Karma Samten Choeling Inc

About Karma Samten Choeling Inc

This is the Official Facebook page for Karma Samten Choeling. News updates from the committee will be posted here.



Kagyu Monlam Australia 2015
Together We Pray For Peace And Happiness Õģ▒ÕÉīńźłķĪśÕÆīÕ╣│ÕÅŖÕ¢£µéģ
... Monlam is a Tibetan word. ŌĆśMonŌĆÖ means a wish and ŌĆśLamŌĆÖ means a path. Monlam is now an important annual Tibetan Buddhist event in many parts of the world. The 5th Australian Kagyu Monlam will be held from the 9th -11th October 2015, at The Concourse Concert Hall, Chatswood, Sydney.
Venerable Dekhung Gyaltsey Tulku Rinpoche will preside over the three day event; which includes Prayers, Teachings, Empowerment and Blessings.
Monlamµś»ĶŚÅµ¢ć’╝īŌĆ£MonŌĆصīćķĪśµ£øŃĆüŌĆ £LamŌĆصś»ķüōĶĘ»õ╣ŗµĆØ’╝īµ»ÅÕ╣┤õĖ¢ńĢīÕÉä Õ£░µēĆĶłēĶŠ”ńÜäMonlam Prayers Festival ÕĘ▓µłÉńé║ĶŚÅÕé│õĮøµĢÖńÜäķćŹĶ”üÕ£ŗķÜøµ┤╗Õŗ Ģ’╝īń¼¼õ║öÕ▒嵊│µ┤▓ÕÖČĶłēÕż¦ńźłķĪśµ│Ģµ£ā Õ░ćµ¢╝2015Õ╣┤10µ£ł9µŚźÕł░10µ£ł11µŚźÕ£©µé ēÕ░╝The Concourse Concert Hallķ¤│µ©éÕ╗│ĶłēĶĪī’╝īõĖ”µüŁĶ½ŗÕ░ŖĶ▓┤ńÜäõ ĖŖÕĖ½’╝īÕŠĘĶ▓óÕśēĶ¼Øõ╗üµ│óÕłćĶ”¬Ķć©õĖ╗µ│ Ģ’╝īõĖēÕż®µ│Ģµ£āÕīģµŗ¼’╝ÜĶ¬”ńČōŃĆüńüīķĀé ŃĆüµČłńüĮńźłń”ÅÕÅŖĶČģµĖĪŃĆé
Venue: ÕĀ┤Õ£░ The Concourse Concert Hall, 409 Victoria Avenue, Chatswood, NSW 2067 Australia
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Prayers for Earthquake Victims
Dear members, students and friends of Karma Samten Choeling,
As you have probably all heard, there has been a terrible earthquake tragedy of high proportions in North India and Nepal.... This terrible occurrence has devastated the area, leaving many dead, injured, in pain and homeless.
The trauma and suffering can only be imagined by those of us who are in our comfortable homes away from the area.
If there one thing a natural disaster reminds us of, is that this human life is very fragile. The built and amassed reality we have gathered around us can be destroyed In a split second. We are connected as a global family ŌĆō every being is connected to every other being, regardless of any supposed boundaries we may designate on our shared Mother Earth.
Please consider this ŌĆō If today was the last day of your life, would you be truly content with who YOU are within? If not, then the sobering thought may be to begin immediately working towards becoming what we wish to be; not the wealthiest or most beautiful or most acclaimed, but the true living, breathing manifestations of all higher powers.
Please send your deepest prayers of peace and kindest wishes to the multitude of beings affected by this earthquake, and all other disasters.
thank you Willow Mackay Secretary Karma Samten Choeling
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URGENT UPDATE: The Losar/Chinese New year celebration will be held at: 53 Calmsley Place, Horsley Park 2175.
There will be a Chenrezig practice at the Centre at 11am on Sunday 22nd February 2015 and you can make light offerings during the day to welcome in Losar and the Chinese New Year. We hope you can find time to join us at the Centre.


