I98 Fm

About I98 Fm

i98 FM - The Illawarra's #1 radio station!
i98 Breakfast, then Lyndal, Justin and Maje for your work day!

I98 Fm Description

Thanks for checking out the i98 Facebook page!

We love hearing from you and hope that you like interacting with us. We want our page to be a fun and supportive place to visit and so in this spirit, we ask that you abide by a few guidelines for posts, comments and behavior in general.

Anyone that is seen to not be adhering to the below guidelines will have their comments deleted without notice and repeat offenders will be banned.

1. First and foremost, always respect the opinions of others – even if they don’t match you own.

2. Please do not personally attack, threaten or bully anyone, it’s not what we’re about and your comments can hurt others. It can also have legal implications, so don’t give us (or anyone else) reason to call our lawyers!

3. No offensive or extreme language, it’s vulgar and doesn’t make you look very nice!

4. Keep your posts clean – if it’s sexist, racist, homophobic or abusive it doesn’t belong on our page…our Mum’s taught us better than that!

5. Be an original! We’re happy for you to share photos, video content, text and links but if you don’t own it, or have permission – don’t post it.

6. Never, ever, give out anyone’s personal information on our page or use their image without their permission. If they are under 18 years of age, you’ll need their parent or guardian to ok it first.

7. No deceptive, unlawful or fraudulent posts – they can get you in trouble with the long arm of the law. . . for real!

8. Please don’t spam our page, it's annoying. Stay on topic - that means no unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, repeated posts or comments pushing your own agenda…that’s what your page is for!

9. Ensure all your posts comply with Facebook’s terms of use policy.

The comments and opinions posted on this page do not reflect the views of i98FM and are not endorsed by our staff. We are not responsible for anything contained in links on this site to third party content or websites.

By contributing to our page, you agree that i98 can use your content (and ideas) in any way we deem fit (including broadcasting on-air) without notice, obligation or compensation to you.

Should you feel the need to vent, share negative information or make a complaint, please do so via or ‘Complaint’ page on the i98FM website (www. i98fm.com. au) and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. We reserve the right to remove comments or other negative information at our own discretion.

Cheers! We hope you come back soon!