
About Jessfit

Attention women of all ages! Hi, my name is Jessica King, and my new fitness regime, JessFit, is targeting you!

I offer Personal 1on1 Training, BFF Training with friends, Bootcamps and free Weekly Workshops. I do this because I have a passion for the fitness lifestyle and not just the physical side; the psychological side as well. I understand the pressures on women today to look young and stay thin. I’ve been there. Done that. Fitness, in particular cross-country running, helped me dig my way out of those dark times. I want to share my experiences, my story with you.

But first I want to get you up and get you outside. That’s what JessFit is about. I want to free you from the four walls of your home, office, gym or school. I want to rid you of your phones, televisions and computers (well, at least for an hour), and get you to venture outdoors with me.
I offer a fresh and unique method to fitness training. I’m going to take you back to basics, before heavy weights and fancy machinery existed. You already have the perfect tool. Your body. And I’m here to show you how to use it.

I will listen to you.
I will learn from you.
I will tailor trainings to your requirements.
I will ease you into training, like the preparation required for a proper squat; keep your back straight, head held high and no matter what, just keep looking forward.

Together we can turn your goals from dreams into realities and make the impossible POSSIBLE. We’re not just going to get fit. We’re going to get JessFit; the healthy way. Think of it as fitness, with a psychological edge; because every healthy body starts with a healthy state of mind.

Jessfit Description

Attention women of all ages! Hi, my name is Jessica King, and my new fitness regime, JessFit, is targeting you!

I offer Personal 1on1 Training, BFF Training with friends, Bootcamps and free Weekly Workshops. I do this because I have a passion for the fitness lifestyle and not just the physical side; the psychological side as well. I understand the pressures on women today to look young and stay thin. I’ve been there. Done that. Fitness, in particular cross-country running, helped me dig my way out of those dark times. I want to share my experiences, my story with you.

But first I want to get you up and get you outside. That’s what JessFit is about. I want to free you from the four walls of your home, office, gym or school. I want to rid you of your phones, televisions and computers (well, at least for an hour), and get you to venture outdoors with me.
I offer a fresh and unique method to fitness training. I’m going to take you back to basics, before heavy weights and fancy machinery existed. You already have the perfect tool. Your body. And I’m here to show you how to use it.

I will listen to you.
I will learn from you.
I will tailor trainings to your requirements.
I will ease you into training, like the preparation required for a proper squat; keep your back straight, head held high and no matter what, just keep looking forward.

Together we can turn your goals from dreams into realities and make the impossible POSSIBLE. We’re not just going to get fit. We’re going to get JessFit; the healthy way. Think of it as fitness, with a psychological edge; because every healthy body starts with a healthy state of mind.