Health And Fitness Over 40

About Health And Fitness Over 40

Are you looking for vibrant health, vitality, energy, longevity and lean body? Subscribe to get our cutting edge health and fitness tips and strategies

Health And Fitness Over 40 Description

HealthandFitnessOver40 is dedicated to providing you with cutting edge research information in an easy to understand user friendly way, so that you can enjoy better health, fitness, energy, vitality and longevity.

We provide programs, tips and strategies to help you become fitter, leaner, lose weight, burn fat, balance your hormones and reduce the risk of lifestyle related diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes by applying eating, exercise and other techniques that have been scientifically proven to improve health, energy and longevity.

Ok, now that I've given the polite, Politically Correct version of why health and fitness over 40 came about, here's the more direct and ugly truth.

I became more and more frustrated and disheartened every time I turned on the TV, looked at health websites, walk down the street and go to the beach and see more and more grossly overweight, obese and morbidly obese people.

Not just because it isn't pleasant to look at, but because we have an epidemic of people who are walking cases of heart disease, bowel cancer and diabetes, when they don't need to be.

Oh no, I probably just offended a bunch of people who think I'm discriminating against them because of weight. . . you may be right, but stay with me here for a moment:

When you look at the research, or just look at this brief video clip (https://www., you will easily learn that waist circumference (how big your belly is), and the waist to hip ratio (how big your belly is in relation to your booty) are reliable predictors for your risk of heart disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, stroke, cancer and a range of other related illnesses.

In short, the bigger your belly, the higher your risk of many life threatening diseases, period.

So, lose the belly and your health improves, simple.

Instead, the Western world has become overly reliant on drugs, surgery and medications to unsuccessfully treat a whole range of diseases that are a direct result of our lifestyle patterns ie: in short, what we do /don't eat and the exercise we do /don't do.

But it's more than that.

We have an epidemic of unhappy, unfulfilled, unhealthy people, sick people putting a massive drain on our healthcare budget, which we simply cannot afford, massively raising the financial burden and stress levels of the average worker who already pays too much in taxes and is struggling to maintain their standard of living.

The financial burden will be dumped on our children and their children, in turn raising taxes and adding to their stress levels, or alternatively, the whole system while crash because it is financially broke and broken.

Then what happens when we have millions of sick adults suffering with cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, stroke and other preventable illnesses and a healthcare system that cannot look after them?

What if it is YOU or someone you love that can't get lifesaving treatment?

It's too scary to think about.

Add to that a society where we are likely to outlive our children because of the poor habits we have passed onto them. Childhood heart disease and diabetes is rampant, largely again because of lifestyle choices we have made over the past 50 years or more.

Sorry to paint such a doom and gloom picture, but those are the facts we are currently faced with.

And when you try and do the research and educate yourself, there is so much conflicting information, often because of vested interests and lobby groups, that it becomes exhausting to try and get some honest information.

The information is definitely out there, but it's not in the one place, in an easy to digest and understand format, until now.

That's where we come in.

I have a Masters Degree in Chiropractic, a Science degree in Anatomy and Physiology and more than 20 years of clinical experience in Australia and the United Kingdom and have been privileged to have helped literally thousands of people make better health choices and improve their quality of life.

I love helping people and I have a passion for research, so much so, that I have walked away from my chosen profession to devote my time and energy to serving more people than I ever could one on one in a clinical setting.

It is amazing to play a personal role and see the changes firsthand and to have a direct impact at a community level, but the broader issues affecting us on a national and global level require more urgent attention.

So, I have teamed up with some of the most capable, intelligent and inspirational health and fitness role models worldwide, to share the most cutting edge, research based information with you, so that you can shed that unwanted belly, balance your hormone levels, reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and a range of other conditions, increase your energy and live a longer, happier and healthier life, the life you deserve.

Like our Facebook page to receive regular post updates, then head on over to www.
to receive your FREE REPORT,
'3 Simple Steps that Can Save Your Life'.
It's a life changer.

Thank you for stopping by, thanks for your support and a massive thank you for playing your role in improving the health and wellbeing of yourself, your family, your children and their children, now and in the future,

Stuart and the Health and Fitness Over 40 team.

All of the research, discussion and information is presented for information purposes only, to increase knowledge and awareness related to risk factors associated with various lifestyle related diseases and /or illnesses. Use of the information provided is at the sole choice and risk of the reader and should not be adopted without first consulting your health professional.

More about Health And Fitness Over 40

Health And Fitness Over 40 is located at Sydney, Australia 2232