Jelena Mrkich

About Jelena Mrkich

Artist. Art Therapist. Transformation Coach. Intuitive Guide.

INNER ALCHEMY + ALIGNMENT via your intuition, emotions, mindset and creativity.

Jelena Mrkich Description

I'm here to help you change your life from within.



Journal ✔️ Pen ✔️ Pastels ✔️ Pre-loved magazines ✔️ Craft scissors ✔️... Glue stick ✔️
Optional: Tea light candle 💫 Petals 💃🏻🌹🙌🏼
Gathering supplies for the next 40 days as we journey within and prepare to emerge embodying more of our authentic essence. 💫
Venus Rising begins Friday 16 November (tomorrow)! During the Live Round I am available for daily check-ins, support and any questions for these 6 weeks. 💫
“This journey brought me face to face with some of the deepest dark, and as I sat with that and brought it close, invited it to my table, I began to uncover my highest spark.” – Course Participant 💫
For those signed up, yay and thank you. Check your inbox for your Welcome note (sent immediately upon confirmation of registration). 💫
Want in on this transformational 40 days of self renewal? Get your ticket via my new site (see link in profile). 💫
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The first harvest of the season. I’m in love with these blueberries, wild sweet yum from a bush gifted to me from loved ones a couple of years ago for my birthday. She is thriving in my garden, and it’s a delight to watch her leaves renew each year. Like nature knows to do. As your being knows too. 💫
Ready for a renewal from within? Venus Rising: A 40 Day Journey of Self Renewal begins Friday 16 November (tomorrow). 💫
During the Live Round we gather in a Private Course Group ...(optional) where I am available for questions and support. Considering this as the next best thing to having me as your personal Transformation Coach and Intuitive Guide for these 6 weeks! 💃🏻🙌🏼
Register your spot + learn more via my NEW site 💫
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Good night. 👼🏻🙏🏼
May you awake with the knowing that the only thing you need ever BE is... you. 💫