Happy Losar and Chinese New Year 2015
Tibetan New year, also known as Losar, is the most important festival in the Tibetan calendar. Tibetan New Year is said to last 15 days, but the first 3 days are most important. This year the Chinese New Year also coincides with Losar. 2015 will be the year of the sheep.
People born in this year are said to be honest, affectionate and have great compassion for others.
... 2014 had been a busy and challenging year for the committee. Through the kindness and initiative of His Holiness 17th Gyalwang Karmapa, our Centre hosted the Fourth Australian Monlam. We are again grateful to our teacher Venerable Dekhung Gyaltsey Tulku Rinpoche for his hard work and peerless guidance in this event and numerous dharma activities during the year.
On behalf of the committee I would like to offer our sincere gratitude and appreciation for the diligence and enthusiasm of all those who have assisted and participated in our events.
We dedicate the merit from these activities to peace and harmony in the world and for the longevity and enduring success of the endeavours of His Holiness Karmapa and our precious Rinpoche wherever they may go. May all beings swiftly attained the unsurpassed qualities of compassion, wisdom and skilful means and reach Buddhahood for the benefit of others.
To all our friends around the world I would like to encourage you all to observe a minute of silence at the beginning of Losar and Chinese New Year in quiet remembrance of the ones we have lost. LetŌĆÖs remind ourselves of the many who have faced tragic events and endured much suffering. We pray that they may take rebirth in higher realms and continue on the spiritual path to enlightenment.
We hope that 2015 will be a spectacular year for everyone, particularly in your travel on the Dharma path.
There will be a Chenrezig practice at the Centre at 11am on Sunday 22 February 2015 and you can make light offerings during the day to welcome in Losar and the Chinese New Year. We hope you can find time to join us at the Centre.
Once again Karma Samten Choeling wishes all members, friends and beings a happy and prosperous (dharma filled) Tibetan and Chinese New Year.
With metta, Albert Loo President on behalf of Karma Samten Choeling
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Medicine Buddha Puja ŌĆō 9am Sunday the 22nd June.
Rinpoche will be performing a Medicine Buddha Puja at our centre.
This is open to anyone who wishes to receive the Medicine Buddha Prayers and Blessing.
... Hoping to see you there!
Metta, The Committee for Karma Samten Choeling.
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Mahakala Oral Transmission.
At 4pm on Saturday the 21st June, the Monks will perform a Mahakala Puja. Immediately following that at 4:30pm Rinpoche will give the Mahakala Oral Tramsmission.
Everyone who wishes to undertake this practice is welcome at our centre in Wentworthville.
... Metta, The Committee for Karma Samten Choeling.
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Saka Dawa Celebrations At The Centre
Karma Samten Choeling members and Dharma Friends are delighted that the monks have arrived to begin the preparations for this years Kagyu Monlam.
Despite the very chilly Sydney weather, the early morning welcome at the airport and Gompa was a warm one thanks to all the volunteer drivers, centre members and dharma friends.
... We were very blessed with a wonderful Saka Dawa Puja organised and performed by the monks in the afternoon of their arrival. All participants welcomed a most blessed opportunity to bathe the Buddha on this very special day.
After the most uplifting of Puja ceremonies, a cup of nice hot tea and Puja food was enjoyed by all.
We look forward to having the monks with us for the next month or so, and are grateful for the opportunity of offering food and service to our very precious Sangha, so they can perform their roles in this yearŌĆÖs Kagyu Monlam Australia.
Please feel free to join us at the centre to meet the Monks and reacquaint with old friends, and make new ones.
See more photos on our website... http://kscoz.com/vesak/saka-dawa-celebrat ions-at-the-centre/
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Saka Dawa Celebration, 3pm Sunday 15th June
3pm Sunday June 15th 2014
Saka Dawa commemorates the anniversary of the BuddhaŌĆÖs birth, enlightenment and parinirvana and takes place on the 15th day of the fourth lunar month of the Tibetan calendar.
... Saka Dawa is traditionally celebrated for one full month and merit for virtuous acts performed (eg donations, prostrations, observing the Eight Mahayana precepts and abstaining from eating meat) during this month are said to be multiplied 100,000 times.
