidentical hormones BHRT is natural?
Sorry to say BHRT is not natural, not even close. Just because it is made from wild yam does not make it herbal. Chemotherapy also originated from a herb as well.
To say its natural is misleading and dishonest. There is a huge difference between replacing hormones and balancing hormones. Happy Hormones allows your body to produce its own hormones, thus reducing symptoms. BHRT, like HRT is a blanket dose o...f hormones that does the complete opposite, in effect, cancelling any hormone production of your own.
This leads to a whole raft of unwanted side effects, the most common being weight gain.
So don't be mislead into thinking you are doing something natural for your body. Its a big business BHRT and its based on a common misconception.
https://happyhealthyyou.com.au/…/are-bi oidentical-hormones-…
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Confused about your hormones?
Then take our comprehensive hormone symptom profile now and learn how to start to take back control of your hormones and health naturally.
... Join our private groups with over 200,000 women sharing their stories and being supported by our professional team.
https://happyhealthyyou.com.au/pages/grou ps
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What is your motivation to lose weight? To look great or to feel great? Often its the first reason and this is why people struggle with motivation.
Losing weight is actually a side effect of a healthy lifestyle. A WELLNESS lifestyle. Our approach is really based on getting healthy first, removing the reasons why you may struggle to lose weight and then enjoying the education process which allows you to learn and understand how to lead a wellness lifestyle.....which ultimately... allows you to lose and manage your weight sustainably over time.
Fad diets focus on looking better. But this is a motivation that often only works for a period of time and for younger people more engrossed in how they look. Your health and feeling healthy should be the focus.
Enter the 28 day Happy Weight Challenge. Yes its focused on weight loss but the principles are based on health improvement. Over the 28 days you have the support of Lauren Jane one of our wonderful Naturopaths to teach you how to remove those blocks to losing weight. More importantly these blocks when released allow your body to balance and heal. As a result at the end of the 28 days some real changes are occurring and will continue to occur as you embrace the learning. It is very powerful. Life and health changing.
So last day today to join nearly 1000 other ladies taking the challenge to get healthy. (and yes lose weight along the way)
Here is the link to join. Only a few places left and its FREE!!
https://happyhealthyyou.com.au/pages/happ y-weight
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TUBAL LIGATION: Sometimes a little procedure can have BIG implications.
A quirk of women's anatomy is a large part the circulation that supplies the ovaries runs along the fallopian tube. When the circulation is disrupted then it seems to have a negative impact on the overall ovarian function and indeed hormonal balance.
If you are considering a tubal ligation or have had one previously and noticed your hormones go haywire you should read this article.
... https://happyhealthyyou.com.au/…/post-t ubal-ligation-syndro…
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Have you signed up for the Happy Weight Challenge yet?
We have packaged it all together and have a really nice guide to help you out. There are all the recipes on the website and you have Lauren Jane dedicated to answering all your questions along the way. Plus the support of hundreds of other ladies doing the challenge as well.
Average weight loss to be expected is 4 to 6kg. This is sustainable weight loss. Remember this term sustainable. You can drop weight faster on other ...restrictive programs but almost always you will gain it back and some more. The combination of addressing your hormonal imbalance, teaching you to eat well, improving GUT function and liver function removes most of the BLOCKS to losing weight which is why you have gained weight and may have struggled to lose it on other programs.
Lauren Jane discusses all the BLOCKS during the 28 days and gives you the tools to understand your body and how to manage your weight healthily for the rest of your life. Knowledge is power. Make sure you join the HW group as well with over 15,000 ladies chatting about sustainable weight management.
Do it properly once instead of trying fads. I have seen them all come and go because usually they have negative consequences for your health. Most shakes are full of sugar triggering insulin resistance, Keto sends your body into starvation and disrupts your endocrine system, Paleo is just naturopathic principles repackaged for meat eaters, be wary of High fat diets because there are secondary dangers for your cardiovascular system if you do not have sufficient antioxidant status, HGF programs are too calorie poor and the list goes on. None of these programs look at the BLOCKS as well.
Just do it properly and learn the tools that can allow you to manage your weight yourself.
You just need to sign up here and its also FREE to join.
https://happyhealthyyou.com.au/pages/happ y-weight
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Winners are grinners! 😀🌴🌸 Sorry to rub it in ladies but here’s our Happy Hormones and Happy Weight competition winners, joining me in Fiji for an Adventure Retreat of a lifetime!! Congratulations, welcome and BULA Pam and Kathy!!
We are just about to fly to Suva, little bus ride and a gorgeous 40 min boat ride to Leleuvia where we will spend 8 adventurous and fun filled days and nights.
... If you would like to be a lucky winner someday like Pam and Kathy, stay tuned across all our HH groups ( https://m.facebook.com/groups/58581707479 9568) , our HHY Facebook page, and follow me🌸 and all the girls ... Sally🌸, Lauren🌸, Rachel🌸, Tilly🌸, Paige🌸, Tahlia🌸 and Happy Healthy You🌸 on Instagram
My second retreat, the Mother and Daughter Retreat , is starting on the 4 July with our beautiful Tahlia and Morgan ... so if you have FOMO ( fear of missing out ) and you like being spontaneous 😀 there are a couple of spots left. DM me. You would need to be in Suva by 6pm on July 4th.
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Ice cream can be one of the most unhealthy items in your house. Laden with sugar and chemicals it is one of the major contributors to fatty liver through sugar consumption.
HOWEVER.....it can be very healthy for you and actually build your health. SHARE this recipe with any of your icecream-oholics and treat yourself in a healthy way.
https://happyhealthyyou.com.au/…/probio tic-coconut-vanilla-…
... Don't forget to take our free online hormonal health assessment as well when you get to the website.
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It's LIVE!!! The hugely successful Happy Weight Challenge has been packaged into an easy to follow program. Our team of experts are available through the whole challenge every month to answer your questions and ensure your experience is a successful one.
The program is FREE so what's stopping you from starting the next challenge starting 1st of July. Learn your blocks to losing weight and how you can start to balance your weight in a no fad, sustainable and healthy way.
Sign... up via this link. And make sure you join the Happy Weight group as well.
https://happyhealthyyou.com.au/pages/happ y-weight
https://www.facebook.com/groups/happyweig ht/
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We have announced the winner to our recent competition. Watch the Video to see the winner and hear her amazing story. Our passion is changing TEENS health and avoiding a life of hormonal issues.