Being, you. Sans effort. Allowing your essence to be. Trusting the flow of that.
... We explore this via one of the daily prompts during Venus Rising: A 40 Day Journey of Self Renewal. We begin this Friday November 16! 💫
This course is delivered straight to your inbox for 40 consecutive days. 💫
Each day purposefully taps into simple yet powerful practices that you can move through - without needing to carve out or find big chunks of free time. You can move through the content one day at a time or gather a few days’ prompts and sit with those during a session of time-with-yourself. 💫
Register your spot + learn more about this transformational guided journey via my new site (yay!). See link in profile. 💫
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One hour left of the Exclusive Venus Rising Special Offer. 💃🏻🎉🌹
Venus, the planet of all things love, beauty and worth turns direct this Friday November 16. And with it marks the start of the Live Round of Venus Rising: A 40 Day Journey of Self Renewal. 💫
When Venus shifts gears, it loves to show up as a change, or a call to change the dynamic of these areas of your life, particularly from within. Which is our focus during Venus Rising. To upgrade, positively shift and uplift... how we view our own self and express this into our everyday life. 💫
The Exclusive Pay-What-You-Can Offer to my subscribers closes today Monday 13 November Noon AEDT when it returns to the full registration fee. 💫
For subscribers to my list, check your inboxes for your exclusive access to the Venus Rising Pay-What-You-Can Special offer! 💫
p.s. Want in on this offer? Pop over to my new site (see link in profile) and join my list. Sign up is free. 💫
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A sacred circle gathering at Newport Beach of sea shells, sea grass and feathers with a spiral at its centre. It arrived with a message; You are a gem. Allow that knowing to unfurl and show up in this day. 💫
Align deeper with your authentic self-worth. Join me in the Live Round of Venus Rising; a 40 Day Journey of Self Renewal. We begin this Friday November 16.💫
The Exclusive Pay-What-You-Can Offer to my subscribers is closes today at midday AEDT when registration returns to ...the full fee!💫
For subscribers to my list, check your inboxes for your exclusive access to the Venus Rising Pay-What-You-Can Special offer! 💫
p.s. Want in on this offer? Pop over to my new site (see link in profile) and join my list. Sign up is free. 💫
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Now is always a brilliant time to enter into a deeper feel-good connection with your inner guidance/ inner beings/ higher self/ soul. 💫
Today is the last day to join Venus Rising with the Exclusive Pay-What-You-Can Special Offer! The Live Round of this 40 day guided journey with me begins November 16. 💃🏻🎉👏🏼
“Wow. These 40 days were intense! I can feel the changes within and am integrating the nudges. I am writing again. I feel like I can breathe now. I feel calmer and more se...lf-confident. Thank you Jelena.” – Lola, Spain 💫
Join a soulful and global circle. This course has been experienced by participants around the world, including from: Australia, Canada, Indonesia, Mexico, Scotland, Spain and the U.S. ✨🌏💞
For subscribers to my list, check your inboxes for your exclusive access to the Venus Rising Pay-What-You-Can Special offer. Valid until Monday (today!).
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For impromptu weekend dates with my little nephew, sunshine on my skin and those who have already signed up for Venus Rising. Yes and yihaa!
What three things are you appreciating right now?
Ready to up your gratitude for who YOU are within a sacred and soulful circle? 💫
... Venus Rising: A 40 Day Journey of Self Renewal begins November 16! 💫
Today is the last day of the Exclusive Pay-What-You-Can Special Offer. 💃🏻🎉👏🏼
For subscribers to my list, check your inboxes for your exclusive access to the Venus Rising Pay-What-You-Can Special offer! Valid until Monday (today!). 💫
p.s. Want in on this offer? Pop over to my new site (see link in profile) and join my list. Sign up is free. 💫
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A Mantra for your Monday. 💫
I see you. I hear you. I hold you.
... Do you feel this between you and YOUR inner guidance/ inner being/ highest self/ soul?
Deepen this relationship within and refuel your self-worth. Venus Rising: A 40 Day Journey of Self Renewal begins November 16! Register via my new site (link in profile). ✨
For subscribers to my list, check your inboxes for your EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to the Venus Rising Pay-What-You-Can Special offer! Valid until Monday 12 November Noon AEDT. ✨
p.s. Want in on this offer? Pop over to my new site (see link in profile) and join my list. Sign up is free. ✨
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Climbing trees + Venus Rising. 💃🏻🌳🙌🏼
What uplifts your sense of playfulness? There’s something about climbing a tree that reminds me to see the magic in this day. I rarely climbed trees as a kid but feel my inner child so satisfied when I’m out on a limb, so to speak. ✨
Communication with our inner child is one of the prompts during Venus Rising: a 40 Day Journey of Self Renewal. ✨
... Why have a chat with our child within? When their voice is heard, our adult self is that much more freed to be, happy. ✨
Ready to replenish your innate feel-good connection with being YOU? ✨
Registration now open for Venus Rising. We begin November 16! ✨
For subscribers to my list, check your inboxes for your exclusive access to the Venus Rising Pay-What-You-Can Special offer! Valid until Monday 12 November Noon AEDT. ✨
p.s. Want in on this offer? Pop over to my new site (see link in profile) and join my list. Sign up is free! ✨
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For sure my team of fairies 🧚‍♀️ assisted the process while I was tinkering away into the wee hours of the morning. So eager and ready to have all the behind-the-scenes systems in place before launching open the Venus Rising registration doors. 🚀
We are here. Today is the day! Registration doors are NOW OPEN. 💃🏻🎉👏🏼
... Ready to replenish your innate feel-good connection with being YOU?
Join me and a soulful global circle in this transformational online guided journey. This course has been experienced by participants around the world, including from: Australia, Canada, Indonesia, Mexico, Scotland, Spain and the U.S. ✨🌏💞
For subscribers to my list, check your inboxes for your exclusive access to the Venus Rising Pay-What-You-Can Special offer! Valid until Monday 12 November Noon AEDT.
