Itf Foc Campaign Australia

About Itf Foc Campaign Australia

ITF Asia-Pacific Campaigns

Itf Foc Campaign Australia Description

ITF Asia-Pacific Campaigns



Disturbing new footage of Australia live sheep trade shows both workers and animals endure a living hell
The future of Australia’s live sheep export trade is again under the spotlight with the release today of appalling new footage that highlights the dreadful conditions endured by both animals and the workers on board the Awassi Express, a Panamanian-registered Flag-of-Convenience vessel that operates with little scrutiny on harrowing voyages to the Middle East.
Trade union...
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21 March 2018
ITF calls on Australian Federal Police to investigate another “Man Overboard” The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) has called for an immediate investigation into the disappearance of 45-year-old seafarer, Arnel Gillo who was reported missing on the 13th April 2018 on the Flag of Convenience ship “Galloway Express”, bound for Australia. Dean Summers, ITF National Co-ordinator said the Queensland Police had boarded the vessel yesterday when it doc...ked at Townsville, but he called into question their understanding of the crew’s language, culture, and appreciation of maritime industry. “The Australian Federal Police need to investigate this incident as a matter of urgency given their experience and involvement in other maritime cases. “The disappearance occurred in international waters and should be investigated by the AFP who have experience on dealing with these cases following the high-profile case of FOC Sage Sagittarius in 2012 where three seafarers died, and the NSW coroner found at least two were victims of foul play. “Arnel’s wife and family contacted us on the 16th March claiming that the company had not responded to their calls and were obviously distraught”. His family have asked the ITF to help and have said “All we hope and pray is to know what happened to my brother and if he needs rescue right away.” “Yesterday an ITF inspector - asked by the family to investigate - was harassed by company representatives on board the ship and get answers for the family. The Queensland Police even prevented access and frustrated all attempts for us to speak to the master and crew” At this stage the parallels with Sage case are obvious Mr Summers said. The livestock carrier, owned by Dutch company Vroon, is Flag of Convenience vessel registered in Singapore and has been chartered by Australian based Harmony Agriculture and Food Company. The owners have called the case an “Unfortunate Incident” but refuse to cooperate with the federation. The Sage Sagittarius was subject a two-year coronial investigation with the NSW Coroner finding the ship’s chief cook and chief engineer met with foul play at the hand/s of other unidentified persons on board the Flag of Convenience (FOC) ship. The Coroner recommended her findings be sent to Japanese authorities to investigate a third suspicious death on board. A company superintendent, sent by the owners to Australia to investigate, was found dead in the self-discharge gear while docked back in Japan. The coroner recommended establishing a permanent standing group, with members from at least the AFP, State police, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority, and the Australian Transport Safety Bureau to investigate the death or suspicious death on board, or disappearance from, an international vessel in or bound for Australian waters. Media Contact: Dean Summers 0419934648
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CSL Australia found to be exploiting crew
The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) has inspected the Bahamas-registered Flag-of-Convenience (FOC) vessel Diana in Melbourne and found the company is underpaying Filipino seafarers who are effectively operating full time on the Australian coast.
Under coastal trading rules introduced in 2012, foreign crew must be paid award rates as the vessel is working more than two domestic voyages in Australian waters, but today’...s inspection shows that seafarers are only receiving low FOC wages.
The Diana is owned by an Australian company, Canadian Shipping Lines (CSL) Australia.
CSL has recently increased the use of foreign seafarers in coastal trades replacing Australian crew, effectively undermining employment conditions and jobs on Australia’s coastal shipping routes.
ITF Australia Coordinator Dean Summers said: “Under Australian legislation all foreign workers must be paid award rates while operating in the local trade.
“ITF Australia, acting on a tip off, has today exposed abuse of Filipino seafarers working in Australia for CSL. The ITF has contacted the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) to investigate further but we are yet to receive a response.
“These are vulnerable foreign workers used by an Australian company to replace Australian national seafarers working exclusively in the Australian trade.”
CSL Australia has so far refused to sign an industrial agreement guaranteeing international minimum standards on its fleet of deregulated FOC vessels, Acacia, Adelie and Diana.
“The ITF demands the government investigates these clear breaches of our trading laws immediately and prosecute the perpetrators,” Mr Summers said.
For more information Dean Summers +61 0419 934 648
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ITF inspector Keith McCorriston with the crew off the ADMATSU


Seaways Maritime International Continue the Cycle of Abuse
Concerns are being raised about Greek based ship managers Seaways Maritime International and their continued mistreatment of seafarer’s employed on the vessels.
The Marshall Islands registered bulk carrier TOBA was detained for a number of weeks in June 2017 following an inspection by Nautilus International/ITF Inspector Tommy Molloy in the Port of Liverpool. He was originally alerted by the solicitors acting for a Ch...
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Crew off the Blue Island 8 getting their backpay before sailing from Newcastle. Thanks to Ben West and Jason Gough.

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Please see below the Fair Work Australia information on Coastal Trading in Australia.
Should you have any complaints you can contact the ITF directly or email the Fair Work Ombudsman at…/maritime- industry-workplace-r…


The latest release of the ITF Seafarers app is now available on Android (Google Play store) and iPhone (Apple App store).
PLEASE NOTE: Because of a technical issue, those of you using Android devices MUST uninstall the app and then install the new version.
... The new version of the app has this logo now
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The story of an ordinary Burmese seafarer facing oppression at sea - Burmese Cowboy is the tale of Shwe Tun Aung and his journey around the world, opposing corrupt ship owners and a dangerous government, while risking his own life for what was fair. He tells his amazing story of how his life was destroyed, and how global union solidarity helped rebuild it. After watching this trailer, see the full film here:

More about Itf Foc Campaign Australia

Itf Foc Campaign Australia is located at Sydney, Australia 2000