Infinite Wellness Kinesiology

About Infinite Wellness Kinesiology


Infinite Wellness Kinesiology Description

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is an effective natural therapy that combines the wisdom and healing of Eastern and Western techniques to bring the body back into balance. It looks at the mental, emotional, spiritual; structural and chemical imbalances occurring in the body to understand the deeper needs of the whole being. Kinesiology applies a range of techniques to correct these imbalances and to trigger a shift in energy which helps energy flow to all parts of the body.

Kinesiology uses the gentle art of muscle testing which acts as a tool to communicate with the body. It directly accesses the causes of stress or imbalances so that the most beneficial technique can be applied to aid the body’s natural healing process.

During a kinesiology session, a variety of effective techniques that are safe and gentle are used to clear energy blocks and to improve the general well being of an individual. Some of these include lightly holding or tapping acupressure points, meridian balancing, gentle structural manipulation, emotional counselling, massage and providing nutritional support.

What I love most about kinesiology is that each individual is treated uniquely in light of their personal health issues, and the goals they wish to achieve. Whatever help you need, kinesiology ensures that all parts of your body are working towards achieving your goals to help you live a happier, relaxed and more fulfilled life.

Kinesiology may benefit people with: -

- Emotional, physical or mental stress
- Pain
- Anxiety
- Weight loss
- Fatigue
- Past trauma
- Nutritional deficiency

My Personal Journey with Kinesiology

I am proud to confess that I love Kinesiology with a passion! My journey with Kinesiology started 12 years ago when I was pregnant with my first-born. I was no different to any other mum. I was exhausted, flat and nauseous during my first trimester.

It wasn’t until I was referred to my mother's practitioner, Charlotte, that I heard the term "Kinesiologist". Like a naive child, I asked “What’s that? How will she help me get rid of my nausea?”

I can tell you honestly that after my first session with Charlotte, I never looked back. Using a few kinesiology techniques and with her kind nurturing spirit, she gently brought my body back into balance. I was completely amazed with the results, and for the remainder of my pregnancy, I no longer suffered with morning sickness!

Any time I was feeling overwhelmed or a bit "off" balance, I booked in a session with Charlotte to uplift my energy. Every session helped me gain insight into my emotions, and clear any blocks from the past that were not helping me move forward with my life.

After my second son was born, he suffered from severe reflux. After each breast feed, he cried for about an hour leaving me completed destitute and miserable. His wailing upset me so much that I frequently ended up in tears. Not knowing how to comfort him, I wished I had the magical power to put him back in my womb where I knew he would feel safe and comfortable.

After a few visits to the doctors and appointments with nurses from the baby clinics, it was suggested to give him a few reflux medications. They didn’t relieve his symptoms at all. Out of desperation, I booked him into a another kinesiologist, Mary-Anne who was referred to me by a family member.

Using muscle testing, she was able to identify that during birth, the baby’s jaw had become misaligned in the birth canal, and it was this misalignment that was causing the reflux. After a few sessions with her, where she gently massaged some of his reflex points, he was a transformed baby, and a happy one at that!

I had sessions with Mary-Anne regularly to help alleviate any pain and tension I was feeling. She assisted me with nutritional imbalances, and helped me with my overall health and emotional well-being. I came to rely on her whenever I felt that my body was “out of whack” and I know that I needed a good balance to get me back on track.

The positive results I had over the years with Kinesiology fed my passion to start my own Kinesiology journey, a journey which has now empowered me to help others with their health.

It has been the most fulfilling career I have ever pursued and grants me the gift of helping others receive the benefits of Kinesiology.

More about Infinite Wellness Kinesiology

Infinite Wellness Kinesiology is located at 4120
0413 333013