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Bowlful of New Moon in Scorpio blessings. 🌒🧡🦂 After trucking along behind-the-scenes with my Venus Rising registration set-up, I was reminded this afternoon that it’s not sheer force that gets such things done. 💪🏼💪🏼 Particularly when there’s technical issues. 🤪 A few elements are needing longer to percolate than anticipated. So what to do? 🤔 I stepped away from my digital devices, went outside into the garden with a pair scissors and gathered these sacral-chakra-nourishing ed...ible treasures that spoke to me about the divine unfolding of all things - that gives no attention to ‘hurry up’ or ‘hello there’s a deadline’. 🙆🏻‍♀️ Rather it settles into its sacred groove of ‘all is well’ and ‘everything is going to be okay’. ✌🏼 And under the vibes of this New Moon we are encouraged to tune into exactly that. The sacred groove of our own authentic essence. 💫
p.s. Venus Rising registration doors open November 9. 💃🏻🌹🤞🏼
p.s. Join my newsletter list to get access to an exclusive Venus Rising Pay-What-You-Can Special Offer. Sign up to the list via my new website... now live!💫
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Vibrant summer beauties on my path. There were quite a tribe of these hand painted smooth stones deliberately scattered on sides of the track. 🌞🌊✌🏼 A reminder to self, your inner being/ inner self/ higher self/ soul ever-delivers treasures for you that point the way to embodying more of your divine essence with ease and grace. Venus, the planet of all things love, beauty and worth knows a thing or two about that. After what will be a magical 40 days of traversing in reverse i...n the skies, Venus shifts gears back into forward motion on November 16, and with it marks the start of Venus Rising: a 40 Day Journey of Self Renewal. 💫
This will be the fourth round of the guided course since I created it in 2013. A course that birthed from my own healing journey and is specifically designed to renew your sense of self, replenish from with and refuel your self-worth. 💫
Registration doors open November 8. 💫
p.s. Join my newsletter list to get access to an exclusive Venus Rising Pay-What-You-Can Special Offer. Sign up to the list via my new website... it’s now live! See link in my profile. 💫
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So much appreciation for re-evaluation, the emerging of Venus Rising and the unveiling of my new website. Yes and yay! 💫
You warm my heart, wild tribe. Thank you to those who have enquired about 40 Days of Venus, a guided journey inspired by Venus Retrograde. This guided journey birthed out in 2013 from my own healing process and runs each Venus Retrograde, when the planet of all things love and beauty appears to travel backwards from our earthly perspective. A cycle that occ...urs every 18 months for 40 days and 40 nights.💫
We are in a Venus Retrograde right now, and continue to traverse this portal of re-evaluation until November 16, when Venus emerges from her reserve travels. 💫
It’s a time that invites us to dive deep into our inner world and check in with what is really going on. You may be feeling this as a need for more self-time, less social activity and a call to connect deeper with your authentic essence.💫
I’m so excited to share it surfaced inspiration to rename the course from 40 Days of Venus to Venus Rising: a 40 Day Journey of Self Renewal. 💫
Tapping into the forward momentum as the planet Venus prepares to stride ahead on November 16, this date marks our start! 💫
Registration doors open November 8. 💫
p.s. Join my newsletter list to get access to an exclusive Venus Rising Pay-What-You-Can Special Offer. Sign up to the list via my new website... it’s now live! 💫
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Into the weekend like Venus turning retrograde. 💃🏻🌨💫 As the planet of all things love and beauty is doing today for a magical 40 days and 40 nights marking the return of my course 40 Days of Venus. During a Venus Retrograde period things can seem to go backwards as the energies invite us to take a deep dive inward and reflect on how we are being, receiving, responding to, allowing and seeing our own self. 💫
Driving along these bends this morning the curves reminded me of how can appear one is travelling “backwards” while actually moving forwards. The earth-watering much-needed rain here making the start to the day darker than it would be if the skies were clear. This is what Venus Retrograde is a master of, encouraging us to daringly uncover the unseen and veiled aspects of our own self, often referred to as our shadow or dark side. Rather than being an exploration to fear imagine more the cosy excitement of being in a mystical cave or the warmth and cushioned safety in your Mama’s womb before you arrived into this world or being tucked up under an inviting doona/ duvet as you prepare to enter the mystery that is the dream state. 💫
Venus Retrograde is a journey that lasts a magical 40 days and 40 nights. Over the coming weeks l’ll be sharing about this daily. As it marks the return of 40 Days of Venus, the guided experience. The course was set to start this weekend, however in retrograde fashion I’m excited to open the registration doors over the weekend and our deep dive into this transformational experience will start soon. Stay tuned. 💫
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Wild woman. Follow your light. Plug in and start creating. And, hey presto! Simple yet satisfying fortune. ... Own your abundance. You are the gold. 💫
| Collage (handcut and paste process with magazine images) in my journal. 💃🏻📖✂️
This artwork birthed out in my response to a process during @danamrkich’s annual She Fire Circle. We’re up to Week 3. Missed the yearly round? Check out Dana’s She Fire Monthly Membership for a regular dose of empowering awesomeness for your divine feminine. Pop over to her profile + click on the link for details. 💃🏻🔥🌹
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Morning meditation spot with my fluffy assistant and Saraswati, the Hindu Goddess of wisdom, art and nature. Also known as the guardian of Mama Earth she is part of the trinity of Saraswati, Lakshmi and Parvati. Her name means “She who has flow”. A hamsa or swan is often located next to her feet. A reminder to self, your natural self is always in synch with the divine flow of what you do want to say, be, do, have and experience. 💫


A Moon Mantra for the now. Whether you trust your inner knowing or not, your beingness lets you know what’s going on.
As is the beauty of natural laws and ancient truths, it sounds so simple. There is a clear and ever-present wisdom within us. 💫
It speaks through our physical vessel, we feel it in our bones. It speaks to us via our emotions, we feel it in the way comfort (and the varying degrees of that from lack to deep) flows through us. We feel it in our patterns of, in the beliefs we hold. We feel it in our soul, in the energy we are resonating with.
There are times we tune out of the knowing that we hold this knowing. Times we know yet lack trust. Sometimes we are unaware of the lack of trust going on within until an experience illuminates this for us.
Wherever you are at with your ability to trust YOU, allow that to be okay. And if it feels good to you, choose to practice an act of self-trust today.
Then one more, and another. Repeat.
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More about Jelena Mrkich

Jelena Mrkich is located at Newport, New South Wales, Australia