Inner Wisdom Kinesiology

About Inner Wisdom Kinesiology

Jasmin combines client-centred counselling and body work to identify unresolved subconscious stress and release it from where it is stored in the body, helping her clients feel calm, clear, and empowered. Jasmin is available in Marrickville and Thirroul.

Inner Wisdom Kinesiology Description

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology combines western techniques with eastern philosophy, using the practice of muscle monitoring to identify stressors which block the body’s innate ability to heal.

Are you stressed? Your body holds the answer.

Muscle monitoring is a technique that utilises the body’s biofeedback system which sends messages between our brain and muscles. This specialised technique allows the kinesiologist to access information about a person’s emotional, physical and mental wellbeing, and identify the underlying cause of a condition or issue.

The human body is designed to be a self healing, whole, and regenerative organism. The symptoms we experience don't just exist in isolation, i. e. we don't just get headaches for no reason. It is with subconscious stress patterns that the systems of the body are disrupted and symptoms arise. Chronic pain, reactive emotions, learning difficulties, sleep issues and digestive problems are examples of the many symptoms resulting from unresolved, underlying stress. These symptoms are simply our body’s way of communicating to us that something needs to shift.

Kinesiology can bring our awareness to our subconscious stress patterns and release them through reflexes, acupressure, specific body movements and nutritional support. With this awareness we can relate better to ourselves and feel empowered in being our best and healthiest selves, emotionally, physically and mentally. Rather than looking at emotional and physical health in isolation, kinesiology addresses mind and body as a whole and is highly effective in dissolving stress.

What can Inner Wisdom Kinesiology help me with?

Stress and anxiety
Fatigue and low energy
Learning difficulties
Chronic pain
Limiting beliefs
Connection to self

What does an Inner Wisdom Kinesiology session involve?

For the first part of the session we will do a full intake of your physical symptoms, I will feel your pulse and check your tongue. This series of symptoms will help me map out what might be going on with you emotionally. We then discuss what you would like to achieve and the changes you would like to make. Together we will look at the emotional patterns that may be preventing you from achieving this goal.

The second part of the session involves muscle monitoring to gain more insight into the subconscious aspects of the issue and what body systems need to be addressed.

The third part is reserved for relaxation and acupressure, that is, applying pressure to the points on your body that are relevant to the issue, in order to stimulate the body’s self healing abilities.

We’ll also discuss how to support your body with nutrition and hydration so that your body is in optimum condition for the ensuing changes.

Jasmin Choice is a Holistic Kinesiologist and artist from Sydney. She loves learning and seeking out new experiences. Her extensive travel has allowed her the opportunity to connect with and understand many different people, which has helped pave the way for her as a practitioner helping people help themselves.



Anxious adults and the autonomic nervous system . . . .... Inner Wisdom Kinesology 17 Woodcourt Street, Marrickville. 0450 066 292
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First live video: Anxious kids and the autonomic nervous system


