Keri Norley - "The Wealth Alchemist"

Monday: 13:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 13:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 13:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 13:00 - 16:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Keri Norley - "The Wealth Alchemist"

The purpose of this page is to help you live your love. I want to see you doing your passion with ease and being incredibly happy and prosperous.

Keri Norley - "The Wealth Alchemist" Description

Welcome to the world of “magic”. I am Keri Norley, a “Business Magician”. You may ask. . . What the heck does that mean? Well, let me explain.

Do you run a business and do all the “right things” but still want to get “more” out of it? Are you promoting yourself? Getting to networking events? On social media? And sometimes you feel like it’s so time consuming and even though all that stuff must be done, you would like things to happen just that bit faster? You just want “more” from it all?

I know. . don’t we all! But that’s where I come in. For over 9 years, I have been coaching people to succeed in business, health, finances, relationships. . . And I have gotten great results with my clients.

I have helped grow building businesses in the recession year that many closed their doors. My client had his biggest year ever. I have helped clients move out of corporate jobs they hate to running successful six-figure businesses. I have become obsessed with copywriting and marketing and LOVE making sure that my clients are using marketing that gets results.

But it’s not just hte technical side of business that is important in growing your business. . . You have to have your mind in a good place to attract abundance, which is crucial to your success.

Over the past couple years, I have been studying and integrated some new tools like Feng Shui, Colours, and Numerology into my work. This is where the magic occurs. Like I said. . . I got great results with clients before, but this stuff is seriously mind-blowing. It’s like my clients get results on speed. : -)

For example. . . I was at an office last week and my client wanted to fill an open space in the office. We moved some things around and within 4 business days, the exact person she imagined coming to the space called and told her she was ready to lock in time there.

Another client who is a PT, washed some windows I told her to wash. . . and within an hour. . . she had a woman call up to book in a group of 7 women! Yup. . . that is 7 new clients within an hour! Pretty great results, if you ask me!

This is the magic. . . When I work with you, we create an energy that aligns your business so that things flow to you with ease. You can start attracting exactly what you want.

After working with people’s minds for so many years, I know the intricacies and the way people create obstacles for themselves. I have spent hours and hours of studying ways to overcome obstacles, manifest things, “program” our minds. . . And the beauty of these tools is that on top of living in the wish fulfilled, working with our minds. . . we have physical things we can do to create a change in energy.

It’s amazing, because even if you struggle to meditate. . or don’t want to talk about your “stuff”, the feng shui of your home or office will speak volumes about what’s going on for you. And you can make changes by simply changing pictures on your wall, cleaning, wearing certain colours. . . It’s simple steps you can take everyday, doing what you already do that can make some pretty amazing changes!

If you couldn’t already tell. . . this is my passion, my life. . . I live and breathe my work and I am so excited you are here with me to share this journey. It is my desire that you take whatever you can from our work together and make your life what you always dream of.

Think big, enjoy the ride and make your dreams happen!

In case you want a little more info about me:

I live in Sydney, Australia with my 2 very active boys (Robbie and Sam) and health-crazed husband (Hugh). We are a family that practices what we preach. From eating a diet consisting of mostly whole foods, having regular exercise for everyone in the family, doing our best to incorporate some kind of spiritual practice, using the incredible tools of Feng Shui, running two different businesses and having tons of fun chasing after the kids. . . We lead a very full life.

I have a very holistic background that I draw upon to help you feel your best. My career started at University with a degree in Early Childhood education and has progressed through to also have a:

- Diploma in Integrated Body Therapies
- Diploma of Remedial Massage
- Certificate IV in Aromatherapy
- Certificate III in Nutrition
Master Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
- Feng Shui Consultant
- Copywriting
Marketing Consultant
- and so much more. . .

Did I mention. . . I am currently studying a Diploma in Shamanism as well?! Yup. . . I’m a constant student who loves delving deeper and deeper to learn everything I can about communication and spirit. . . And then finding ways to bring it into our hectic lives.

More about Keri Norley - "The Wealth Alchemist"

(720) 375-6015
Monday: 13:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 13:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 13:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 13:00 - 16:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -