Jennylee Taylor - Breathe And Be You

About Jennylee Taylor - Breathe And Be You

Are you feeling stuck and unhappy?
Are you fed up with doing it for everyone else?
Is life kind of dull and boring and you have lost your passion for what you do?
Have you lost sight of who you really are?

Are you willing to do something about it?

Jennylee Taylor - Breathe And Be You Description

Passionately helping professionals like you to gain personal success by walking beside you:
• to organise your life to get the time and relationships you need,
• to reclaim your energy for life by reducing stress and overwhelm, and
• develop a personalised plan for your future financial freedom and lifestyle for you and your family.

• Are you going around in never ending circles, like the mouse on the wheel always busy and getting nowhere, worn out and weary……. life is a struggle?
• Do you feel like you don’t know where you are heading over the next ten years?
• Is your hectic personal life spilling over to your work life and vice versa?
• Are the pressures of balancing work and home taking its toll on your relationships with your family and work colleagues?

By having the tools you need to negotiate life and to handle what life throws at you, you are able to attract the good stuff and to be the best you can be.

Want to get off the merry go round, assess where you are, what you want in life and how to get there?

Here’s how we can work together:

• LIFE SUCCESS COACH – Your big picture (individuals and couples) – Do a checkup on all areas of your life, then create a plan, work the plan and reap the rewards. Set yourself up to have the time, relationships, income and investments over the next decade to free yourself from worrying about your future.
* PERSONAL WORK - Just about you (individual) - Private Breathwork session – break through whatever is holding you back from getting what you want out of life. Find out why you make the same mistakes over and over again and are frustrated, why you feel stuck in the muck of life, why you feel hollow and empty with no passion. Once you know why, you can do something about it, follow a new script, move forward and get back your passion for life.

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More about Jennylee Taylor - Breathe And Be You