Holos Regenerative Design

About Holos Regenerative Design

Regenerative Design / Community Development / Nature Reconnetion

Holos Regenerative Design Description

Agricultural Service



November 3 and 4 Darren Doherty comes to the Northern Rivers to teach Forestry in Practice, a course covering the functions of fauna, flora, fungi and layouts in tree systems.
Learn how to efficiently integrate diverse tree systems to your property and enterprises from one of the best farm planners in the field of regenerative agriculture.
The first discount lot is almost sold out.
... #agroforestry #5forestry #forestryinpractice
https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/forestry- in-practice-with-d…
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This article addresses some of the questions that usually come up in courses and guided visits. https://www.holosdesign.com.au/…/lesson s-from-fazenda-bell…/


Last mission accomplished... workshop “intro to #permaculture” at #chapadadosveadeiros ! Feedback was super positive. The connections made, amazing! The #tropicalsavanna brought back many memories ... Heading back for a week at home before more travels...


My brother @osmany_segall is implementing a reforestation project aimed at restoring the hydrological potential in one of the main catchment areas in the Federal District. One of the his twists with his team mates was to implement #agroforestry systems and promote #foodsecurity and #ecologicalliteracy amongst families living in the #landlessmovement as a “byproduct” of the chosen approach (to restore the catchment). We spent the day visiting systems and talking with 4 families about their experiences. My brother gave an interview to #podcastimpactopositivo and I’ll summarize this wonderful experience in an article format asap. For those interested in these kind of systems to produce #food , #fibre and #timber we have a corse coming up with Darren Doherty (@regrarians ) on November 3-4. #5forestry #forestryinpractice


Would you like to see first hand what we have been up too? Our open day is a chance to learn, connect, exchange ideas and support our work integrating productive trees to our landscapes ;)


This last weekend while we were getting ready to go the farm for the course we were running on successional agroforestry I told my kids to bring things to entertain themselves. My daughter got two books: The bare foot architect and Mars’ The basics of permaculture design. I must be doing something right ;) #familyfarming #activeparenting #regenerativedesign #proudfather


We have just finished our course Introduction to Successional Agroforestry with an amazing group of engaged people and great feedback about the course and the systems we have put in.
Both Darren’s and Holos’ team goal with this course is to empower farmers to use trees to build ecological and financial resilience in the face of climate change and the challenges it brings to primary producers.
The next step is to keep learning and pursuing our regenerative mission. Come along ...to learn from one of the world leaders in farm planning.
https://www.holosdesign.com.au/…/integr ating-forestry-syst…/
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The #keyline planting pattern is starting to show its elegance and functionality. The top picture show a tree row at the bottom alternating with a grain one. The bottom left shows how we are aligning the high strata trees north south integrating a #syntropicfarming approach to our keyline design (a digital theodolite was used to mark north and it can be seen between the #avocadotree at the bottom and the #mangotree at the top. The third pict features a east west view of the same place. On November 3 and 4 we’ll show more about our integrative approach and have Darren Doherty (@regrarians ) teaching the course #forestryinpractice ; a thorough view of forestry #fauna, #flora, #fungi and layouts. More info on our website. #5forestry #successionalagroforestry #familyfarm


Quite a few rows in... and some prepared for the weekend so that our students can have a good hands-on experience in our intro to #successionalagroforestry course. The next one will be #forestryinpractice with Darren Doherty early November. #5forestry #agroforestry #syntropicfarming #foodforest #permaculture


Our next course is an Introduction to successional agroforestry (aka Syntropic Farming).
We'll cover: - its history and principles; - what is natural succession;... - introduction to the concepts of forest strata, life cycles, and much more. Have a look at the event page for more details.
https://www.facebook.com/events/130410897 776859/
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November 3 to 4 at our site in Brunswick Heads, NSW. A course to understand the functions of flora, fauna, fungi and natural succession as well as how to integrate forestry layouts using the #Keyline® farm planning platform.
#flora #fauna #fungi #5forestry #agroforestry
... https://www.facebook.com/events/245785186 246923/
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Some have been warning us since before the 1972 Limits to Growth Report...


You guys remember this #moretonbaychestnut we collected the #seeds and I posted about it? Well... my kids planted it and are now really proud that it’s going to be part of the latest forestry system we establishing at Holos. Our intro to #successionalagroforestry course runs next weekend (24-26th of August) and in addition to the theory behind it we’ll get our hands dirty planting some trees and getting hands on about how implement these systems. Check out FB events page for more information. #5forestry #syntropicfarming


I’ll say it again: children will eat healthy nutrient dense food if they are proud of having produced it. #cassavas planted every meter with #adzukibeans , #pumpkins and #moringa trees in this row. Intro course on #successionalagroforestry from the 24th to the 26th of August. Check our FB events page for more info.


The last #cassava / #moringa row was all prepped by this little one! Kids will eat healthy food if they’re proud of having produced it. #plantingthefuture #familyfarming #agroforestry #5forestry #successionalagroforestry #syntropicfarming


To deal with the 'market's monotheism fundamentalists is a difficult task... As Buckminster used to say, it's best to focus our energy in building a model that will make the current one (even more) obsolete. https://theintercept.com/…/climate-chan ge-new-york-times-m…/

More about Holos Regenerative Design

Holos Regenerative Design is located at 219 Gulgan Road, Brunswick Heads, New South Wales 2483