International Association Of Trichologists

About International Association Of Trichologists

International Association of Trichologists

International Association Of Trichologists Description

For a list of qualified trichologists throughout the World who are members of IAT go to:
http://www. trichology. edu. au /index. php?option=com_content& task=view& id=14& Itemid=28

The International Association of Trichologists (IAT)
is a non-profit corporation founded in California in
1974 to promote the study, research and legitimate
practice in all aspects of the treatment and care of
the human hair and scalp in health and disease.

The trichology course was developed at the
University of Southern California during 1974-75
under the guidance of trichologist David Salinger.
The course was designed as a home-study
(correspondence) course and, additionally, one
hundred hours of clinical training must be under-
taken under the supervision of an IAT-approved
trichologist. Students can presently undertake
clinical training in Sydney (Australia), Sao Paulo (Brazil), Manchester (U. K. ), Mumbai or Chandigarh, India and Riga (Latvia). Online lectures are also offered.

Medical doctors can undertake a shorter version
of the trichology course.

Initially the course was taught throughout North America
but, in 1979, Government colleges in Australia and
New Zealand contacted the IAT about introducing the trichology course. Teachers were trained and colleges in these countries began teaching the course in 1981. Since that time, IAT has trained students in several other countries including India, Singapore, China, South Africa, South Korea, U. K. , Malaysia, Vietnam, Latvia, Nigeria, Kenya, Botswana, Brazil, Chile, Mauritius, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Japan, Israel,
Mongolia, Bangladesh, Mexico
and the West Indies.



The last two patients today both suffered from Lichen Planus. They were both females and both in their 60s. One had suffered severe stress before the onset of the bald patches - 5 patches around the crown and left side of the scalp. The other had two patches - on each side of her scalp in front of the ears. This was similar to Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia except the front hairline was not affected at all and her eyebrows were unaffected. Her finger nails were badly affected and she also suffered from a rash on the stomach. She had just stopped thyroid medication to see if the rash would clear up.
Another patient complained of hair loss at her temple. I asked her which temple she went to and she responded that it was the one on Main Street.


Many thanks to all of you who sent in your three nominations for being the most inspiring articles in the recently published book 'Hairy Tales'. We really appreciated the time that you took to give your views.
Unfortunately, there can only be one winner and they will receive US$250 credit towards their next payment.
The winner is, from Kenya,
...Continue Reading


The photos are of a 9 year old girl with trichotillomania. She had not admitted to her parents that she was pulling her hair out but, after we had advised her that many young girls do it, she did admit it in front of her father, who was with her. She is now receiving counselling, along with her parents, and taking the supplement N-acetylcysteine, which can sometimes be of benefit. Note in the photos how the hairs that are pulled often break off at the scalp.


We saw a case yesterday of pityriasis amiantacea in a 30 year old female. She had several small patches of scaling. In fact, she had been to see us 4 years ago with the same problem, which we had cleared up with a 3% tar/9% salicylic acid cream. Her scalp had remained clear until two weeks ago when she had been away on a business trip; her husband had phoned to say he was leaving her. This is a clear-cut example of extreme stress causing a scalp problem via the sympathetic nervous/immune systems.


Three weeks ago, we saw a patient in her 60s who complained that her scalp had been itching badly for 6 months. She had previously been diagnosed by her doctor with alopecia areata and given a cortisone cream to apply, which did not help.
In fact, it was not alopecia areata. Examination of her scalp suggested she had been pulling and scratching at her hair and scalp. On talking with her, we established that she had extreme stress at the time she started scrat...ching her scalp; her husband had temporarily become paralysed, and, more recently, they had moved from a large house to a small city apartment.
We gave her N-acetylcysteine to take for two reasons; we were hoping the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of NAC would stop the itching, and we were hoping that the modulating of glutamate in the brain by NAC would reduce her tendency to scratch the scalp and pull her hair out.
We received an email from her yesterday: “This is to say how much I appreciated your time and advice at our recent consultation. I am very pleased to report that I am no longer scratching my scalp and the areas of hair loss are now regenerating.”
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All of the women we are seeing with Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia (FFA) lose their eyebrows and body hair first, and this can start many years before the onset of the destruction of scalp hair follicles. We urge you to take notice of eyebrow loss and to take action quickly so the scalp hair loss can be prevented. FFA is becoming a major problem. Also patients with loss of eyebrows must take supplements of Vitamin D3 to help prevent further progression of the hair loss.


New Book Release
‘Hairy Tales’
185 pages long; 57 trichologists from 24 countries tell their inspirational stories about their lives and how different pathways led them to trichology. ... This book was launched at the IAT Trichology Conference in Washington DC in June.
A must read for trichologists, hairdressers, dermatologists, doctors, nurses, hair replacement specialists, and anyone interested in the science of hair or considering studying trichology.
Cost US$60 plus freight in USA and Canada To order, please see y-tales
If purchasing from other countries please email to obtain the cost of the freight.
Some of the comments: "Inspirational", "Fabulous", "Once I started reading, it was difficult to put down", "Brilliant".
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See conference photos at photo gallery of IAT's World Trichology Conference at:< br>


Wonderful conference in Washington DC. Thank you everybody for all your support. Photos soon.


