Harmonie Kinesiology And Breathwork

About Harmonie Kinesiology And Breathwork

Harmonie- As Within so Without
Kinesiology, Rebirthing Breathwork, Past life regression, Primitive Reflexes, Integrated Touch Balance, Prime Tuning of Cells.
Energy Psychology, Nutritional Medicine.

Harmonie Kinesiology And Breathwork Description

Kinesiology is a body /mind /spirit therapy where through a muscle monitoring technique one can access the area of imbalance of a person. Its effective results come from the way it works with the body’s innate healing intelligence to restore balance and health to neurological and physiological function.

Rebirthing Breathwork is the art of learning to breathe consciously. Full conscious connected breathing will allow you to connect to your higher self as well as ground yourself physically. It is the key to living your life from a creative perspective as opposed to being reactive and in survival.

Spiritual Psychology is about listening to the body. It never lies, it can't, it doesn't know how to. It is about dropping from the Ego /head state to the Heart /body state where we have the knowing, that all encompassing connection with something greater where the answers we need resides. Spiritual Psychology helps cut to the chase and get right into what needs healing, with compassion, gentleness and reverence for who we are.

More about Harmonie Kinesiology And Breathwork

Harmonie Kinesiology And Breathwork is located at 12 Sutherland Avenue, Sydney, Australia 2021
+61 413 267 268