A peek into my Marrickville clinic space ♥️ I provide a safe, judgement free, and comfortable place for children with anxiety, reactive emotions and hypersensitivity. . . 1 week in, and going well so far! Excited for what’s to come - the adults and children I’ll connect with, the relationships we’ll form, the realisations we’ll have, the laughs and the tears, and the milestones we’ll reach together. ... . . #kinesiology #mindbodymedicine #children #childrensplace #childrensclinic #marrickville #newtown #innerwestsydney #innerwest #dulwichhill #primaryschool #sydney #milestones #anxiety #behaviour #innerwestmums #marrickvillewestpublicschool #marrickvillemarkets #dulwichhillpublicschool #marrickvillepublicschool #childcare #parentsupport #parentsupportgroup
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5 signs your child experiences anxiety, or is in 'fight/flight'
The first step to working with the cause of your child’s anxiety is to observe how the anxiety manifests. Anxiety can be seen in the following ways:
1. Averse to touch.
... This is the type of child who wont hug you, or who might flinch when you touch their feet or back. (This might also be the type of child who has trouble recovering from the shock of loud noises).
2. Defiance, eg. not going to the toilet.
This is the type of child who understands how to go to the toilet but refuses to go, and holds on to their poos.
3. Meltdowns up to 45 minutes.
They may get aggressive, or just scream and cry. If their meltdown lasts this long, their nervous system is in overdrive. This would be the ‘fight’ part of their fight/flight response.
4. Needing for everything to stay in its place.
This is the child checking for safety, who walks into the clinic room to make sure everything is in the same place as the last visit.
5. Withdrawal.
This is the ‘flight’ part of the the sympathetic nervous system response. This is the type of child that won’t put their hand up in class, or who hides behind you when faced with a new person/situation. This child might be uncertain about coming into the clinic room.
Our mental/emotional state will often manifest in our bodies, in adults we all know that when our shoulders are up around our ears, something’s stressing us. The tight shoulders are the physical response to our mental/emotional stress.
You can observe anxiety in your child by how they hold themselves. Are they loose in their bodies or is there an area that is stiff or rigid? As a kinesiologist, I can assess this problem area of their body on a muscular and energetic level, as well as using TCM body psychology to identify what your child might be feeling on an emotional level.
It’s my role to help your child feel safe and to reduce sympathetic nervous system activity. The more opportunities your child is able to experience peace with the nervous system, the easier it will be to come back to base when they’re triggered again.
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Anxious kids love acupressure. (No needles! Same peaceful outcome.) I call this the ‘Safety pillow’. It makes kids (and adults) feel safe. . . In my work with anxious kids the first step in treatment is the nervous system. .... . Reactive anxious kids have an overactive sympathetic nervous system, which means they’re in ‘fight and flight’, and therefore don’t feel safe. Safety is a tricky one for us adults to understand, but reactive emotions are almost always related to fear. When working with kids, it’s my job to find out what’s causing that fear, and switch off their little fight and flight response. . . #lovewhatido #acupressure #workingwithkids #innerwestmums #kinesiology #innerwest #sydney #marrickville #dulwichhill #newtown #mindbodymedicine #tcm #marrickvillepublicschool #dulwichhillpublicschool #camdenvillepublicschool
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3 reasons I love working with kids
Three years ago I found my mission in life - after visiting a kinesiologist - was to become a kinesiologist myself. In my treatments I learned that the negative feelings I was carrying as an adult dated back to a time before I could even talk. (I had to call my mum to confirm the events surrounding these feelings). So, what does this have to do with me becoming a kids kinesiologist?
1. It made me want to identify and help clear negative bel...ief systems, EARLY.
95% of our brain activity is subconscious, and our subconscious mind is where we store all of our beliefs - the good, and not-so-good. The great majority of our adulthood beliefs come from the experiences we had (and witnessed) during our hypnogogic ‘theta’ wave years (between 0-6 years old), when we’re essentially in a state of hypnosis until we develop a capacity for logic around age 7. Children are ego-centric and see themselves as being the cause of their micro-world issues. I want to help them understand otherwise.
2. Spiritual warning: Children are closer to the Dao (spirit).
In Chinese thought, there are seven stages of life. We are born connected to spirit (1st stage) and move progressively away from spirit. Once we reach young adulthood (the 3rd stage) we begin to seek meaning and knowledge of ourselves. With ‘knowing’ comes judgement and separation from our original nature (spirit) as we create and define an identity based on our beliefs about life. Because children are closer to spirit, they are more receptive to treatment, and there are far less layers of their identity to get through!
3. Neurology wording warning: Childhood is a great time to assess neonatal reflex integration.
Some of us may go through our whole lives still eliciting neo-natal reflexes. These may be the types of adults you see who are easily startled and hyper-vigilant. Let me explain. We are born with a set of reflexes that help us through the birth process and to navigate our new gravity based world. Ever seen a baby throw their arms out and gasp? Or when a newborn grasps your finger when you place it in his/her palm? These neo-natal reflexes should integrate in the first year of life. However, due to birth trauma or illness, reflexes may remain, leaving our nervous system in overdrive, causing anxiety, delayed milestones, and eventually low immunity. An overactive sympathetic nervous system is not conducive to good health.
There are many other reasons why I like working with kids (it’s fun! I learn a lot). However, because of the holistic nature of the modality, I wanted to explain from a psychological, spiritual, and structural level why working with children is important to me.
Stay tuned for the next blog post: Signs your child has retained primitive reflexes.
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For kids bed wetting after age 5, or 'squirming' in their seat in class, this reflex may not have inhibited after the first year of life. It's very uncomfortable for your child to sit in a chair properly if he/she is still eliciting this reflex! This also means it will be difficult to sustain attention and learn properly. If this is your child, come and see me so we can sort it out, and your child can thrive just how he/she should. Jaz x


