
About Kindyhub

Kindyhub is a digital communication tool, allowing educators to easily share photo's, news & information with parents.

Kindyhub Description

Kindyhub is a, secure application which helps Early Childhood Settings & Educators capture children’s learning & share the information with parents.

The app allows centres to share photos, reports, news & information through a secure login for parents & grandparents etc to access at a convenient time for them, so they don't have to miss out on what their child did during the day.

It empowers child carers with a tool to capture children's milestones & development in a simple & fun way which saves them time, which in-turn can be spent on our kids. It aids with parent engagement by providing a channel for input, collaboration.

Undeniably, traditional face-to-face communication is the most important, what Kindyhub does though is compliment this.

It's strengthens the lines of communication and enables visibility and transparency between child care services and families, which can only be a positive step forward!