Higgins Storm Chasing

About Higgins Storm Chasing

We provide independent weather forecasts, warnings, updates, photos & videos across Australia! Our premium weather services are available on our website higginsstormchasing.com

Higgins Storm Chasing Description

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• Higgins Storm Chasing ( HSC ) is not in any way liable for losses, damages, costs, expenses and liability of any kind that you or any other person may suffer or incur directly or indirectly from you using this site and any information or material available from it. although it may be accurate, we are unable to verify or guarantee authenticity of information on the site so using or redistributing it is at your own risk.

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Information supplied on this site Higgins Storm Chasing is of our opinion from unqualified meteorologists and offered “AS IS” weather guidance. For official weather forecasts, warnings and information visit the Bureau of Meteorology www. bom. gov. au.

Chemtrail, Haarp and Geo Engineering conspiracies are NOT supported on our site. Trolls and abuse will NOT be tollerated, offenders risk life bans without warnings or notice.