Happy tears! . . #kinesiology #sydney #marrickville #newtown #innerwest #kids #camdenvillepublicschool #dulwichhill #mindbodymedicine #tcm


...And I too get so much out of working with children! . . #kinesiology #workingwithkids #kinesiologyforkids #holistickinesiology #childrensclinic #innerwest #marrickville #newtown #sydney #camdenvillepublicschool #dulwichhillpublicschool #marrickvillepublicschool #tcm #learningdifficulties #anxiety #behaviour #calmkids


Trialling the Moro (startle) Reflex exercise with Charlie ♥️ . . NB: the foetal position part of the exercise is accompanied with a long exhale. .... . Some of us can go through our whole lives with an unintegrated Moro Reflex. . . The Moro Reflex should integrate within the first year of our lives, but due to trauma, or toxicity for example, the Moro Reflex can remain or re-emerge. . . This will inevitably affect development as the sympathetic nervous system is in constant overdrive. . . The Moro is a survival reflex that we are born with to help us in our new gravity-based world. Sudden noise, movement or changes in light can elicit a Moro response. . . Charlie is autistic and has an active Moro. His super sister Tahnee has been wonderful in reducing any stimulating foods and drinks that could further aggravate his already over-active sympathetic nervous system. I would normally use rhythmic body movements and specific acupressure points to tone down the nervous system, but we wanted to try this exercise with him, which should eventually be accompanied with the correct breathing pattern. . . #workingwithkids #kinesiology #newtown #marrickville #innerwest #sydney
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Opening up a new clinic space in Marrickville dedicated to working with children with learning difficulties. . . I can’t wait! .... . Bookings currently available from the 25th of July onwards. . . #kinesiology #kinesiologist #sydney #innerwest #innerwestsydney #innerwestisbest #tcm #acupressure #learning #learningdifficulties #childrenwithlearningdifficulties #clinic #newtown #newtownprimaryschool #primaryschool #dulwichhillprimaryschool #dulwichhillpublicschool #stbrigidscatholicschool #marrickvillewestpublicschool #marrickvillewestprimaryschool #marrickvillewestprimary #2204
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This photo ♥️ is a metaphor for our 60,000 daily thoughts. . . We’re unconscious when we’re not being an observer to our thoughts. Our thoughts get left to their own devices, creating our feelings which then create our actions/non-actions that essentially make up our days and lives. . .... Let me sum it up. Thoughts >> Feelings >> Actions/Non-Actions >> Results . . Not observing our thoughts is like leaving a child alone with paints 😅 . . Making changes from an action level is incredibly ineffective if we don’t know what the thought is underlying it, where it’s come from, and having compassion for ourselves. . . Here’s an example: -Result: very slow to achieve career goals. . -Action/non-action: lack of prioritising, procrastinating. . -Feelings: anxiety, uncertainty, stuck. . -Thoughts: I’m not capable, I’m worried I’ll get found out, I’m worried I’ll fail, it’s too hard. . . Where have these thoughts come from? They might be very old! Especially if you’ve never questioned your thinking... . 📷The Basement Community Art Studio #dontbelieveeverythingyouthink #mind #consciousness #thoughts #feelings #kinesiology #tcm #traditionalchinesemedicine #bodypsychology #holistic #healing #innerwest #sydney #newtown #purebotanicals #clinic
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Ancient wisdom for your Tuesday #mindbodymedicine #bodypsychology #kinesiology #sydney #newtown #innerwest