This year it falls on Friday 13th June. The committee is very glad to announce that there will be a special prayer session for Saka Dawa at the Centre at 3 pm on Sunday 15th June 2014.
You will be pleased to know 7 lamas (monks from India) will be at arriving at our Centre that morning and will lead the Saka Dawa prayers that afternoon.
This event is free and open to the public. We invite you to the Centre to join in the prayers, meet the Lamas and make light offerings at the celebration of this most auspicious event.
We look forward to welcoming you.
The Committee Karma Samten Choeling Inc.
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Membership Renewal Time
Hello to all Karma Samten Choeling members and friends.
It is that Membership Renewal time of the year again, so please pay your membership fees of $30 directly to the Karma Samten Choeling bank account (click here), or just see our Treasurer, Jane Yao at the centre in Wentworthville.
... Without the financial and other support or our members and friends, we would not be able to run the centre, or bring our precious RinpocheŌĆÖs teachings and events to you, and so many others.
We truly appreciate your continued support and assistance.
May the Buddhas bless you all.
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Kagyu Monlam Australia 2014 Festival Of Prayers For World Peace
Karma Samten Choeling is pleased to announce that by the kindness of His Holiness 17th Gyalwang Karmapa Orgyen Trinley Dorje, and through the hard work of our precious teacher, Venerable Dekhung Gyaltsey Tulku Rinpoche, we will be hosting the fourth Australian Kagyu Monlam.
... This event will be held at The Concourse Concert Hall, 409 Victoria Avenue, Chatswood, New South Wales, Australia over three magical days from 18th July 2014 to 20th July 2014.
The Kagyu Monlam is an inspiring and beautiful event steeped in history, where we gather to remember the kindness of our Teacher, Buddha Shakyamuni, and to pray for the peace and happiness of all beings with whom we share this world.
This is a wonderful communal event, at which you will meet ordained members from different Buddhist lineages and traditions. As previously, we anticipate welcoming a wonderful gathering of Sangha members locally and from other parts of the world including Asia Pacific regions, Nepal, India and Sikkim.
We are thrilled to share this event of aspiration prayers with everyone. We warmly invite you to join us at this wonderful and auspicious occasion to pray for the benefit of all beings and to connect with ordained members and each other. An event of this nature is not possible without thoughtful generous public contributions. It is a wonderful rare opportunity for the practice of such special generosity. If you wish to make a financial contribution or offering, or purchase any merchandise please see out web page http://kscoz.com/dharma-dana/ or come to the Centre in Wentworthville.
Please check the Monlam website www.monlamaustralia.com for general information, pre-Monlam programme, latest announcements, teaching programme and session times.
For further enquiries, please email info@kscoz.com.
We look forward to meeting you at the event. The Committee Karma Samten Choeling
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A photograph taken on day 1 of the Australian Kagyu Monlam 2013. For many more images and descriptions, please visit our web page . . . http://monlamaustralia.com/monlam-2013-da y-1/


Today is setting up day of the Monlam 2013. The Monks have been busy for weeks constructing amazing Tormas for this years event. Many more photos from today can be found on our website . . . http://monlamaustralia.com/monlam-2013-se tting-up/
Remember to check daily on our Monlam Australia website for updated photographs from the days event! Even better - come along to Monlam and see the real thing and join in the Prayers.


Teachings on the 'Buddha Realms' and 'Bodhichitta' have been announced for this years 2013 Australian Kagyu Monlam.
Please visit our website for more detailed information.
http://kscoz.com/recent-news-cat/teaching s-at-monlam/


Rinpoche has kindly agreed to Empowerments, a Refuge Ceremony and Pujas this weekend.
Please check our Calendar of Events page for dates and times.


Calendar Of Events
A new Calendar of Events has been added to our website.
When we have notifications of Teachings or Empowerments from Rinpoche, they will be added to this new page.
... Here is the link for you to check on up-comming events. http://kscoz.com/calendar-of-events/
Metta, Karma Samten Choeling.
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More about Karma Samten Choeling Inc

Karma Samten Choeling Inc is located at 49 Veron Street, Westmead, New South Wales 2145