Did you know there are 4.7 million Australian women aged between the ages of 25-54, 1.4 million 15-24 and 1.4 million 55-64? Thats 7.5 million Australian women who more than likely have some form of hormonal imbalance.
I truely believe with our approach and programs we could change so many women's lives in a positive way and literally save 100's of millions of dollars in procedures, surgeries and medicines, not to mention the improvement in quality of life, relationships and ...happiness.
Medicare will never fund or cover our approach. That is a certainty. So how do we start to make a meaningful change?
YOU. We need you to discuss with family and friends the concept of hormonal imbalance and that there are safe, effective and sustainable options for ladies other than the pill, hormonal devices and treatments, and surgical procedures. For some this is necessary but with our approach we could save millions this path.
First step is to send them our free book on hormonal imbalances(read it if you have not already). Second is invite them to this group. Please lets make a change together so that the 2 million girls under the age of 15 can have a real chance at managing their hormonal issues properly. Because to be honest its only getting worse.
Thank you🙏
https://happyhealthyyou.com.au/pages/grou ps🙏
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Thank you all for patiently waiting for the capsules. Demand has been so incredibly high we simply have not been able to keep up with production of them.
They are now available to purchase in the shop and will be shipped Monday, Tuesday at the latest with the high demand. First orders get shipped first.🙏
Click here: https://goo.gl/oxuxik


Thank you all for patiently waiting for the capsules. Demand has been so incredibly high we simply have not been able to keep up with production of them.
They are now available to purchase in the shop and will be shipped Monday, Tuesday at the latest with the high demand. First orders get shipped first.🙏
https://happyhealthyyou.com.au/pa…/happ y-hormones-collection


Did you know that how you feel about someone is more to do with you than them?
When you get annoyed at the kids, angry with your partner, irritated by people at work, frustrated in traffic. These feelings are more to do with your own emotional balance that what these other people do.
Sure there are annoying, frustrating and irritating people in our lives but when you feel these emotions its more about you, than them. Think about it for a minute before responding.
... When you are calm, well balanced, have enough sleep, well nourished and hormonally balanced the actions of others don't rate towards your emotional responses. If you are currently in this emotional reactive state then chances are you will not understand what Im trying to say but those taking HH probably will.
Hormones have a huge impact on your emotional balance. Women have used it as a defence against murder. It is a scientific fact. Hormones affect your mood. This means they effect your life and relationships in many insidious ways. I have lost count of the number of women who say HH has saved their relationship.
Children also bare a huge brunt of how you feel. Kids will always be frustrating but its how you feel towards their actions. Hormonal imbalance is like a mild version of long term post natal depression in a way.
I have 3 important points to make here. Firstly via emotional intelligence techniques be aware that its not them but you. Second consider the impact of your reactivity on others around you and how its impacting your life and theirs. Finally you don't have to be like this. Balance your hormones and all of a sudden all those frustrations will seem insignificant.
A good starting point is to take our assessment to see how many of your symptoms are linked to hormonal imbalance.
https://assessment.happyhealthyyou.com.au /assessment
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Our new website is LIVE!!!!!
Check it out and let us know what you think?
Our assessment has been updated and every woman should take it to see how many symptoms link with hormonal imbalances. It is free and compiled from hundreds of thousands of womens results over 5 years. The report has been developed by our Founder, Jeff Butterworth, a Naturopath who has over 25 years specialising in women's health. It is FREE and an invaluable resource to understand your hormonal health....
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Anyone else get annoyed at the amount of companies calling their products "Natural".
I certainly do. Its misleading and the food and drug authorities don't seem to care. Everything from margarine being touted as a healthy option, sugar free soft drinks being suggested as healthy, chocolate drinks and bars giving us energy and even Cocacola call themselves a wellness company???? Everyone is getting on the growing bandwagon of what is health and wellness despite clearly having ...unhealthy products and the regulators turn a blind eye.
Another example which drives me mad is the claim of bio-identical or 'natural' hormones. There is nothing natural about these prescriptions. Just because its originally sourced from a herbal medicine doesn't make it natural. Chemotherapy was originally sourced from a plant source. Its misleading and many women feel they are doing the right thing, yet these hormones are no safer and actually are harder to wean off.
Here is an article which I discuss in deeper detail about the long term dangers of these hormones if you have been marketed these drugs as natural.
https://happyhealthyyou.com.au/…/are-bi oidentical-hormones-…
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Did you know about our online chat team? From 7am to 11pm daily we have a team available to answer all your questions about our successful programs and products.
You can even leave a message and we will get back to you.
Don't forget to join our groups as well with over 150,000 women chatting about their hormonal and weight loss issues.
... www.happyhormones.com.au/groups
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Are you getting the support you need from your partner?
Don't worry if you are not, men often are in the dark when it comes to hormonal issues. Here is an article I wrote to help start the conversation so feel free to tag and share with your partner.
https://happyhormones.com.au/fea…/an-op en-letter-to-all-men/

More about Happy Healthy You

Happy Healthy You is located at 6 Arizona place, North rocks, Sydney, Australia 2151