Ifresh Cleaning

About Ifresh Cleaning

Our cleaning personnel have great attitudes and maintain the highest level of workmanship.

Ifresh Cleaning Description

For professional upholstery and carpet steam cleaning, iFresh Cleaning Services of Sydney NSW is the company to call.

iFresh Cleaning Services is made up of experienced and dedicated cleaners who are committed to delivering a reliable, trustworthy, and professional cleaning service that is worth your money. With the quality of our work, we have earned the trust of many homeowners in Sydney. We ensure our service is of the highest quality by developing an action plan that is agreed upon by our client, followed by onsite training and management. From bathroom and kitchen up to upholstery and carpets, we will get the cleaning job done!

Carpet cleaning
Here at iFresh Cleaning Services, we understand that carpets act as dirt magnets. That is why we are here to maintain the attractiveness of your carpet by providing a reputable and cost effective carpet cleaning solution. We use only the latest equipment to clean your carpets, and we offer quick and unobtrusive services that let our clients continue their daily activities.

Upholstery cleaning
Upholstery stain and dirt can be removed by any ordinary house cleaner, but did you know that our professional upholstery cleaning can help you with so much more? When you do not see stains and dirt, it does not mean that the upholstery is clean – there might be bacteria and other germs that cannot be seen with the naked eye. This hidden dirt inside the fabrics of your upholstery can affect your health in the long run. iFresh Cleaning Services is here to help you remove unwanted dirt and stains through our high quality cleaning agents and modern steam cleaning technology.

iFresh Cleaning Services also offers end of lease cleaning. We offer our services cleaning ovens, kitchen benches, cupboards, cabinets, bathrooms, and more. We proudly serve both commercial and residential clients in Sydney. Call us today!

More about Ifresh Cleaning

Ifresh Cleaning is located at 124 Reservoir St, Surry Hills, New South Wales, Australia 2010