Human Touch Therapies Sydney

About Human Touch Therapies Sydney

At Human Touch Therapies we are here to help your body be able to keep training, chasing your kids or just move with minimal aches and pains with massage.

Human Touch Therapies Sydney Description

We are designed to MOVE!

Run, jump, squat, stand, lunge, twist, push, pull. . . .

Most of society today however is sitting. We sit in the car driving to work, sit "driving the desk" all day, then sit in the car driving home, STUCK in minimal patterns. Then we might go to the gym to exercise and do similar routine movements over and over again. . . .

Now this isn't good, and I hear you. . . . "what are we meant to do" "that's the way it is"

If we can't change our "driving of the desk" or any of our patterns, especially for work, then we need a counter balance from a variety of resources and MASSAGE is one of the tools that can help RESET YOUR BODY from the patterns of the week.

Here at Human Touch Therapies we look at your body as a whole, take note of your niggling pains and address the causes as much as we can with trigger point therapy, stretches and massage. We also have a fantastic hub of other professionals that we can refer you to, if we feel there is more need to help you get back into balance and moving optimally.

Massage not only can relieve tension in muscles, increase recovery time from training, reset the body posture, decrease stress, improve blood flow, and all the other great stuff you have read or heard, but basic human touch is a survival thing. Especially for mental health and feeling like you belong. We humans crave it. Massage is a healing art form and something everyone should have in their weekly /fortnightly /monthly routine.

OK more about the "clinic"

Human Touch Therapies is located at "The Work Shed" Gym. We are in the corner of a one hundred'ish old shed, with original, exposed brick work, compacted dirt floors with synthetic grass. Surrounded by truck tyres, sleds, ropes, barbells, dumbells, fitballs, mats and a bit more.

Very Rustic, which is the style of massage you will receive.

"What do you mean by rustic"

At Human Touch Therapies, its NOT a place for relaxation massage with soothing music, candles, aromatherapy oils and the like. Our massages are firm, deep, finds the sore spots and work on them. Our style of massage is designed to keep you moving for longer.

We understand we are not for everyone. And you won't know until you try us out : )

Communication is the key between you and our therapists. We listen and adjust to what you want and need.

Give us a call, make an appointment for yourself and take care of you!

We are looking forward to meeting you

The Human Touch Therapies Team

And just so you know:
Out of the respect of our therapist’s time, Human Touch Therapies has a cancellation policy.
We require a minimum of 24hrs notice of any changes to scheduled appointments. If you cancel 12-24hrs a fee of 50% of the scheduled appointment will be charged.
If you cancel 0-12hrs a 100% fee will be charged of the scheduled appointment.

Thank you for understanding