Basic muscle monitoring demonstration for goal setting: . . In the previous post I asked the question, what are your subconscious mind and conscious mind in conflict about? .... . We can consciously say we want something, but it may be in conflict with an overriding subconscious limiting belief. . . My client very kindly let me borrow her middle deltoid and goal for this video. . . What her muscle tells me is that there is something subconsciously blocking her from really wanting to attain her goal. Together we work out what that is and where it stems from, and that provides us with context for the session. 🌿 . . #kinesiology #goals #musclemonitoring #newtown #purebotanicals #innerwest #innerwestsydney #sydney
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LIFEFILE.doc . Your subconscious mind’s job is to respond to situations *exactly* how you were programmed. . .... How do you know what’s in your programming? ...Considering it’s all formed on accumulated experiences from your ‘sponge brain’ years? (0-7) ...Who remembers that?! . . The answer is to look at your life, which is the Word file of your programming. . . The good stuff in the file - the things that you have and love, are there because you have a program that allows you to accept those things into your life. . . The things that you struggle with are that way because of a program that doesn’t allow you to accept those things. . . What are your conscious and subconscious mind in conflict about?! . . #kinesiology #acupressure #traditionalchinesemedicine #tcm #mind #mindfulness #holistic #healing #life #quoteoftheday #love #newtown #sydney #innerwest
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Be free and easy. . . Liver Qi stagnation is a very common TCM pathology and most of us have experienced it. .... . It’s characterised by the following: •being easily frustrated •feeling ‘stuck’ or trapped in your life (traffic aggravates you especially) •craving stimulants •frequent sighing •PMS (mild to severe) •eye problems •suppressing emotions •lethargy upon waking (or in general) that improves after brisk exercise. . . I see a lot of this around and I have felt it myself too. . . If this is you, come and see me at 322 King St, Newtown (Ph: 90340555) and we can work towards you feeling free and easy (the liver really loves that). . . P.S. Creative outlets are important too. This is me drawing our liver friend. . . @jakachii_art #liver #loveyourliver #kinesiology #holistic #holistichealth #healing #youhavethepower #innerwisdom #freedom #newtown #sydney #alternativemedicine #naturaltherapy #kinesiologist #kinesiologistsydney #tcm #traditionalchinesemedicine #acupressure #meridian #qi #wellbeing
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Did you know you can self administer your own personal tranquilliser just by exhaling longer than you inhale? . . Well, you can. .... . It’s called acetylcholine (pronounced: a-see-till-ko-lean) . . I tell my clients, “In for 4, hold for 2, out for 6-8, hold for 2.” . . By doing this you’re keeping your vagus nerve healthy (only the most important nerve coming from your brain and going to all of your organs!). . . So apart from enjoying the feeling of being tranquilized, why do I want to keep my vagus nerve healthy? . . Because by keeping your vagus nerve healthy you’re controlling your immunity, ageing process and reducing depression and stress! Bingo. ✅✅✅ . . #youhavethepower #kinesiology #holistic #holistichealth #healing #newtown #sydney #alternativemedicine #complementarymedicine #mind #mindbody #purebotanicals #kinesiologist #breath #breathe #breathing #meditation #neurotransmitters #calm #peace #wellbeing
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I couldn't recommend kinesiology with Jasmine enough! Her genuine and caring presence put me at ease, allowed for me to open up, to connect with my inner child and to heal past hurts that I have been carrying around my whole life! With her help I was able to find forgiveness and let go of any guilt I had placed on myself. I left feeling like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Thank you Jasmine! xx

More about Inner Wisdom Kinesiology

Inner Wisdom Kinesiology is located at Suite 7, 324 Marrickville Road, Marrickville, New South Wales 2204
0450 066 292