Kai Schnitzler Coaching

About Kai Schnitzler Coaching

35 years of experience in the Hair and Beauty industry have seen me own 3 salons back in Germany and a salon in Sydney. My experience in the industry is what makes me a great coach and mentor.



Club ZING gives you and your team instant, affordable access to all you need to kick-start change in your business - weekly webinars, how-to articles, video tips, downloadable PDF’s and more. All created with one mission in mind: teaching you how to take your salon from Good 2 Great! 👌🏻We look after all the content. All you need to do is show-up, login and access what you need. No contracts. No strings. ALL ZING!! 🎉 ZINGers are just like you and us. Club ZING is a community, an industry campfire where our tribe gathers to create change - in ourselves, in our salons and in the wider hair and beauty sector. https://clubzing.com.au/squeeze-page


This is where amaZING started for me. @oolaboo_australia, the first event I joint Lisa in Sydney..


With "Setting the right goals" I am not talking about KPI’s although hopefully you all know that they are important and how they drive business success. I'm talking about a simple goal setting system that allows you to set meaningful and audacious goals.
There are three components: WHY - WHAT - HOW
Truly transformational teams combine their ambition with their passion and purpose and they develop a clear and compelling sense of WHY they do WHAT they do and HOW they do it.
... The magic is just around the corner: Imagine if everyone in your team is writing their own WHY, WHAT and HOW down on the whiteboard every few month in the staff room – this is powerful stuff.
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One-on-one meetings with every team member 15min every single week, same day, same time - essential for your business to grow. Developing your own and your team’s abilities is an on-going and never ending process. So having a salon culture of ‘on-going communication’ and ‘regular meetings helps everyone to understand each others motives and aspirations which then creates the most likely environment for mutual success.
1. It can’t be just a chat, it needs structure 2. It has t...o be a positive and motivating experience 3. Listen, really listen 4. Help to achieve their goals
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Like acting, your profession is a craft that takes skill and experience. To really perform you need to bring your best game.


When your clients understand that you are real, honest and authentic you become unstoppable and you're going to win.


TEAMWORK. Educate your clients that there is more than one person within your salon who can look after them. I took this snapshot in the salon of one of my amazing clients showing what teamwork looks like. Share your work with each other, Implement a rule that everyone needs to touch each client at least once. This can be just asking for a coffee or saying something nice about their hair. Doing a full head of foils together or even the blow wave is a time saver not only for you but your client as well, and they will appreciate that. The best thing about sharing clients across the team is that these clients become salon clients. When one of the team leaves, and they all do eventually, your client still has a relationship with the other team members, significantly increasing your chances or retaining the client. https://bit.ly/2GjW7Ej


Don't you sometimes wonder when going through old photos "WHY THE HELL DID I TAKE THIS ONE"




Congrats to a great first 2 days. Love ❤️💕 to get this photo sent from my amazing client.


There are leaders who are a lot better than others. Is it because these better leaders just know what and how to get the best out of their team or are these skills trainable? Leaders can certainly be trained, unfortunately, most aren’t. The one key that all leaders need, is having an attitude of learning. They need to be open to feedback and ways to improve and always striving to learn. "Closed minds never open any doors".
Here are four key elements that will help first-time ...leaders as well as existing ones:
1. Building trust with their team is critical. Once trust is created the team can rely on their leader knowing he/she has their backs. Be a great listener- find out each person’s strengths and weaknesses by talking to them. If you promise something, get it done or at least tell them why not. And be a great role model so you can lead by example.
2. Set clear expectations. If your team doesn’t know what your expectations are how can they deliver on them? They then know what a good job looks like so there is no uncertainty.
3. Follow up and provide feedback, particularly positive feedback. Catching your team doing the right thing is unexpected and always received positively. This tells your team that you care and notice when they do a good job. Leaders also need to provide improvement feedback when they see things that aren’t being done correctly as this also tells the team that your expectations are important and non-negotiable.
4. Learn to adapt to different team members. This requires the leader to really get to know their team members so they know what motivates and demotivates each individual.
Putting in place these four steps will ensure you build strong relationships with each team member and this, in turn, creates a stimulating work environment where people work hard but have fun.
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PLAN FOR FUN.... I did with my team. Go for a drink after work with your team, invite them for dinner, organize a Christmas event or just have a fun Pizza night in the salon. You need to make sure to keep it going throughout the year and you will have a happy and motivated team.


Consultation forms - keep them simple.


Just saying....


What's your waiting area like?


Inspire me. What books helped your business or your personal growth? https://bit.ly/2GjW7Ej


How did your Sunday morning look like? Hope your having a good one :-)

More about Kai Schnitzler Coaching