The first book to ever be published about the lives of trichologists (hair loss and scalp specialists) will be launched at the World Trichology Conference being held in Washington D.C. on June 25th and 26th.
Fifty seven trichologists from 24 countries have contributed to the book, of which 23 will be at the conference. Sue Erickson, who helped with the the book, said “There are some amazing tales, partic...ularly from those living in African countries, who have had to struggle to get the money to study. Nobody just becomes a trichologist; everybody comes to trichology from different fields varying from medicine to hairdressing to law. Each story is inspirational."
The trichology course was developed at the University of Southern California under NASA and there are now graduates and students from about 40 countries.
At the conference (, top lecturers from the USA, Canada, Brazil, India and Australia will discuss the latest developments when it comes to hair loss as well as the psychological aspects; of particular relevance are the messenger proteins, growth factors, prostaglandins etc. that can either increase or decrease hair loss. And new products, including nutritional supplements, will be discussed that are exploiting these factors. Also, how koalas can cause hair loss.
For further information, please contact David Salinger at OR Arisha Hawkins in Washington D.C. at (202) 553 5498.
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Hair loss treatments are a major industry world-wide. With strong focus on looks and looking youthful, this generation is prepared to spend whatever it takes to get results. And it is women who are experiencing the biggest increase in hair loss. And also suffering major psychological problems.
With this in mind, more trichologists than ever before, from 14 countries, will be getting together in Washing...ton D.C. on June 25th and 26th for the World Trichology Conference (see
Top lecturers from the USA, Canada, Brazil, India and Australia will discuss the latest developments when it comes to hair loss as well as the psychological aspects; of particular relevance are the messenger proteins, growth factors, prostaglandins etc. that can either increase or decrease hair loss. And new products, including nutritional supplements, that are exploiting these factors, will be dicussed.
David Salinger, Director of the International Association of Trichologists, says “The emphasis is shifting to preventing hair loss in the first place by such means as reducing the white blood cells attacking the hair and reducing the androgens affecting the hair. There is a huge transformation occurring as to how we now treat hair loss.”
For further information, please contact David Salinger at OR Arisha Hawkins in Washington D.C. at (202) 553 5498.
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We are delighted to report that our new book "Hairy Tales" will be launched at the World Trichology Conference in Washington D.C. on June 25th/26th. In the book, fifty seven trichologists and trichology students from 24 countries tell their stories - and there are some amazing stories. This book is inspirational and a wonderful promotion for trichology and trichologists. Many of the contributors in the book, from several countries, will be at the Washington conference. So, don't miss out meeting them at the Conference and purchasing a copy. For information on the conference go to


David Salinger writes: I have seen alopecia areata related to tooth infections but never, until now, related to bluetooth technology. A lady in her 20s had to start handling the phone at work, four days a week, which was wireless. So she wore headphones. For the first time in her life, she experienced very bad migraines, lasting days, and bad pain on top of her scalp. Two months later, she experienced alopecia areata on top of her scalp. She obviousl...y stopped handling the phone and the migraines have stopped.
She has a CT scan and MRI, all good. She does suffer from gluten intolerance and pernicious anemia.
My examination of her scalp indicated that her hair loss has stopped and there is plenty of regrowth, so I reassured her all would be well.
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David Salinger discussing the new book of the International Association of Trichologists - HAIRY TALES - which will be launched at the World Trichology Conference in June in Washington D.C. The book discusses the stories of trichologists from thoughout the world - a must for all trichologists and trichology students.


Only 4 months to the IAT's World Trichology Conference in Washington D.C. To register, please go to the conference website


One female patient seen this week complained of a big increase in hair loss over the past 4 weeks. She had also developed the scaly problem 'pityriasis amiantacea' (photo) just under 4 months ago. Whenever hair loss increases quickly, you know that something must have happened about 3 months before the hair loss. She told me that, in August, she had been stalked by someone she vaguely knew and had to go to court to obtain a restraining order against this person. The stalking and court process and really stressed her out, affecting her sleep at the time, and causing headaches. I advised her that the present hair loss was a result of that stress. I also felt that the scaly problem was triggered by the same stress but happened much more quickly (probably the result of an autoimmune flare-up related to the stress).


Saw a 24 year old female this past week. Her hairdresser would not colour the hair because she felt the hair had a problem. Microscopic analysis confirmed pili annulati, a genetic hair shaft problem whereby the hair shows alternating light and dark bands. The dark areas are filled with air. The amazing thing is that the problem had not been spotted before. Well done to Jo at Barney Martin Hair, Sydney.


REGISTER NOW FOR THE IAT'S WORLD TRICHOLOGY CONFERENCE IN WASHINGTON D.C. ON JUNE 25th and 26th, 2018. Great speakers. Great networking. see

More about International Association Of Trichologists

International Association Of Trichologists is located at 185 Elizabeth St, Sydney, Australia 2000
61 2 9267 1384