Kitegirl Coach

About Kitegirl Coach

Kitegirl Coach Annabelle Drumm teaches how to use your mind to create a different future for the world.

Kitegirl Coach Description

Annabelle Drumm has been studying advanced Law of Attraction techniques, mindfulness and the World Shift in Consciousness since 2007. She has researched broadly and draws together knowledge from multiple sources in a search for truth about how the world works and how our minds affect the outcomes.

FOLLOW this page and learn how powerful your mind really is literally only limited by your imagination. Once you understand this, you will see why Annabelle is aiming to draw powerful minds together to see the world differently. Not in the fear - encouraged by the media which feeds the drama of tomorrow - but in the potential to change the future by visualising a more beneficial ending to each story.

Some events have to happen in order to cause a change of heart in humans. We accept that. However, each of our minds is a precious contributor to the Collective Consciousness and together we have the power to alter how quickly we can move to a more evolved society.

SHARE the posts with friends you think are ready to use their minds in the same way. Let's move this world starting NOW.

More about Kitegirl Coach

Kitegirl Coach is located at 659 Darling St, Rozelle, New South Wales, Australia NSW 2039